Warden Guide

Warden Guide

Moveset Combos

These are the Warden's stock combos that come with the Warden moveset, They aren't really useful when you get to competent opponents, but if you're fighting lower level players who maybe just got the game or have it in their library but never played it, then i suppose these could work.

Vanguard's Advance : Light, Light, Heavy

Guardian's Assault : Light, Heavy

Warden's Wrath : Heavy, Heavy

Valiant Breakthrough: Forward dodge, heavy.

_________________________________Combo Uses_____________________________________

Warden's Wrath : Basically asking to get parried, I would only attempt to use it if you want to go for

max punish (Which I will explain later) or if your opponent doesn't know how to parry, otherwise it's giving the opponent free hits.

Guardian's Assault : Good combo to use if the opponent is on the floor without stamina, you could also go for the max punish as an alternative, but this is safer as it most likely wont get you parried.

(its alot safer if used on an assassin because reflex guard)

Vanguard's Advance : Basically Guardian's Assault but you make use of your second free light.

This move does have its uses, you could break it apart and add a fully charged shoulderbash after the 2 lights then top heavy, other than that the heavy could be feinted into a zone.

Valiant Breakthrough: An attack that was designed to catch rolls, you will have to read (predict) a roll to catch the guy with the hit, if he does an unlock roll then its possible to valiant breakthrough and side heavy considering he has to also get back into guard and block/parry it, its also okay in neutrals, but dont use it everytime otherwise he would stay on top guard and wait for your valiant breakthrough.

Non-Moveset Combos And General Tips

Warden Guide image 15

These are the combos I use, I doubt they are original so don't flame me in the comments if you saw a youtuber use one of them, be warned it contains quite a few shoulderbashes, if you are allergic to shoulderbash use then I would turn away while you can. Note that these are NOT the only combos you can do and you do not have to follow them to-the-letter.

1 : Top light, SB, Double Side Lights, Topheavy Feint, Zone.

2 : SB, Doublelight, SB Guardbreak Cancel, Side Heavy.

3 : Parry, Doublelight, SB, Doublelight, SB Guardbreak Cancel, Side Heavy (risky)

4 : SB, Doublelight, SB, Doublelight, SB GBC, Side Heavy (also risky)

5: Neutral SB, double lights, max charge SB, feint and valiant breakthrough.


Heres some Warden tips and moves for you, note some, if not all are situational.

: If the opponent attempts to dodge EVERY SB you throw out, just cancel it into a guardbreak and side heavy, or fully charge it, they may dodge early allowing you to get yourself a nice heavy attack off.

: Feint ALOT, especially if they are OOS (out of stam) also sometimes let the heavies go, can be useful to keep them guessing. (sometimes it is expected so be careful)

: Your SB is your ace in the hole, it has many uses and is good to bait, push, attack and pressure.

Use it to bait parries and start chains. You can also charge it up, if you land a fully charged SB, you often get a free top heavy.

: CC (Crushing Counterstrike) Is a high-damage, hard to pull off, situational move(it can only be used if the opponent attacks from the top stance) it is very rewarding and can be used to agitate the opponent. You perform the move via light attacking just as the opponents attack is about to hit you, kind of like a parry, but harder. You will know when you've done it as your sword turns orange and you do an unblockable attack that does around the damage of a top heavy. You can also follow it up with an SB that they CANNOT avoid.

Strategies And Moves

Max OOS on floor punish : Valiant breakthrough and side heavy. This move is guaranteed and you cannot be guardbroken like the top heavy, since you get hyperarmor while getting up, he eats the hit and guardbreaks you, the punish does a total of 60 damage which should almost put an assassin such as PK down to critical health mid match because of attacks earlier.

I've found that after being baited to throw a heavy while OOS twice(nooby I know lol), the first time he could only get in a top heavy, but the second time he could pull of the max punish without me blocking it.

Zone Attacking uses : Your wild card, Useful to end a combo or pressure the opponent, 500 ms zone is a considerably good opener, not as PK zone though, but 500 ms is good for a vanguard. I tend to use zones either in neutral or sometimes as OS if the guy cannot react to 500 ms often, he would catch up and do reads then ill throw right lights once he throws out an attack. Please note it drains half your stam too.

Fully Charged SB : Useful and risky tool, especially if fighting a raider or cent. This move (most of the time) guarantees a top heavy, it is harder to dodge too, (but remember they CAN hit and GB you out of the startup) I've noticed that most of the time they dodge early, which scores me a free topheavy.

In Dominion it's also good to push people off cliffs.

Heavies (When to use and Uses) : Heavies are a very strange thing with Warden, on most other classes you can get one off a parry, but with warden you cannot (unless you parry a light attack, then you get a free top heavy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As compensation, Warden's heavies tend to pack a bit more of a punch then the other classes (except shugoki) I would NOT SUGGEST throwing a heavy off neutral unless it is a feint or a parry bait, the only times I would throw a heavy is off a guardbreak (side heavies only) after several consecutive feints, when the opponent is on the floor (top heavy does most damage but you could go for max punish ^^^) and finally after a fully charged SB hit

Heavy "Trick" : I don't really know what to call this, it's not even guaranteed and you could end up

taking more of a beating then you would've dealt but I'll add it anyways, Feint a heavy into guardbreak, then side heavy and top heavy to guardbreak, and repeat.

Warden's Mixups

Heres what makes warden fun, the mixups, if they guy is a light parry god, throw heavy feint into gb, or just throw out lights so that you can catch his heavy startup with 2 lights, then I fully charge my SB,

Things can go towards 3 directions, first is: you read a roll and feint your shoulderbash and do a valiant breakthrough. second one is you feint into guardbreak, because 7/10 wardens would let the shoulder bash go, if he dodges early, you max charge and hit him, easy 40 damage, if you feint into guardbreak, easy 30 damage, because you can catch him out of dodge. or you can feint into a zone, 500 ms zones pretty good, 20 damage though. if you get a wallsplat after the fully charged SB, then you throw a top heavy, then unblockable top heavy, you can choose to let it go or feint into guardbreak, considering most higher levels would expect a feint, you can sometimes let go of that unblockable heavy, he should be low stam by that time, so you can throw a neutral sb double side light, should put him oos while putting you near the edge of going oos.

So yeah, thats basiclly it for Wardens mixups.

Warden Vs Heroes

How to counter and what to do against other Heroes in-game. (will add more content as I learn and work on the guide)

Orochi : Feint SB and Heavies, try to get them to do their side dodge attack, or backdodge attack, parry it and claim your free topheavy. If this doesn't work, mix up letting SBs go, canceling them into GB and completely canceling them, try and go for toplights into SB cancel into GB or actually cancel.

Kensei : Basically same as Orochi, but the price for messing up is WAY more steep, watch out for their top heavy feint into punch then top light combo, it's quite the menace. (don't worry you wont fight these guys much, Kensei is a pretty rare opponent to fight)

Conqueror : Dodge their SB, then use your SB, Doublelight, then either a second SB which you cancel into a GB, or completely cancel it, too risky otherwise. You can also sometimes get toplights, but I do not recommend spamming it. (these guys are fairly common and they will be a huge issue until the Conq rework, so hang tight until then!)

Gladiator : Bait their dodge attack, watch out for the punches (especially the zone, don't feel bad if you get hit by it ALOT, its faster than Warden's zone and the startup is unblockable and cannot be parried), parry their jumping attack if they do it, watch out for the Fuscina Ictus (toestab), as it knocks you over if OOS, and can kill you at critical HP. Avoid Skewer AT ALL COSTS, even though they barely actually let the skewer go and just feint into a guardbreak, it can chain into worse things if near a wall, and if they hold it they can take away around 1/3 hp, but it can be parried fairly easily. Note: They can option select and parry with zones, so if you feint you eat the zone.

Highlander : Parry their Celtic Curse, try to make sure they dont enter offensive form (they have a ridiculous 50/50 move that takes away around 1/4 HP or more) if they enter OF, expect them to cancel their kick into a caber toss, sometimes they will let the kick go and you will eat the damage. (not much you can do about it, just like Conq you gotta find ways around it) Parry their unblockable heavies if they throw them without landing a kick. Watch out for the really fast light attacks, if you can parry those for a top heavy (they're really fast, I don't recommend trying to parry them, they don't do much damage and the Highlander will probably only throw them to interrupt one of your attacks, like an SB) they cannot block OR parry in OF so if they dont interrupt or dodge an attack thats guaranteed damage, but after hitting them they switch out of OF.

Centurion : Dodge the kick and punch, try and GB after dodging a jab, trying to light gets parried most of the time, with the kick do a toplight then SB and chain it into whatever SB combo you would like. Parry their unblockable heavy then do the sidelight combo then do whatever you would like to do (some things are better than others, I recommend doing a SB GB cancel) Cent is only a problem if you let him be one. Watch out for his jump attack, it has hyper armor, it's really easy to parry though, and if the cent is low enough just do an attack and it will go right through and kill them. (its a move they can't just feint out of, making it alot more dangerous for them then it is to you) If you go OOS, they will probably try to GB more than kick, If it is a newer player, they will most likely kick more then GB so be careful.

Berserker : Bait dodge attacks for easy parries, watch out for the feints and unblockables, good zerks will most likely feint their unblockable and try to loop you in feints. (feints can be easily avoided just by blocking them) try and parry some lights for top heavies, occasionally throw zones and top lights, but be careful with those unblockables because they may occasionally let them go.

Nobushi : DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, block their heavies, if you do they can follow up with a kick almost instantly and its VERY hard to dodge, the kick in general comes out really fast and theres very few startup frames for you to react, (not much you can do about the kick) if they land a kick they get guaranteed bleed. Parry their attacks and stay close to them. They dont have a dodge attack so don't be afraid to cancel an SB into a GB and side heavy, but they might just bleed you during the SB startup so watch it. (this could also be useful to bait a parry) They can also bleed you right after their kick so watch out.

Warden : Believe it or not fighting another Warden isn't actually just spamming or out-vortexing,

but don't take this the wrong way, you still have the same kit so anything you can do, they can also mirror that too, when it comes down to it you need to use everything you've got or you will probably lose, I suggest SB GB canceling a few times to lower their hp, some top lights to start a chain, and some zone attacks to keep them on edge. Also try and land a fully charged SB for a top heavy, but be careful because if they dodge this they can get their own fullcharged SB on you too.

Peacekeeper : Try and bait their dodge attack, its an easy parry but it does count as a heavy attack not a light so be careful, if they land it on you they can add in bleed for free, this also means you should be careful when planning to use SB GB cancel because if they dodge attack the GB you will bounce off and get hit if the GB connects too late in their animation, but if they dodge slightly late it will probably land and you can get your heavy, CGB their GB or else you're gonna lose 1/4

HP. (assuming they don't fail the GB stabs)

Warlord : If they enter Full Block Stance GB them, they won't be able to counter it, but be careful when throwing an attack because if you hit them while in their FBS they can get a free attack off.

Their headbutt comes out too fast to do anything about, but the guaranteed damage they get is only slightly higher than chip damage. They can enter FBS and follow up with a Heavy, but its easy to parry. (it does high amounts of damage) They also have a shield rush attack, if they Unlock and start running at you be careful, alot of times it will be to bait a dodge for a GB, but if they actually land the Shieldrush they can wallsplat you for a heavy.

Shaman : Bait their leap attack, bait and dodge the headbutt and bite moves, also bait their side dodge. If they randomly throw a heavy off neutral get ready to block their bleed attack, it comes out fast so you gotta watch it, because if they land the bleed they will heal everytime they hit you.

they have the ability of getting an extra free light if they do it in the same stance as the last one,

they can get this move off of a headbutt, a parry and other things, so be careful as it can also chain into an unblockable heavy which they can feint, but they cannot soft feint it into bleed. If they land the unblockable heavy then they also can try to bleed you.

Shinobi : Dodge their kick, top light, SB and then whatever else. CGB their ranged GB or they will inflict bleed on you, it does around 1/4 health if they do it properly. if they throw their sickle at you, parry it and they will be knocked to the floor infront of you, you can try to max punish or top heavy.

If they roll towards you after hitting you with the long ranged sickle throw, they will probably do a kick, which if it lands will pretty much make you OOS instantly, of course they could do a GB and catch you in the dodge, giving them free damage. Overall Shinobi, despite being fast, has ridiculously low hp (2 lights and 2 top heavies kill him) and a very predictable moveset, with easy to parry attacks, just don't let him overwhelm you.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1435789693					

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