This Guide is meant to help teach every type of puzzle in Hogwart's Legacy. It won't solve individual puzzles for you, but it will explain how to go about solving them through an example.
WARNING!!!This Guide may spoil the game for you. Do not proceed past this point if you want to avoid any spoilers. I will be focusing on just the puzzles but the further down the list you go, the more spoiler heavy it will become.
This Guide is also not 100% Complete yet, I will be adding to it as I go but given the sheer amount of puzzles to solve in the game, I will be updating over time as I come across a puzzle I haven't covered yet. If you need help with any particular puzzle not on the list, let me know in the comments where it is and I'll add it to the guide to help you.
My Other Hogwart's Legacy Guides Beginner/Advanced Tips and TricksGreat Builds GuideEverything Tier ListGuide To A Perfectly Placed Room
I'm also looking for suggestions on guides to make as I've now beaten the game and am about to finish my first 100%. I've basically memorized everything and will be playing through the game again while recording so I can add videos. Please let me know if there is anything specific you'd like covered.
The Very Basics
Here are the most basic of basics puzzles I've found. They either don't fall into another category or they are already explained through the quest required to unlock them.
Numbers Puzzle
Butterfly PortraitsFound throughout Hogwart's Castle are Blank Portraits.
Use Lumos on the portrait to reveal an image. The area shown in that image will always be close by, possibly upstairs or downstairs.
Go to the area, leaving Lumos on and cast Revelio repeatedly to find a Butterfly in the area shown in the picture.
Have Lumos on near the butterfly and it will follow you.
Lead it back to the portrait and then turn off Lumos to complete the puzzle.
Treasure Vault DoorsSome Treasure Vaults in the overworld are locked by puzzles with a circle with a symbol on the ground and a box with a symbol nearby.
Simply Accio the box onto the circle and perform the action the symbol hints at on the box while it is on the circle and the door will open.
Feather = Levioso
Fire = Incendio/Confrigo
Snowflake = Glacius
AlohamoraLockpicking only available after unlocking the spell via the Main Story.
Interact with the lock
Turn both wheels a little at a time until one lights up, there will be a sound accompanied by it.
Turn the remaining wheel until it lights up like the first one and the lock will open after a few seconds.
Daedalian KeysYou unlock the ability to do these puzzles through the Side Quest 'The Daedalian Keys' located in Hogwart's once you are far enough in the Story.
To solve the puzzle, find either a locked cabinet or the flying key. If you find the cabinet first, there key will be nearby so use Revelio to search for it. If you find the key first, follow the key to the cabinet or use Revelio to find the cabinet nearby.
Upon the key reaching the cabinet, you can interact with it.
Now this is a reaction based game. Watch for the key to move from right to left or left to right and slam it once it reaches the lock. This can be difficult so it takes practice but once you've got it it's pretty easy. Afterwards just take the seal to your house chest.
Once you have all 16 then you will get the reward inside and complete the quest.
Follow The ButterfliesColorful butterflies are spread in various places around the map.
Follow them to find a treasure.
Pop The BalloonsSpread in the air around the map. They come in groups of five. Pop all 5 to finish a challenge.
Landing PadSpread in high places around the map. Usually located near some balloons but not always.
Land on them while flying to finish a challenge.
Devil's SnareFound fairly often in dark places. Will damage you if you touch it.
Use Lumos or any fire spell to send it reeling temporarily. You can also dodge it.
Dive LocationsFound in waters everywhere. Dive in for treasure or to access new locations.
Eyeball ChestsThey see you coming from all sides. Turn invisible while out of there sight and open them for 500 Galleons.
Need A Lift?Sometimes a box isn't enough.
Cast Leviosa on it to get even higher.
SpinnymajigCast Depulso on it for maximum spinnyness
CheckmateThe game is nearly over. It's just missing a piece. Find an object to use.
Cast Transformation on it to make it suitable for play.
Put it in a winning position.
Merlin Trials
These Trials are unlocked through the Main Story Quest and afterwards you can start doing them in the overworld.
Light The BraziersThere will be 3 Unlit Braziers nearby, just like the first Trial. Cast Confrigo on them(Incendio won't be enough) and light all 3 in a short time.
Balls And HolesSaving before starting is recommended for this one.
There will be a ball and/or hole nearby. Find one and then look around for the other. Usually there is an obvious path leading one to the other.
Use 4 Basic Attacks to do a Strong Attack that will knock the ball forward.
Lead the ball to the hole and get it inside.
If you mess up and the ball is impossible to get in the hole, load a previous save. If you didn't save, leave the area, wait a day and come back.
Hit The TargetsThere will be 3 Sets of 3 Targets on pillars. Destroy them with a spell.
Destroy The RocksThere will be 5 Glowing Rocks scattered nearby that need to be destroyed with a strong spell like Confrigo.
Repair the StatuesThere will be 3-5 Broke Statues scattered nearby that need to be repaired with Reparo.
After repairing a statue, it will face the direction of another broken statue until the final statue faces the trial start.
"Jump" PuzzleThere will be a set of platforms that you must touch the top of to progress the trial, obviously wanting you to jump from one to the other.
Instead, get on your broom and lower yourself ontop of each one without even leaving your broom for easy success.
Glowbug PillarsThere are 3 empty pillars that need to be filled with the 3 sets of nearby glowbugs.
Use Lumos on the glowbugs to get them to follow you.
Lead them back to the pillar and release them.
Flipendo DiceThere are 3 Pillars with dice on them scattered nearby. The dice and pillars have 4 symbold on them.
Use Flipendo on 1 side until the symbol matches. If it doesn't match after 4 casts, go to one of the sides next to you. Repeat this until the 4 sides match.
Hopefully you've found this guide helpful and if you didn't, let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix that. As I said, this is a work in progress and I will be updating it as I am able.
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