Game Categorization /

Game Categorization /


Game Categorization / image 1

Game Categorization / image 2
Game Categorization / image 3

We go in the folder with the game: D/С:\Steam\steamapps\common\Deep Space Waifu

We go in the folder: Deep Space Waifu_Data

Create a .txt file with the name: nude.patch

We go in the game and enjoy the girls (do not forget the napkins) :D


Game Categorization / image 9
Game Categorization / image 10

Game Categorization / image 11

Заходим в папку с игрой: D/С:\Steam\steamapps\common\Deep Space Waifu

Заходим в папку: Deep Space Waifu_Data

Создайте файл .txt с названием: nude.patch

Заходим в игру и наслаждаемся девушками(не забудьте салфетки) :D

It's All / Это все

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