Quick tips

Small Text Guide With Some Tips You Might've Missed

Copper coins has a chance to give a plate that visitors will throw their coin at, this however has a limited range, if too far away from the plate the visitors will just throw the coin randomly nearby.

but not onto a chest, or a max height thing, if nothing close fits that they'll throw it very far to the closest free space

Other things can be placed on top of the plate and will stop it from functioning, having multiple and they'll just throw the coin at a random one of them

Different coins have different values, a gold coin will have higher value in a piggy bank than a copper coin.

Gold coins can unlock a alter that increases the chance to get whatever you place on it, storage units can be placed on this if they're empty, multiple of these stack.

Piggy banks can be placed into storage, as long as they have no coins inside of them.

Changing size of things in the black kettle can be changed by putting and taking the thing out of storage

Completing a set gives it a chance to award a book, these don't seem to have any affect but there's one for each set.

Multiple items can be moved at once holding down the mouse button in the chest, this will move up to 10 at once, these 10 can now be placed in the world unless it breaks restrictions, if placing 10 grass foundations onto an already 5 high one, it'll put the remaining once that cannot be placed back into the chest.

Coins can also be moved this way, and stored into chests, chests have a limit of 99 pr stack and can carry 6 stacks.

when filling piggy banks, if you put in too much value it'll give you back the excess, throwing in a gold coin when it only needs a copper one to be full with result in the 10 coins from the piggy bank and a silver coin, this coin is always at the bottom.

A quick way to sort coins if you keep them stacked neatly or seperated is to throw a huge pile of them onto an empty chest, then in the chest drag and drop them out to the places you desire, this will put all the copper coins into 1 stack and silver into 1 stack and so on, this does not work if the pile contains more than 6 unique coins since it would break the chest capacity.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2901903938					

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