FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1

FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1


I'll do one section with a table overview consisting of everything and then provide a section w/ a photographic reference for each item/trap that causes damage.

Overview (Entire Table) Scroll Down For Photographic Reference

Swinging Axes Floor Spikes Closing/Crushing Walls Dart Room Maze/Trap Swinging Anvil? Boulder Acid Trap (Snake Room) Rotating Spikes Zealots Easy 5, 6th is Lethal 3, 4th is Lethal 9, 10th is Lethal 9, 10th is Lethal 4, 5th is Lethal >=2 3, 4th is Lethal 9, 10th is Lethal No Solid Result Normal 5, 6th is Lethal 3, 4th is Lethal 6, 7th is Lethal 6, 7th is Lethal 3, 4th is Lethal >=2 2, 3rd is Lethal 6, 7th is Lethal No Solid Result Hard 2, 3rd is Lethal 3, 4th is Lethal 5, 6th is Lethal 5, 6th is Lethal 2, 3rd is Lethal 1, 2nd is Lethal 1, 2nd is Lethal 5, 6th is Lethal No Solid Result Brutal 1, 2nd is Lethal 3, 4th is Lethal 2, 3rd is Lethal 2, 3rd is Lethal 1, 2nd is Lethal 0, 1st is Lethal 1, 2nd is Lethal 1, 2nd is Lethal No Solid Result[/table]

Photo References

FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 5
FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 6
FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 7
FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 8
FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 9
FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 10
FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 11

Floor Spikes (Room Where its Contained)

Swinging Axes (In Motion)

Closing Walls (In Motion)

Dart Room (In Motion) (There are other variations of this Trap)

Swinging Anvils

(Will Update)

Boulder (In Motion) (There are other variations of this Trap)

Acid (Snake Room)

Rotating Spikes

(Will Update)


Health Indicator

FOREWARNED Damage/Health (Indicator) Guide (Beta v16.0) v1.1 image 24

With the introduction of Beta v16.0, one of the most notable additions was the Health Indicator. Your health can now be monitored both at the tent and on the go using your Smart Watch.

There are four health status classifications,

- Healthy ~62 - 74

- OK ~76 - 90

- Injured ~94 - 104

- Critical ~106 - 118

- Death >118 (Not Shown On Watch, Obviously)

These numbers are ones I received after testing a few times, your numbers may slightly vary from mine. Sometimes numbers can cross into the lower tier but your health status will remain the same, example, elevated rate of 76 with, "OK" status showing, when resting it will drop back down to 74 which is designated as healthy but will still show as, "OK" status.

Even though there are four statuses for your health indicator, it doesn't mean that you can only take one hit before your status is elevated. With some traps you can take multiple hits before your status changes. See the previous sections for information on a preliminary damage table.

I will update this as needed.

Guide Change Log

Version 1.1

- Added Health Section

- General grammatical corrections

- Add Photos to reference section


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