How to make children cry

How to make children cry


How to make children cry image 1

Why did I make this guide?

The answer to that is very simple, you see, I just recently purchased this game after a friend recommended it to me. I didn't have any champions so I chose to main Raider. It was during my journey though spam valley and down to spam city, that I found what I was looking for. Why do people play such an awful game?

I quite literally couldn't put my finger on it, but when this young teen/child got on voice chat and started screaming "rematch me you p*ssy" I realised what it was. To make people angry, more importantly, to make kids angry. I won't go over the long details, but let's just say the kid broke down in tears at my manly manliness.

So, How Do You Do It?

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There are many ways to make children cry, but I'll break it down into three easy steps.

𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹 𝓞𝓷𝓮,

Laughter. A good friend of mine told me that laughter was the best medicine, and I can tell you now that he was right. What cures my rage more than spamming "HAHAHAHAHAH" in the chat when I begin my 30 second long finisher on this innocent child for the 13th time.

𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹 𝓣𝔀𝓸,

Make witty remarks and comments on their performance. A great example would be from me, just today I came up against another Raider, so what do I do? I say kind and comforting things in chat. Seriously. I opened up with "Hey another Raider! Nice to see someone has taste". After this I proceeded to threaten his life and his family and tell him that I would tear his organs inside out.

𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮,

Track and trace. No no, not the NHS healthcare Covid response plan, but something far more relevant to For Honor. Like your average gamer, I got angry at a game, but this wasn't any old game, this was For Honor, and I don't take losses kindly. I screenshotted his username, created 4 other Ubisoft account, bought them all For Honor, ran the game endlessly for nearly a week, acquired a lot of hours on it, and then proceeded to report this kid several times a day on several accounts. The reports ranged anywhere from threatening behaviour, to intent to harm and endanger others, I mean the man was wielding an axe for f*ck sake!

I then searched him up on steam, commented on his profile a thousand times, disliked every review he had ever sent, commented on each and every artwork and screenshot, video and workshop creation he had ever posted, then I went and did the same to all his friends. I would not stop. I went one over, I found his friends' instagram from a link in his profile, I searched through his account, looking at posts and noticed one thing, he had about 2 friends. From there I deducted and took an accurate educated guess as to who was who. I then google searched their face and found matches from his mother's facebook account. I even scrolled far enough down to see them mourn the death of their daughter. It was then that I decided I had won. I unleashed a flurry of attacks on his steam and reminded him that not only did I know who he was, but where he lived, where he went to school, and who his family was.

And here was how I made him cry.

"How's your sister Michael?"


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