Why some enemy "ships" have wheels, but we don't have access to them in editor? Well, this guide will resolve this issue.
Everything is rather simple. First, open file \HighFleet\Libraries\constructor.seria with Notepad++ or similar text editor.
Code To Add
Go to the end of file, and right before last curly bracket "}" - add this code:
m_children=15 { m_classname=Body m_code=15 m_id=-5574403658822189486 m_name=WHEEL m_state=2 m_stage=6 m_master_id=7949614037389991369 m_position.x=-100.857 m_position.y=79.8571 m_mesh_color=16711680 m_floor_type=1 m_tile_group=1 m_tile_script=1 m_meta=10241 m_density=80 m_mass=152368 m_mesh=1073741827 { m_classname=Mesh m_size=8 2.73345 6.59913 -2.73345 6.59913 -6.59913 2.73345 -6.59913 -2.73345 -2.73345 -6.59913 2.73345 -6.59913 6.59913 -2.73345 6.59913 2.73345 } m_layer=2 m_slot_type=146 m_logic=820 m_logic_active=true m_logic_editor=3000 m_oid=MDL_WHEEL_01 m_count=999 is_loot=true is_wheel=true m_burn_hp=5 m_ed_rotate=0 m_sprites=536870915 { m_classname=Sprite m_code=536870915 m_animation_name=wheel_01 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=146 is_master=false m_position.x=3.8147e-06 } }If in the end of file you see 3 different lines one after another with curly brackets "}" - you did everything right.
Now you can add wheels to any of your ship to land ships right during battle to wheel around like a boss. They also can help you with landing massive oversized ships, as they aren't getting destroyed, when touching ground during landing.
After you will add wheels to the ship editor, you will notice that Emergency Modules icon has disappeared. So, yeah, sadly, you will have to remove back the code you've added, if you want to add Emergency Modules to ship after that.
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