Numpad Notation and Attack nicknames

Numpad Notation and Attack nicknames

The Basics

Guilty Gear has a unique "numpad" notation system for combos that can be confusing for new players. In this guide, we'll explain the numpad system and the button nicknames to help you understand how to perform and read combos.

Numpad Notation:

The numpad notation system is based on a numerical representation of the directional inputs for moves. Each number on the numpad corresponds to a direction, as follows:

7 8 9

4 5 6

1 2 3

For example, if a combo notation says "236P", it means to input a quarter-circle forward motion (starting from down) and press the P button, which is the light attack button.

Button Nicknames:

Guilty Gear also has its own unique nicknames for the buttons on a controller or arcade stick, which can be confusing if you're used to other fighting games. The button nicknames are as follows:

P - Punch (light attack)

K - Kick (heavy attack)

S - Slash (medium attack)

H - Heavy Slash (heavier than Slash)

D - Dust (unique attack that launches opponents into the air)

Combining Numpad Notation and Button Nicknames:

To read a combo using the numpad notation and button nicknames, you first need to understand which direction corresponds to each number on the numpad. Then, you can combine the directional inputs with the button nicknames to perform the desired attack.

For example, a basic combo notation might read "5P > 5K > 2S > 236K > 2D". Breaking this down, it means:

Press Punch while standing (5P)

Press Kick while standing (5K)

Press Slash while crouching (2S)

Input a quarter-circle forward motion (236) and press Kick (K)

Input a crouching Dust attack (2D)

As you practice more and become more familiar with the numpad notation system and button nicknames, you'll be able to read and execute even more complex combos and techniques in Guilty Gear.


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