Secret animal door

Secret animal door

First. Go Here

Secret animal door image 1

You need to find this Floo Flame on map and go there

Find This Room

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Secret animal door image 5

Now that you found Floo flame go on that wooden platform and take take first turn to right (second left if you want :D ) and you will see this door

Loot Me

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There you will see this box.

She wants to be looted so do it.

Cheatsheet For Door

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Now that you looted her you just got a cheatsheet for door.


How Does It Work ?

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You want to have a total number that is in middle of triangle.

To find what number you need go to door and press F or R "revelio spell" and you will see two triange

one pointing up and one down.

You need to find matching buttons on wall and roll what number you need to add to get that total numer you want

Thanks to Cheatsheet you know what number is that animal and now you just need to find same triangl and add that number that is missing to that final number.

Just like this

You Dont Need To Find It To Open Doors So Here It Is

Secret animal door image 27

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