Ghost of a Tale - Skappbeetle Location Guide

Ghost of a Tale - Skappbeetle Location Guide

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Skappbeetles flown the coop? Here's some help to round up the pesky little critters.

Other Ghost Of A Tale Guides:
  • Duinlan and Hythe's Urns (Location Guide).
  • Fatale's Secret (Potion Item Locations).


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After the skappbeetles have escaped, make your way back down from Silas. Coming down from the war room, take a left onto the battlements and avoid the guard to find the skapp scurrying about on the floor.

Gallery Roof Beams

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From the ramparts, jump over the side of the battlements onto the tiled roof and head through the door. Make your way along the beams of the roof all the way to the far end to grab the skappbeetle.

Alternatively, if you've already lowered the ladder before leading to the beam, you can just climb that and the skappbeetle is right there.

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Overhanging Roof Directly Above Rolo

This skapp is on the roof directly above Rolo. Jump to the roof from the wooden beam that you push to form a platform in the room with the collapsed roof.

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Next To The Hidden Chest Above The Collapsed Roof

This skappie is in a hidden area at the top of the room with the collapsed roof. Make your way into the fort above where Rolo is, and into the room with the collapsed roof.

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Push the wooden beam through the wall and use the stool to climb through the window and outside onto the beam. Jump up the wooden platforms, and make your way back inside and onto the platforms there. On the wall to your left as you come in through the window is what looks like a window covered by some bars.

Use a stick or a bottle (there's a handy stick near where the rose is hidden up here) and throw it at the bars to make them swing down and form a ladder. Cliimb up the ladder and through the window to find the skappbeetle.

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This is the same location as the chest with the ranger boots.

West Courtyard Door

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Across the courtyard from Rolo, head through the wooden door to the right of the long set of steps and pick the little fella off the floor.

East Courtyard Steps Corridor

In the east courtyard (across from Gusto and Fatale's cell), head up the long set of steps. The skappbeetle scurries around the corridor there.

Stables Next To The East Gate Portcullis

This one is just scurrying about on the floor of the stables that are directly next to the main gate.


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