The Rook

The rook is easily one of if not the most powerful pieces in FPS chess. The grapple hook as a movement ability is most likely only outclassed by the queen's flight, and basically guarantees wins against pieces with poor vertical movement. The fact that is has a one-shot sniper (when headshotting) makes it incredibly easy to just grapple up to the top of the bookshelf and insta-kill pretty much any piece. The wall is the weakest part of the rook, usually you don't even need to use it, though for people who struggle to hit headshots consistently or in matchups against queens it can be useful for safe healing. The only real problem with rook is that it's the most skillful piece in the game, given that it's a sniper, but if you're aim trained well enough and have the right sensitivity you'll be fine. The Rook is incredible, proven by the fact that I have never lost a duel with The Rook.

The Queen

Probably the only piece that can consistently counter the rook, it has the best movement ability in the game, hands down, making it easy to close the distance on not only the rook, but on pieces like The Knight as well. Their gun works perfectly with flight, as it can easily provide intense pressure from any range, and when you're flying around you're pretty difficult to hit, while you can just hold LMB and dish out tons of damage. Your E is also good, as you can just grab pieces and use them as shields, which is what you'll use this most for. You can throw the piece at enemies but it's pretty easy to dodge and won't do much.


The Knight

Probably the most annoying piece in the game, and it is no doubt powerful, but it just misses S tier by being outclassed by The Rook. Similar to The Rook, The Knight works best at a distance. Not sniping range like The Rook, but fighting up close as The Knight is much more difficult than fighting from a distance. Many people are plagued my The Knight's insanely overpowered E, which is basically just hacking as a game mechanic. Not only that, but their movement ability is very good as well, being able to escape most encounters easily and get in range for your bow. Speaking of which, the bow has absolutely no right to be as powerful as it is, but I don't make the game, so the bow is crazy good. While body shots don't kill, they will be a two shot, and (correct me if I'm wrong) headshots are an instant kill. Now, this all sounds amazing, because it is, but the problem is that is is all beaten by a rook. You see, the E is good, but it's not a guaranteed hit, and it will always hit body shots. Not only that, their movement ability has absolutely no vertical movement and gets beaten by any piece that can move vertically. Finally, the bow gets obliterated at longer ranges, and at close range chances are you won't be able to charge fast enough to get a kill. The Knight is a phenomenal piece, but it's beaten easily by any piece in S tier and isn't basically an insta win like those two are.


The Bishop

The Bishop is the middle ground of pieces. It's balanced, and in my opinion is exactly how it should be in terms of usefulness as a backrow piece. We'll start with the bomb, because it's really what brings The Bishop together in my opinion. The bomb is actually not that great as a weapon. It does good damage, sure, but it's not long range, has too small of a blast radius, and on the board, where you're locked into close range, it gets blocked by other pieces easily. The bomb has won 1 encounter for me and I've never been beaten my a bomb. The bomb's real usefulness comes in with bomb jumping. Bomb jumping enables movement so easily for The Bishop and it also helps you get in close. The most common "combo" with bomb jumping is jumping in the air, and either falling from above on to your opponent for easy and powerful shotgun headshots, or going into your movement ability, which is probably the third best movement ability in the game. The glide is super useful for a close range class like The Bishop becuase it lets you easily dive bomb your opponent and makes it hard for Rooks and Knights to hit you. Add on that you can shoot during it, and it's a great tool to decimate other pieces. The biggest problem with The Bishop is that it's close range, and the most broken pieces in this game either excel at long range or are broken at any range. However, The Bishop still has the power to close out games against Knights, and can even break through Queens and Rooks with enough skill.


The King

Despite being the most important piece in the game, The King is actually pretty bad. This is because it is incredibly close range, and while it can dish out large amounts of damage at that close range, it struggles to close the distance. You see, both of The King's abilities are designed to get The King into range to fight the opposing piece. The problem is, if both these fail, you're a sitting duck until they recharge. We'll start with their E, which is laughably bad. Their E slowly pulls in the opposing piece so you can strike it with your sword. It's super easy to escape and is basically only somewhat good on the board, because anywhere else you won't have enough range to pull them in quick. Also, some classes can literally just capture The King while they're pulling them in because it's a straight shot, perfect for Rook, Queen, and Knight headshots. The movement ability is much better. It lets The King jump to a selected point on the map, letting out a shockwave that deals damage. Obviously this is good, because you can close the distance super easily with this. The problem is that any piece with a decent movement ability can just run away, and The King can't do anything about it unless their E is charged, which, depending on what movement ability they have, won't even be useful! You're best off avoiding duelling with your King, unless you're sure in your skill at the game.

The Pawn

I don't think I have to explain why the pawn is bad. The E is garbage, given how easy it is to identify and capture a fake, the movement ability is so bad that The King can beat it, and the rifle has such horrendous damage and fire rate that it'll only ever do well at close ranges where headshots are basically guaranteed, but The Pawn is never getting in close given how abysmal it's movement is.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952551164					

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