DX 12

Windows 10/11

Press the Windows Key on your keyboard

Click on the search bar

In the search type "Exploit Protection"

Select Open

Tap on "Program Settings"

Scroll down the list of programs and look for "HogwartsLegacy.exe" if you see this then skip to step 15 if you do not then continue to the next step.

Click "Add program to customize"

From the drop-down menu select "Choose exact file path"

Your files will open. Locate your steam folder, for me my Steam folder is in Program Files (x86) .

Open the folder titled "Steam"

Within the steam folder, open the folder "steamapps"

Open the folder "Common" inside of steamapps

Open the "Hogwarts Legacy" folder

Select "HogwartsLegacy.exe"

You should be back on the Explot protection page. Tap HogwartsLegacy.exe from the list

Select edit

Scroll down until you find "Control Flow Guard"

Click on the checkbox titled "Override System Settings"

Turn the setting below the box to "off"

Then select "apply" and click "yes" if a system message pops up

Restart your computer and you're done.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2948893983					

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