Install GE-Proton
(you can skip this step if you already have it installed)
Switch to Desktop Mode
Open the Discover app and install ProtonUp-Qt
Start the ProtonUp-Qt app and Add the latest GE-Proton version from it
Install The Steam Version Of Final Fantasy XIV
Go to the Steam store and install Final Fintasy XIV Online
(Free Trial or buy the base version)
Once installed, click the cog icon and set the following
In General tab set LAUNCH OPTIONS to:
NOSTEAM=1 %command% In Compatibility tab pick GE-Proton version you have installed
Enable The Old Launcher To Allow Non-steam Account Login
If the game still doesn't work at this point (it should with newer versions of GE-Proton), switch the launcher to the old one.
Switch to Desktop Mode
Start the Konsole app and change the game launcher configuration by running the following command:
find /home/deck/.local/share/Steam -name "FFXIV_BOOT.cfg" -exec sed -ri 's/(Browser(Type)?\s+)[02]/\11/' {} + Return to the Gaming Mode
You should now be able to start the game and log in using your non-steam account
More FINAL FANTASY XIV Online guilds
- All Guilds
- Final Fantasy XIVWebsites
- La recherche d'quipe pour les nuls
- The Base of Final Fantasy XIV
- Poner el juego en Espaol
- How to WIN at FFXIV also known as (final fanta xeno in vision)
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- Gua general de FFXIV en espaol
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