How to Solve all Arithmancy Door Puzzles + a Location Video Guide

How to Solve all Arithmancy Door Puzzles + a Location Video Guide

Arithmancy Symbols Value

How to Solve all Arithmancy Door Puzzles + a Location Video Guide image 1

This is the value of each symbol in the Arithmancy Doors, with each symbol corresponding to its own numerical value.

How To Solve

How to Solve all Arithmancy Door Puzzles + a Location Video Guide image 4

In order for you to solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzles, you will need to refer to the Arithmancy Values for each symbol to get the sum shown by the puzzle.

For example in the image above, if we refer to the Arithmancy Symbols Value, the "three-headed snake" symbol would have a value of "three (3)", meaning the puzzle represents "2 + 3 + ? = 9".

So basic maths, we need a value of 4 which would require the "Owl-like" symbol which has a value of "four (4)".

Door Puzzle Locations

This is a 6-minute video guide which uses a lot of fast travelling with Floo Flame!


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