Finding And Opening Config File
The file you need to change is located in your steam directory.
(mine for example is)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life MMod\HL1MMod
(create a copy of this file and put it in a different folder before continuing if you want to revert the changes later.)
Select the file skill.ctg rightclick and select open with and find notepad (very important de-select always open with)
Changing Enemy Stats
You should have a notepad looking like this (my file is already edited.)
Difficulty stats in the notepad go from easy to hard
// Alien Grunt
sk_agrunt_health1 "60" <--------easy
sk_agrunt_health2 "90" <--------medium
sk_agrunt_health3 "120" <--------hard
copy the text dump 1&2 (replacing all the text) and paste it in your file and select save before exiting
(The text dump is all stats defaulted to hard difficulty)
You can change as you desire.. to make the game easier or harder.
TXT Dump Part 1. (Default Hardmode)
// Alien Grunt
sk_agrunt_health1 "120"
sk_agrunt_health2 "120"
sk_agrunt_health3 "120"
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch1 "20"
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch2 "20"
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch3 "20"
// Apache
sk_apache_health1 "400"
sk_apache_health2 "400"
sk_apache_health3 "400"
// Barney
sk_barney_health1 "35"
sk_barney_health2 "35"
sk_barney_health3 "35"
// Bullsquid
sk_bullsquid_health1 "120"
sk_bullsquid_health2 "120"
sk_bullsquid_health3 "120"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite1 "25"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite2 "25"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite3 "25"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip1 "35"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip2 "35"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip3 "35"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit1 "15"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit2 "15"
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit3 "15"
// Big momma
sk_bigmomma_health_factor1 "2"
sk_bigmomma_health_factor2 "2"
sk_bigmomma_health_factor3 "2"
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash1 "70"
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash2 "70"
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash3 "70"
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast1 "160"
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast2 "160"
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast3 "160"
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast1 "275"
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast2 "275"
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast3 "275"
// Gargantua
sk_gargantua_health1 "1000"
sk_gargantua_health2 "1000"
sk_gargantua_health3 "1000"
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash1 "30"
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash2 "30"
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash3 "30"
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire1 "5"
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire2 "5"
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire3 "5"
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp1 "100"
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp2 "100"
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp3 "100"
// Hassassin
sk_hassassin_health1 "50"
sk_hassassin_health2 "50"
sk_hassassin_health3 "50"
// Headcrab
sk_headcrab_health1 "20"
sk_headcrab_health2 "20"
sk_headcrab_health3 "20"
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite1 "15"
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite2 "15"
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite3 "15"
// Hgrunt
sk_hgrunt_health1 "80"
sk_hgrunt_health2 "80"
sk_hgrunt_health3 "80"
sk_hgrunt_kick1 "10"
sk_hgrunt_kick2 "10"
sk_hgrunt_kick3 "10"
sk_hgrunt_pellets1 "6"
sk_hgrunt_pellets2 "6"
sk_hgrunt_pellets3 "6"
sk_hgrunt_gspeed1 "800"
sk_hgrunt_gspeed2 "800"
sk_hgrunt_gspeed3 "800"
// Houndeye
sk_houndeye_health1 "30"
sk_houndeye_health2 "30"
sk_houndeye_health3 "30"
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast1 "15"
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast2 "15"
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast3 "15"
// ISlave
sk_islave_health1 "60"
sk_islave_health2 "60"
sk_islave_health3 "60"
sk_islave_dmg_claw1 "10"
sk_islave_dmg_claw2 "10"
sk_islave_dmg_claw3 "10"
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake1 "25"
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake2 "25"
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake3 "25"
sk_islave_dmg_zap1 "15"
sk_islave_dmg_zap2 "15"
sk_islave_dmg_zap3 "15"
// Icthyosaur
sk_ichthyosaur_health1 "400"
sk_ichthyosaur_health2 "400"
sk_ichthyosaur_health3 "400"
sk_ichthyosaur_shake1 "50"
sk_ichthyosaur_shake2 "50"
sk_ichthyosaur_shake3 "50"
// Leech
sk_leech_health1 "2"
sk_leech_health2 "2"
sk_leech_health3 "2"
sk_leech_dmg_bite1 "2"
sk_leech_dmg_bite2 "2"
sk_leech_dmg_bite3 "2"
// Controller
sk_controller_health1 "100"
sk_controller_health2 "100"
sk_controller_health3 "100"
sk_controller_dmgzap1 "35"
sk_controller_dmgzap2 "35"
sk_controller_dmgzap3 "35"
sk_controller_speedball1 "1000"
sk_controller_speedball2 "1000"
sk_controller_speedball3 "1000"
sk_controller_dmgball1 "5"
sk_controller_dmgball2 "5"
sk_controller_dmgball3 "5"
// Nihilanth
sk_nihilanth_health1 "1000"
sk_nihilanth_health2 "1000"
sk_nihilanth_health3 "1000"
sk_nihilanth_zap1 "50"
sk_nihilanth_zap2 "50"
sk_nihilanth_zap3 "50"
// Scientist
sk_scientist_health1 "20"
sk_scientist_health2 "20"
sk_scientist_health3 "20"
// Snark
sk_snark_health1 "2"
sk_snark_health2 "2"
sk_snark_health3 "2"
sk_snark_dmg_bite1 "10"
sk_snark_dmg_bite2 "10"
sk_snark_dmg_bite3 "10"
sk_snark_dmg_pop1 "5"
sk_snark_dmg_pop2 "5"
sk_snark_dmg_pop3 "5"
// Zombie
sk_zombie_health1 "100"
sk_zombie_health2 "100"
sk_zombie_health3 "100"
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash1 "20"
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash2 "20"
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash3 "20"
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash1 "40"
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash2 "40"
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash3 "40"
sk_turret_health1 "60"
sk_turret_health2 "60"
sk_turret_health3 "60"
// MiniTurret
sk_miniturret_health1 "50"
sk_miniturret_health2 "50"
sk_miniturret_health3 "50"
// Sentry Turret
sk_sentry_health1 "50"
sk_sentry_health2 "50"
sk_sentry_health3 "50"
// Crowbar whack
sk_plr_crowbar1 "10"
sk_plr_crowbar2 "10"
sk_plr_crowbar3 "10"
// 9mmhandgun Round
sk_plr_9mm_bullet1 "8"
sk_plr_9mm_bullet2 "8"
sk_plr_9mm_bullet3 "8"
// 357 Round
sk_plr_357_bullet1 "40"
sk_plr_357_bullet2 "40"
sk_plr_357_bullet3 "40"
// 9mmAR Round
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet1 "5"
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet2 "5"
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet3 "5"
// M203 grenade
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade1 "100"
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade2 "100"
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade3 "100"
// Shotgun buckshot
sk_plr_buckshot1 "5"
sk_plr_buckshot2 "5"
sk_plr_buckshot3 "5"
// Crossbow
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client1 "10"
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client2 "10"
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client3 "10"
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster1 "50"
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster2 "50"
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster3 "50"
// RPG
sk_plr_rpg1 "100"
sk_plr_rpg2 "100"
sk_plr_rpg3 "100"
// Gauss Gun
sk_plr_gauss1 "20"
sk_plr_gauss2 "20"
sk_plr_gauss3 "20"
// Egon Gun
sk_plr_egon_narrow1 "6"
sk_plr_egon_narrow2 "6"
sk_plr_egon_narrow3 "6"
sk_plr_egon_wide1 "14"
sk_plr_egon_wide2 "14"
sk_plr_egon_wide3 "14"
// Hand Grendade
sk_plr_hand_grenade1 "100"
sk_plr_hand_grenade2 "100"
sk_plr_hand_grenade3 "100"
// Satchel Charge
sk_plr_satchel1 "150"
sk_plr_satchel2 "150"
sk_plr_satchel3 "150"
// Tripmine
sk_plr_tripmine1 "150"
sk_plr_tripmine2 "150"
sk_plr_tripmine3 "150"
// Displacer
sk_plr_displacer1 "150"
sk_plr_displacer2 "150"
sk_plr_displacer3 "150"
sk_plr_displacer_dmgzap1 "20"
sk_plr_displacer_dmgzap2 "20"
sk_plr_displacer_dmgzap3 "20"
sk_12mm_bullet1 "10"
sk_12mm_bullet2 "10"
sk_12mm_bullet3 "10"
sk_9mmAR_bullet1 "5"
sk_9mmAR_bullet2 "5"
sk_9mmAR_bullet3 "5"
sk_9mm_bullet1 "8"
sk_9mm_bullet2 "8"
sk_9mm_bullet3 "8"
// 357 Round ( more than 16 tends to gib enemies instantly )
sk_mon_357_bullet1 "16"
sk_mon_357_bullet2 "16"
sk_mon_357_bullet3 "16"
sk_hornet_dmg1 "8"
sk_hornet_dmg2 "8"
sk_hornet_dmg3 "8"
sk_plr_hornet_dmg1 "8"
sk_plr_hornet_dmg2 "8"
sk_plr_hornet_dmg3 "8"
sk_suitcharger1 "35"
sk_suitcharger2 "35"
sk_suitcharger3 "35"
sk_battery1 "10"
sk_battery2 "10"
sk_battery3 "10"
sk_healthcharger1 "25"
sk_healthcharger2 "25"
sk_healthcharger3 "25"
sk_healthkit1 "10"
sk_healthkit2 "10"
sk_healthkit3 "10"
sk_scientist_heal1 "25"
sk_scientist_heal2 "25"
sk_scientist_heal3 "25"
// monster damage adjusters
sk_monster_head1 "3"
sk_monster_head2 "3"
sk_monster_head3 "3"
sk_monster_chest1 "1"
sk_monster_chest2 "1"
sk_monster_chest3 "1"
sk_monster_stomach1 "1"
sk_monster_stomach2 "1"
sk_monster_stomach3 "1"
sk_monster_arm1 "1"
sk_monster_arm2 "1"
sk_monster_arm3 "1"
sk_monster_leg1 "1"
sk_monster_leg2 "1"
sk_monster_leg3 "1"
// player damage adjusters
sk_player_head1 "3"
sk_player_head2 "3"
sk_player_head3 "3"
sk_player_chest1 "1"
sk_player_chest2 "1"
sk_player_chest3 "1"
sk_player_stomach1 "1"
sk_player_stomach2 "1"
sk_player_stomach3 "1"
sk_player_arm1 "1"
sk_player_arm2 "1"
sk_player_arm3 "1"
sk_player_leg1 "1"
sk_player_leg2 "1"
sk_player_leg3 "1"
// ####################################
// HL1MMod
// ####################################
// SS XL2 Lasergun
sk_plr_lasergun_laser_client1 "5"
sk_plr_lasergun_laser_client2 "5"
sk_plr_lasergun_laser_client3 "5"
// this thing does a lot of damage
sk_plr_lasergun_laser_monster1 "8"
sk_plr_lasergun_laser_monster2 "8"
sk_plr_lasergun_laser_monster3 "8"
sk_mon_hornetpuke_dmg1 "45"
sk_mon_hornetpuke_dmg2 "45"
sk_mon_hornetpuke_dmg3 "45"
sk_plr_hornetpuke_dmg1 "55"
sk_plr_hornetpuke_dmg2 "55"
sk_plr_hornetpuke_dmg3 "55"
// HGB Flak
sk_plr_hgbflak_shrapnel_client1 "15"
sk_plr_hgbflak_shrapnel_client2 "15"
sk_plr_hgbflak_shrapnel_client3 "15"
sk_plr_hgbflak_shrapnel_monster1 "15"
TXT Dump Part 2.(default Hardmode)
sk_plr_hgbflak_shrapnel_monster2 "15"
sk_plr_hgbflak_shrapnel_monster3 "15"
// Zombie Guard
sk_zombie_guard_health1 "100"
sk_zombie_guard_health2 "100"
sk_zombie_guard_health3 "100"
// Zombie Grunt
sk_zombie_grunt_health1 "125"
sk_zombie_grunt_health2 "125"
sk_zombie_grunt_health3 "125"
// Crowbar heavy whack
sk_plr_crowbar_heavy1 "15"
sk_plr_crowbar_heavy2 "15"
sk_plr_crowbar_heavy3 "15"
Goodbye And Have Fun In Newgame+
Not sure how important formatting is but add part 1 and 2 onto each other continuing the formatting
Guide can be quickly tested by selecting Half-Life/Residue Processing and fighting the first headcrab it'll do 15 damage instead of 10.
Please drop a comment and rate if this helped you or you spotted something wrong in my guide (i don't proof read)
Have fun playing the best game ever made imo :)
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