All Revelio Pages

All Revelio Pages

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Revelio Pages are collectible items that provide facts and lore to the players about the various locations, characters, and important events. These pages can be found in different locations all over the main locations such as Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the Special Highlands locations. Collected Revelio Pages can be found under the Collections Menu, there you can keep track of which you have collected and which still can be found in the different locations.

There are a total of 150 Revelio Pages that take up the 236 Field Guide Pages, the other 86 pages come as Flying Pages that can also be found around the various locations by using the Accio spell. Collecting all Flying Pages will not grant players any trophies or awards, however, collecting all 150 Revelio Pages will grant players with the Collector's Edition trophy.

Revelio Pages are invisible and must be revealed by casting the Revelio spell. All of the Revelio Pages can be collected regardless if the story is completed or not, and are not missable so players will have more chances to pick up all the Revelio Pages scattered around. However, some pages are located behind locked areas and require the Level 3 Alohomora spell to get through. It is strongly recommended that players find all the Demiguise Statues to be able to learn the Level 3 Alohomora spell. After learning this spell, players will be able to unlock locked doors and find Revelio Pages hidden behind.

Simply click my collection below and have fun:)

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