How to make pizza

How to make pizza


How to make pizza image 1

Step 1: The pizza dough


1 tsp fresh yeast

½ tsp sugar

¼ cup milk, chilled

1 cup all-purpose flour

¼ tsp salt

¼ cup water, chilled

1 tbsp olive oil


Mix the yeast with sugar and milk and allow it to activate.

Sift together the flour and salt. Knead the dough with water, activated yeast and milk mix.

Rub in the olive oil in the prepared dough and leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Portion into four equal balls and roll into an even disc using your hands or a rolling pin.

The base is ready to be topped with pizza sauce, toppings and cheese, in that respective order.

Step 2: The pizza sauce


1 cup fresh tomatoes, blanched and diced

1 tbsp olive oil

4-5 garlic cloves, peeled

1 sprig fresh oregano

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp black peppercorn, cracked

6-7 fresh basil leaves

½ tsp sugar


Blanch the tomatoes in boiling salted water and shock in chilled iced water. Peel them and dice roughly.

Take olive oil in a thick bottom sauce pan and add the crushed garlic cloves followed by the diced tomatoes. Add the fresh oregano, salt, peppercorn and cook over medium heat for 25-30 minutes.

Blend the sauce into a coarse texture, leaving few chunky bits. Add hand-torn basil leaves and sugar (to balance the sour flavour of Indian tomatoes).

The sauce is ready to be used. Refrigerate until required.

Step 3: The cheese


1 cup mozzarella cheese, pizza grade

4 spheres fresh bocconcini


Grate the pizza mozzarella cheese. Dice the fresh bocconcini.

Mix both the cheese and use immediately. Don’t store once the cheese has been cut/ processed.

You may add scamorza cheese (smoked mozzarella) in case the same is available to add a lovely smoky flavour to the pizza.

Step 4: The toppings

Roll out your dough to the thickness of your choice. Top with sauce. This is the base you can use to build your own pizza.

Margherita: To make a plain pizza without any toppings, just add cheese before you put the base into the oven, and throw on some hand torn basil leaves right when the pizza is fresh out.

Bell pepper and onion: Layer sliced bell peppers and onions on top of the pizza sauce, before adding the cheese.

Spinach, mushroom and corn: Separate and clean the young spinach leaves, slice the mushrooms and keep the corn kernels ready. Arrange on top of the pizza sauce before adding the cheese.

Chicken sausage jalapeño and onion: Pan sear the sausages and slice; also slice the red onions and layer on top of the pizza sauce before adding the cheese.

Egg and asparagus: Peel and blanche the asparagus and layer on top of the pizza sauce before adding the cheese. While the pizza is baking (almost done), break one egg over the centre and allow to cook along with the pizza.

Step 5: Cooking it

Once you have your pizza base ready, preheat the oven for 20 minutes at 250 degree celsius and if you have a gas oven keep it on the highest setting.

Once the oven is heated, cook the pizza for 7-8 minutes or till the edges are golden and the cheese gets bubbly, and remove from the oven.

Step 6: The seasoning


1 tsp chilli flakes

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp cracked peppercorn

1 tsp dry oregano


Mix all the seasonings and keep ready to sprinkle once the pizza is removed from the oven, hot and freshly baked.
