Aspect of Chiron Guide
What Is Aspect Of Chiron?
Aspect of Chiron is a weapon aspect for Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow.
"Your special automatically seeks the foe last struck by your attack."
As mentioned in the description of aspect, the last enemy got hit by your attack, powershot or not, doesnt matter, is marked for few seconds, when using your special, all arrows fired from your bow will follow and hit the marked enemy, its possible to use 3 specials back to back after marking an enemy before mark expires.
Why Aspect of Chiron is so good?
When its 1 level, this aspect actually isn't that good, but still I'd not call it "awful", maxing it just doubles the power of it since this aspect on first level fires 4 arrows while it fires 8 arrows at max level.
Each arrow deals its own damage and applies its own boon effect, so lets say for example, you have a critical strike boon offered by Artemis, each of the 8 arrows has a chance to critical strike, if you have hangover effect boon offered by Dionysus, each of the arrows will apply hangover, if you have chill effect boon offered by Demeter, each of the arrows will apply chill.
In regular chambers, its possible that you just burst down every enemy one by one; and in boss chambers, you just hit the boss once and use the special 2 or 3 times, and then repeat this process until boss is vanquished.
Mirror Of Night Talents
For Aspect of Chiron, I suggest the following talents:
0% Fiery Presence- Never pick this, dealing extra damage to max HP enemies are not worth it since as soon as one of your specials arrow hit an enemy, this talent is rendered useless against that enemy.
- This is way to go, you deal 1.5x more damage to enemies that you strike from behind, it also works for your special, try to get behind enemies if possible to put it to use.
- When you have this, you simply transfer 60% of darkness found to health, certainly more than you would gain with Chthonic one.
- I seriously don't know why would ever someone use that, its average of 30 health per underworld REGION, which is VERY low.
- In high heat levels, this can be good, but if you're just playing casual wandering around, Death Defiance is often a lot better.
- In high heat levels Stubborn Defiance can be preferred to this, still Death Defiance is superior most of time.
- If you are so confident with dodging an attack successfully then striking right after, use this.
- Casual +1 dash, less complicated to use than Ruthless Reflex.
- Its not bad, its just not preferrable to Boiling Blood.
- Great for agression, just throw your cast at an enemy and start striking.
- I'm not going to compare that to Infernal Soul, they are both equal in my opinion, use whichever you desire to use.
- As I already said, I'm not going to compare that to Stygian Soul either, they are both equal in my opinion, use whichever you desire to use.
- If you are investing money for later and don't use any obols in first two underworld regions, this is definetely way to go.
- Not really any better than Golden Touch, if you don't want to make any investment and go right in to the first shop you run in to for early power, pick it I guess?
- As its name already states, go with this if you're confident enough.
- Doubling your max health at the start of your run is something that you probably want to do.
- Again I can't certainly tell which one that you should pick, but since Artemis' build is most often the best build amongst Chiron builds, this is better compared to Privileged Status.
- Privileged Status only works if you have atleast 2 ways of inflicting status curses, for example if your attack weakens enemies (thanks to Aphrodite), and your special slows your enemies (Thanks to Demeter), then this talent is superior to Family Favorite, but since Artemis grants critical strikes which is not a status curse, Family Favorite is better to go for critical builds.
- Important upgrades like Daedalus Hammer and Pom of Power is easily accessed with this.
- Now this is good, but I personally like Dark Foresight more compared to this.
- I know words Legendary and Duo sounds good, but you more likely want more Epic boons than Legendary & Duo boons.
- Having an Epic boon for your special instead of basic or rare is very important, furthermore if you get an Epic boon for your special, there is a chance you upgrade it to Heroic thanks to Eurydice.
- If you don't get a special upgrade boon offered in first encounter with a god that you'd like a boon from, just reroll.
35% Fated Authority
- This is still good and can be preferred over Fated Persuasion, its just something up to you to choose.
Always start run with the keepsake of god/goddess you want to build around.
After first encounter in Tartarus, Pom Blossom is definetely should be your use for rest of the run, if you don't have it yet, you can either continue with the keepsake you started the run with, or pickup a keepsake of a god/goddess that you want to combine with which you began with.
Artemis' (Critical) Build
I don't want to flood this guide with random boons that you already don't want in this build anyway, so I'll just talk about few boons that you should get at first chance, Fated Persuasion/Gods' Legacy might be important to get those boons you want.
Deadly Flourish- Your main source of damage in this build.
- Increases your specials damage while also granting it a chance to critical strike.
- With other critical strike boons also offered by Artemis, her call makes a perfect burst damage.
- Your critical hits deal extra damage to armor, easing combats against elite enemies.
- Your critical hits deal more damage than usual.
- Helps filling up god gauge faster, critical hits fills a little percentage of god gauge.
- Dealing critical damage marks nearby enemies, marked enemies have a higher chance of taking critical damage.
- Enemies that hit by arrows fired by your special (attacks and cast too, but special is the main reason why you should get it) also takes extra damage from additional arrows fired thanks to this boon, furthermore increasing your damage output.
Duo with Aphrodite, critical effects are more effective against weakened enemies.
Deadly Reversal- Duo with Athena, deflecting an attack gives you a chance to critical strike in next few seconds.
Dionysus' (Hangover) Build
I don't want to flood this guide with random boons that you already don't want in this build anyway, so I'll just talk about few boons that you should get at first chance, Fated Persuasion/Gods' Legacy might be important to get those boons you want.
Drunken Flourish- Your main source of damage in this build.
- Increases your specials damage while also granting it a chance to critical strike.
- Hangover effected enemies also move slower.
- Your hangover effects spreads between enemies.
- Duo with Aphrodite, your hangover effects can stack more times against weak enemies.
- Duo with Ares, your hangover effects deals damage at a faster rate.
- Duo with Artemis, hangover effected enemies have a chance of taking critical damage, increasing per hangover stack.
Ares' (Doom) Build
I don't want to flood this guide with random boons that you already don't want in this build anyway, so I'll just talk about few boons that you should get at first chance, Fated Persuasion/Gods' Legacy might be important to get those boons you want.
Curse Of Pain- Your main source of damage in this build.
- Increases your specials damage while also granting it a chance to critical strike.
- Enhances your doom effects, doom effects deals more damage as its applied multiple times, meaning every single arrow in your special will add bonus damage to your next doom damage.
- Enhances your doom effects, doom effects deal more damage but with a longer delay.
- Duo with Aphrodite, your doom effects continuously strike weakened foes.
- Duo with Athena, your attacks that can deflect immediately active doom effects.
Demeter's (Chill) Build
I don't want to flood this guide with random boons that you already don't want in this build anyway, so I'll just talk about few boons that you should get at first chance, Fated Persuasion/Gods' Legacy might be important to get those boons you want.
Frost Flourish- Your main source of damage in this build.
- Increases your specials damage while also granting it a chance to critical strike.
- When an enemy affected by max chill stacks, it instantly causes a blast that deals damage to that enemy aswell as enemies around, cleaning all stacks.
- If all enemies that available in encounter is affected by chill, they slowly take damage overtime.
- Chill afflicted enemies shatter when below at 10% health, instantly perishing and iflicting chill to enemies nearby.
Zeus' (Lightning) Build
I don't want to flood this guide with random boons that you already don't want in this build anyway, so I'll just talk about few boons that you should get at first chance, Fated Persuasion/Gods' Legacy might be important to get those boons you want.
Thunder Flourish- Your main source of damage in this build.
- Increases your specials damage while also granting it a chance to critical strike.
- Your chain lightning effects bounce many more times before expiring, making it even a greater tool for crowded chambers.
- Your lightning effects deals damage in a larger area.
- Your lightning effects have a chance to strike twice.
- Your lightning effects also make foes jolted, jolted foes damage themselves and enemies nearby with their own next attack.
- Furthermore increasing your lightning effects damage with an additional burst.
- Duo with Demeter, jolted status doesn't expire on one attack from enemies.
Boons That Enhances Every Build
Pressure Points- Gives a chance to any damage you deal to be critical
- Enhanced healing combined with notable damage bonus.
- Increases your damage overally, but main reason to get this is to increase your specials damage.
- Deal more damage in encounters that you have used Death Defiance.
- When you have no cast charges, deal more damage and take less.
- Decreases rarity of your boons, then increases rarity of them randomly every 3 encounters, pretty good investment if you get it early.
- Your god gauge charges up faster when you deal or take damage.
- After using your call, deal extra damage in next quarter minutes.
- Unlike many other calls, Athena's aid doesn't disable your attack, making it a great tool to tank enemy attacks and repeatedly strike.
- Your special is faster, save more time when using special.
- Comes with a curse from chaos, increases your specials damage.
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