From Muppet to Spartan: quick tips to improve your MP experience

From Muppet to Spartan: quick tips to improve your MP experience


From Muppet to Spartan: quick tips to improve your MP experience image 1

<<Feeling like a Muppet while fighting other recruits?

Tired of people complaining about you ?

Or perhaps you are simply willing to improve your in-battle performance to show everyone that you truly are a Spartan.

Fear not soldier, this guide will fill you with the most crucial details of the art of combat thus allowing you to reach peak efficiency in no time.>> ONI Efficiency Monitoring Division.

If you are new to the Halo franchise, or never experienced this kind of FPS you might find yourself puzzled and confused while playing in the multiplayer.

The in-game tutorial and the weapon drills gives you some basic understanding of the game, but some details and some mechanics might escape your notice, here you will find some useful tips that might solve some of your question and improve your gameplay.


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Halo MP is at its core a team-based experience and every player has plenty of ways to help his team to reach victory, from earning kills to gathering Intel.

One way to get and deliver intel, even without the need to use the voicechat, is through Spotting.

Spotting is by far the easiest yet most overlooked way to help your team-mates, all you need to do is push a single button: [X] on Keyboard, or [Dpad-Up] on controller by default.

This way you can alert your squad about enemy presence, weapon racks, incoming power weapons and more.

In short remember to Spot! It can make a great difference in any match, even more in Ranked where the proximity radar is disabled.


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If you are new to the game I'm sure you might be wondering about weapon spawn locations.

Spawn locations are fixed in each map, but in casual playlists the weapon they offer can change each time you play the same map.

It would be great to know if and where your favourite weapons spawn, or if you can find what you need to complete your weekly challenges, right?

Luckily there's a perfect tool just for this, it's called Scanning: [Z] on Keyboard, [Dpad-Down] on controller by default.

When you press the button, a yellow bubble will start moving away from your character and highlight any weapon/item on the ground and their racks in lightblue for a few instants.

Scanning will increase your likelyhood of survival especially while still learning map layouts, while also decreasing downtimes due to random walks just to figure out what's at your disposal each time.

Motion Tracker

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One of the most iconic features of Halo since the days of Halo:CE is certanly the Combat Sensor Motion Tracker the radar-thingy you find in the bottom left corner of your HUD.

There's no big secret about this, but it's good to explain precisely how it works as few things changed between Halo games.

The Motion Tracker has a range of 18 m, it will always show friendly players as lightblue dots or rectangles if they are outside range.

Enemies appear as red diamonds, but ONLY if they are moving above crouch-speed or if they are using weapons or gadgets.

The only exception are enemies that are using an Active Camo, which makes them almost invisible while also hiding their radar signature... so keep your eyes wide open if there's an Active Camo spawn and remember to Spot if you notice anything!

If you are unsure about your signature on enemy Motion Trackers, check the middle of your own: if there's no pointer it means you have no signature.

When getting shot at or being chased, a good strategy is to go from a sprint into a slide and into crouch after the enemy lost sight of you. That's a great way to cause confusion and buy yourself some time.

Enemies With Shield

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All Spartans are donned with Mjolnir armors which are fit with Energy Shields.

Shields provide great protection from Kinetic damage (i.e typical bullets, grenade sharpnel ect.) but are easily damaged by Plasma damage.

A very interesting property of shields that might go unnoticed is that they DENY headshot bonuses, so when facing a shielded enemy go for the easiest target: the chest area.

Having said that, there's a small, subtle mechanism (or flaw if you will) behind shields:

if the damage dealt is higher than the shield hitpoints, the leftover damage will be transfered to the Spartan HP, this is known as Bleedthrough.

Bleedthrough is incredibly important for a simple reason, if you land an headshot on an enemy with a weakened enough shield you can still get a one-shot hit, since the leftover damage will be transfered directly to the head and get the bonus!

That's also true for your enemies, so watchout when your shield is low.

Trivia: Bleedthrough is also the reason behind the S7-Sniper oneshot-headshot!

Get Over Here!

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Need to grab something? You probably can with this.

The Grappling Hook is certainly one of the most loved gadgets/abilities released with Halo Infinite, one of its perks is its ability to hook not only on surfaces, but also items.

This allows players to get weapons, equipments and items such as Oddballs and Flags from a distance and of course to hooking also onto vehicles to hijack 'em.

Trivia: a cool combo is Grappling Hook while carrying a Fusion Coil, this turns your Spartan into an highly mobile bombing platform with anti-vehicle capabilities.

Regarding Fusion Coils: you can grab Fusion Coils thrown at you, and that can be performed also through the Grappling Hook.

Love the Grappling Hook, and you'll be rewarded.

PS: if you are more into explosives, Plasma Grenades can push items away from their spawn points.

That's great to deny weapons to enemies or move a weapon possibly closer to you or one of your team mates.

Final Transmission

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<<Hopefully this intel has been of great use to you recruit, be sure to have your AI save it with a 5 Star priority for future consultation by you or your fellow squad mates.

That's everything for now, you are dismissed... I'm looking forward to reports about your improvements soldier.>> ONI Efficiency Monitoring Division.


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