Grim Dawn - How to Start New Games at Level 15+

Grim Dawn - How to Start New Games at Level 15+

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Leveling up new characters can be a boring grind. This little guide helps you to save some precious time... and lets you start with 46+ skill points.

Step By Step

  • 1. You must have purchased the Forgotten Gods expansion.
  • 2. You must have finished the campaign on Elite or Ultimate at least once (Ultimate is recommended...Elite doesn't give you nearly as many experience points).
  • 3. Select your char that has finished the campaign on Elite or Ultimate and go to this merchant at the Conclave of the Three:

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  • 4. Purchase one of these runes (the runes on Elite will only unlock Elite, not Elite and Ultimate):
  • 5. Put the rune in your shared stash.
  • 6. Start a new character.
  • 7. You need to get access to the prison. So talk to Hangman Jarvis and Captain Bourbon like always. The captain will let you in after you've killed the Reanimator in the Burial Cave. Do this and speak to the captain again. Speak to Gate Keeper Rook, go to your stash and activate the rune.
  • 8. Now exit to the main menu and switch the difficulty to Elite or Ultimate. On Elite or Ultimate you can speak to the Gate Keeper right at the beginning...with hilarious results:

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  • 9. Your next stop is the spirit guide. Just end the conversion with her and you'll get the next huge chunk of experience:
  • 10. After you've done this on Elite and Ultimate, you should be around level 15/16. I recommend to play the game on Normal from now on. When you have decent gear you could try to kill the Reanimator on Elite and then going for the exp from the collecting quests (crystals / scrap / fabric). But fighting much on Elite and especially on Ultimate will be a pain and a waste of time. Also keep in mind that you have to get new gear asap since level 15 zombies won't even notice stabs from a puny level 1 stabbing thingy.

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Anyway, you'll encounter Warden Krieg very soon... Find out, if he was expecting this:


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