What helped me with technical problems

What helped me with technical problems

What Causes It?

Game requires about 24-32gb of temporary memory (RAM + swap file). If it doesnt have enough - it will crash

If your swap file is located on a slow drive - you will experience a constant drop of fps (aka freezing)

In that case you need to move it to a faster drive.

How To Fix It?

What helped me with technical problems image 5
What helped me with technical problems image 6
What helped me with technical problems image 7

Try increasing swap file size.

1. Search for "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows"

2. Go to "advanced" -> "Virtual memory"

3. Select your fastest drive and create ~16gb swap file (aka ~16000mb), but I suggest to allocate even more space. (I have 24gb swap file just for this one game...)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2943938317					

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