At time of writing (9/27/21), Fuga has a fatal bug that causes the game to crash when attempting to load a save file, or at times the game will continue to run but the file won't load. Because of the way saves work in Fuga, the game deletes your save file once it's loaded, but doesn't actually check if it loaded properly before deleting it. Save yourself some frustration and several hours of replaying the game by backing your saves up.
It's simple. Simply copy and past this address
into your file browser's address bar.
You should see a window like this one.
After that, all you have to do is create a file folder named something like "Fuga Save Backups" or something, and copy the files over.
Remember, Copy. Not move. If you move them, then the game will think you have no save data.
I recommend you do this every time you close the game, since loading from a fresh start-up seems to be when it happens most often. It sucks that they're taking so long to patch this, but at least on PC we can work around the issue.
If you're a Linux user using SteamPlay, you probably already know how this works, but just in case, the address for you is <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/1357860/pfx/, or possibly ~/.steam/steam/userdata/<user-id>/1357860/ if you're loading from a cloud save.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2612778758
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