Green Hell - Beginner Guide

Green Hell - Beginner Guide

Green Hell - Beginner Guide image 0

Learn the essentials for survival before you start. On the spot facts in the right order - no spoilers, no unnecessary stuff.

Most Important

1. Craft An Axe: Stick (found On Ground), Stone (found On Ground)
  • You can "right-click harvest" any larger object in smaller (stick -> small stick, big stone - stone etc).
2. Eat As You Go, Only Carry If You Are Stuffed
  • You can safely eat any mushrooms (observe effects).
  • Orange fruits are fine to eat.
3. Collect Stuff As You Go (stones, Sticks, Ropes, Etc.)4. Water: Do Not Drink From Dirty / Unsafe Water (parasites)
  • You need a coconut (green, on ground), hitting it with an axe will reveal coconut.
  • Right-click "drink" (for water) then right-click "harvest" yields two flesh filled, right-click "eat".
  • Whenever it rains and you are thirsty put coconut shells on ground, wait a moment, right-click "drink".
  • Always carry shells with you.
5. Danger Avoidance
  • Leeches: if magnification symbol appears, always check limbs for leeches.
  • Snakes: if you hear rattle, immediately walk backwards, avoid by going around.
  • Later you can easily shot with arrow and harvest the meat.
  • Never touch bright colored frogs (you are a dead man).

Tools And Game Safe

1. Craft A Blade (two Stones)
  • Required for harvesting animals.
2. Craft A Bow (long Stick From Thin Trees), Rope (from Big Trees Hanging Down)
  • This will be your best friend for hunting and defense.
  • Always aim for the head (one shot kill)!
  • Craft arrows (2 feathers from dead birds), small stick.
3. Craft A Spear (long Stick), Blade, Rope
  • Very handy for spear fishing, quite easy, find fish, aim, hit.
4. Safe Game: Build A Shelter, You Can Sleep And Safe There5. Only Travel Daytime, Sleep In The Night
  • If you are in a hurry just build a bed from palm leafs (no safe).
  • 4pm is the time to look for shelter.

Go Hunting

1. Go Hunting With Your Bow (always Aim For The Head For One Shot Kill!)
  • Right-click to harvest animals (you get dirty).
  • Wash yourself always if you a dirty (right-click on any water, even dirty water --> wash yourself).
  • If you are dirty and you eat something --> parasites.
  • Do not eat raw meat, always cook in fire.
  • Parasites: by now you should have found the right mushroom (blue or brown).
2. Build Fire
  • Craft fire starter (stick, small stick).
  • Get dry matter (birds nest, better: hit any bush/plant with a blade --> pile of leafs --> wait --> dry matter).
  • Right-click "use" fire starter, drag dry matter from your inventory, light fire.
  • Make armor from bones (banana leaf, 3 bones, 2 ropes, drag from inventory to your limbs.

The world is now good to explore.


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