How to not suck ass in fps chess

How to not suck ass in fps chess

Pawn Aka The Slave

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The most basic character there is you have a sprint and summon a goon power,the strat mostly relies

on being a ♥♥♥♥♥ and stay out of ur enemys range unless ur playing against a sniper then you zone this mf till he cries. As for the shiny goon you gotta play deepwoken to obtain the true power of block parry dodge or just jump on ur enemy the second the game begins cuz after the enemy runs ur mostly screwed unless ur a movement god (you can bunnyhop using the shadow clone jutsu ability)

Rook Aka The Xxx_mlgsniper_xxx

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Ok so the rook has a sniper so that means he is dumb and doesnt know how to block so going up close to a shotgun is death so whats the strat? Simple you see the big ass Wardrobe next to the board ? abuse the heck out of it using ur grapple ability,the second you spawn in as the rook go up the shelf and never get off until ur enemy comes close or ur forced out of ur spot. If you have to change spots there are many potential next spots that are as or less effective like: the top of the furnace, Top of the curtain, top of the door, or the chandelier only if you have nowhere else to go in your range or ur forced to move in an instant.As for the shiny one you can do practically anything since ur one if not the best dps on alter,when ur enemy is close use the canon and after just spam the sniper and you should win unless ur aim is trash.

Big Black Horse Aka Hanzo From Overwatch

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Ever played hanzo ? if you did you should understand the character but if you didnt somehow

the strat goes like this : starts 2.get a headshot or 2 shots e and finish ur enemy off

You can also use shift to run or to rush ur enemy if he starts running (also does dmg).As for the shiny horse just go up close and use the E button no explanation needed (i guess he also has a shift ability but its mostly useless and the scrossbow is a good range weapon against a flying or a fast enemy)

Bishop Aka The Best Piece

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The goat. Very good in both gamemodes and you can easily rush the king on turn 2 if ur enemy is ass, Ur shotgun does insane dmg up close and u have a grenade that does alot of dmg and can support ur movement, never jump off first unless you are playing against a king cuz then you can ambush ur enemy who is below you using ur insanely fast glider on the shift button (you can also shoot during it like an airstrike ). To counter the king you stay at the edge of the table and wait for the dumbass to jump on ur head and when he starts jumping just nade ur legs and get out of there and if he doesnt jump and starts pulling you glide down and then fly back up and airstrike the king till he is dead.As for the shiny piece you mostly wanna be as fast and unpredictable as possible, confuse the enemy as much as possible till he dies from all the explosion he will see on his screen(the shiny bishop doesnt have to be played up close as his dmg is good on medium range too).

Queen Aka The *i Need More Bullets*

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click shift and start flying and holding m1 till the enemy dies (you can try yeeting ur own pieces at enemy for nice insta kills).As for the shiny one just stay at medium range and if u ever feel threatened

click shift and m1 the furthest thing you see. (broken ahh piece when nerf also if you rush using this piece on turn 2 ur a ♥♥♥♥♥ who is scared to play the game skillfully. (pls nerf and add ranked mode when ???)

King Aka The Clutch Master

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The final piece if he dies you die irl. To prevent loosing as king make sure you dont get in a matchup with a queen cuz then ur screwed, You mostly wanna Hold E the second the game begins so pieces like rook or bishop dont get a chance to get in a position where they can outplay you easly, try staying on board unless ur enemy doesnt have a good mobility ability cuz then you can just jump on the looser and kill him. As for the shiny king the key in winning is to remember he is not a melee character and that he doesnt have to rely on his shift ability. Try to corner ur enemy using ur m1s that are best at medium range and when the enemy has nowhere to go press e and shift to slice ur enemy against a wall.


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