Folder with all of the goodies[]
Yo, Shinrad here!
It is important to take note that this is my first steam guide, like ever, so please be patient with me. English is also not my native language (even though I wish it was)
So any constructive criticism would be highly appreciated, as well as pointing out typos or other grammatical errors :)
About This Guide
More than halfway through the game (busy achievement hunting), I decided to create this guide. A lot of these tasks I completed waaaay back on the Playstation 2 version of the game.
I searched the internet far and wide for achievement saves but could not find anything (yeah I am that guy that hates doing tasks twice, especially the grindy ones).
Fortunately, this is one of my favourite Final Fantasy games, so I played through it again to make some of the achievements easier for people that do not want to do everything again (albeit starting a bit late).
Some of these saves might actually unlock some of the other achievements not listed in this "guide".
If you have any saves that might make some of these achievements easier, please let me know.
List Of Achievements & Saves
Achievement saves
Wings of My Own
High Summoner
Eagle Eye
Radiant Savior
Lord of the Kings
Master Swordsman
Fell Angel
Zodiak Knight
Hunter Extraordinaire
Judge Magister
Other Save
A Save before the Phoenix fight in Story Mode
A Save before the Overseer fight in Story Mode
Saves before the Omega fight In Story Mode and in trails
A save before the entire Behamut section
A save at the start of the Behamut section
A save before the last Gabranth fight
A save for every 10 levels of the trails (Starting at 11, 21, 31 etc.)
How To Use These Saves
If you missed the link to the save folder at the top of the guide, here it is again: Folder with all of the goodies[]
Please read throught his before using the saves:
The save location for Final Fantasy 12 is: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE\Some numbers
Backup your own saves however you deem fit. If you lose your saves because you replaced them with mine…. That is on you buddy.
Disable steam cloud saves, just in case it might cause problems with your own and my saves. Remember to turn it back on when using your saves again)
I realised that you can rename autosaves to serve as a normal save, so some of the saves are in fact autosaves that are renamed, so won't start at a save crystal.
Due to some achievements having multiple saves for you to choose from, I can’t just have all of the saves listed in one folder (it might be too confusing needing to go back to the readme to check what save number is what achievement. Because of this, I separated each achievement save into its own folder.
Luckily you can copy saves over whilst still in the game (you don’t have to close the game completely). So my suggestion is:
Copy the save of the achievement, to the folder mentioned above;
Get the achievement;
Alt + tab and copy the new save over for the next achievement;
Exit to title menu;
Load the new save game;
If you do not know this by now:
For story mode saves, use the load game function;
For trails mode saves, use the trails mode function
Useful Links And Information
If you really don’t want to sit through some of these fights, or, if you are not keen on the effort some of these fights might contain, Omega, Yiazmat and Judges… I am looking at you… You can either use:
WeMod[] or Cheat Engine[] With a Cheat Table
BUT THAT IS CHEATING!!!! :P I’m kidding, do whatever you want.
Download[] Cheat Engine
Use the cheat engine table in the download folder. The table is a combination of two tables that users DrummerIX[] and HylianZ[] , respectively, created and uploaded on the fearless revolution forums. To make it easier, I’ve combined the two tables into one.
You can use it to reset licence boards, infinite HP, MP and a buttload of other options you can play around with. For resetting Licence Boards, because maybe you’d rather want to use a different build than I did, I’d suggest using HylianZ’s part of the table.
We ModWeMod[] is a trainer application that has cheat options for various games.
In the application, just search for Final Fantasy XII and use the one trainer with 9 options available. I used this for the sole purpose of increasing the game speed to x5. This with the in-game boost made the actual Yiazmat fight like 10 minutes…. Maybe.
Just a warning, when using the game speed option, it will also close your game if you close WeMod.
Achievement Saves
Now let us get into the important stuff
1. Privateer
Just sell 79 teleport stones at the top of the loot list to the vendor. The Vendor is very close to the save crystal in Nalbina Fortress.
Remember it is loot specifically (category to the far right in the selling menu), so don’t go selling potions, like my stupid-self did, and wonder why the achievement is not popping up.
2. Runeweaver
The chest should spawn next to the save crystal. The chest contains Scathe. Once you open it the achievement should pop up.
For me the chest was not a 100% spawn for some odd reason. Just go to the previous area and come back until the chest spawns. Or just use the DrummerIX part of the cheat engine table to ensure 100% chest spawn.
I believe this is also before the last fight with Gilgamesh.
3. Wings Of My Own
The save is at the start of the cutscene before the last fight against Vayne. Once you defeat him you should get the achievement
4. High Summoner
Unfortunately, this is the same Save as the story mode Zodiark fight (Scroll down to view the details on the fight and save).
The trails zodiac fight does not unlock this achievement
It will take a lot of time for me to create an easier save for just this achievement. Maybe at a later time, if I feel like it, I will create a save where you don’t have to fight such a difficult Esper to get the achievement.
5. Sharpshooter
Unfortunately I only have the Save of the Level 58 Trails fight with the Trickster. You should get the achievement after defeating the Trickster.
I did it with the build in the save
If you can't deal any damage to him after a certain point in the fight, just make sure you then hit it with Bio, Scourge or Scathe (with the black mage: Penelo)
Or just follow the guide at the bottom of the page in the link:
6. Eagle Eye
Unfortunately I only have the Save of the Level 65 Trails fight with Deathgaze. You should get the achievement after defeating deathgaze.
I did it with the build in the save
7. Freshmaker
Unfortunately I only have the Save of the Level 70 Trails fight with Carrot. You should get the achievement after defeating Carrot.
I did it with the build in the save
8. Radiant Savior
Unfortunately I only have the Save of the level 87 trails fight with Hell Wyrm. You should get the achievement after defeating Hell Wyrm.
I did it with the build in the save
9. Wyrmslayer
Unfortunately I only have the Save of the Level 89 Trails fight with Fafnir. You should get the achievement after defeating Fafnir.
I did it with the build in the save
10. Lord Of The Kings
Save 1 is the the level 90 trails fight with the Behemoth King. You should get the achievement after defeating the Behemoth King.
Save 2 is at the save crystal in Geruvagin. Just run back to the Feywood and follow the last section of the guide in the link to have the Behemoth King spawn:
11. Master Swordsman
Rather be save and use the story mode save, the trails save might not unlock the achievement
Save 1 is the level 94 trails fight with Gilgamesh.
Note the achievement might not pop up with the trials fight, but unfortunately I have no way of testing this since I have already unlocked the achievement.
Save 2 is the the save Crystal before the last fight of the Gilgamesh Hunt. (also the same save as the Runeweaver achievement)
Use the strategy at the bottom of this page if you don’t know how to fight him:
12. Fell Angel
Fun Fact:
I actually decided to do this guide right after the story mode fight with Ultima, yeah I know that sucks. That is why a lot of these fights are trail mode fights, as I already did them in story mode
Unfortunately I only have the save of the Level 95 trails fight with Ultima. Once you defeat her, you should get the achievement/
Use the strategy at the bottom of this page if you don’t know how to fight her
13. Zodiark Knight
If this is only for achievements, I suggest using the story save as it will also unlock the high summoner achievement as well
Save 1 is in the last area of the Henne Mnies leading to the fight with Zodiark
Save 2 is the last available save Crystal before the entire section of the Henne Mines leading to the Zodiark fight (just in case you want to work extra hard for it 😊)
This should also give you the High Summoner Achievement
Save 3 is the level 97 trails fight with the Zodiark. You should get the achievement after defeating Zodiark
If you can't beat it, maybe try this strategy at the bottom of the page or the one in the video.... i did a combo of both but maybe watch the video first.
14. Hunter Extraordinaire
My suggestion is, if you want a quick and easy fight, do the Trails fight.
If you still want that sense of accomplishment, do the story mode fight but use WeMod to increase the game speed…. Or not, maybe your are a masochist :)
Use WeMod (the trainer) and select the Final Fantasy 12 trainer with 9 options. In it, there is the option to increase the game speed up to 5 times. This will save you a lot of time with this fight.
Save 1 is the level 98 trails fight with Yaizmat. You should get the achievement after defeating the Yaizmat.
Save 2 is with the build i used right before the actual fight....
Save 3 is the same build as the autosave but, but at the save crystal before the fight in case you want to change stuff and not run all the way back to the orange crystal to teleport
Save 4 all character licence boards are reset. It is if you want to play around with your own builds. You can build your own party with the items that I had
You can use this guide at the bottom of the first link or the video if you are not sure of a strategy to beat Yiazmat:
15. Judge Magister
Save 1 is on level 50 (I used this to try and steal the Wyrmhero blade and succeeded :P)
Save 2 is at level 41 if you want to fight all the way to Level 50.
Just remember to turn on all of the character gambits and maybe putting Genji gloves on Vaan again
You should get the achievement after defeating Famfrit
16. Imperator
Save 1 is on level 100 (I tried to leave you with all of the buffs on the main party).
Save 2 is at level 91 if you want to fight all the way to level 100.
If you can’t succeed, use the neat little trick in the video :P
17. Other Saves
a. Phoenix FightI think this is the save as the fight starts in story mode.
b. Overseer FightThe fight against the overseer in story mode. Just use the elevator to go down to the Unknown.
You might have to tweak the gambit a bit. For example, for Ashe, change the "3 or more foes" gambit tot "2 or more foes" (Foe: any should work as well) to ensure scathe does good damage against all of the summons.
c. Omega FightI used the reverse strategy in the link at the bottom of the page. I did some tweaking mid fight and managed to beat it:
Save 1 is in area of the fight with Omega. You should see omega in front of you
Save 2 is the trails level 99 fight with Omega
Save 3 is the save crystal close to where you fought Ultima. Just use the link in the below map to find your way to omega and maybe use the cheat engine table if you want to reset your character licence boards to use your own builds with whatever items I had.
You should know how to read this map before using the above save:
d. Before the BehamutA save crystal in Dalmasca Westersand before going to the Behamut. Just run to the anchor to start the section. One of the coolest cutscenes in the game takes place here (Star Wars vibes)
e. Fight on the BehamutA save after the really cool cutscene that gets you on the Behamut.
f. Final fight against GabranthA save right before you fight Gabranth for the last time
g. Trail LevelsRemember to load these saves via trails mode and not the normal load game
Save 1 can be used to start Trails mode form the start
Save 2 starts at level 11 of trails mode
Save 3 starts at level 21 of trails mode
Save 4 starts at level 31 of trails mode
Save 5 starts at level 41 of trails mode
Save 6 starts at level 51 of trails mode
Save 7 starts at level 61 of trails mode
Save 8 starts at level 71 of trails mode
Save 9 starts at level 81 of trails mode
Save 10 starts at level 91 of trails mode
Guides And Sources Used
Achievement Guide by the user Stef
A guide with all maps in the game and the loot those maps contain by the user TripItz721
Final Fantasy XII Guide on Jegged[]
May The Force Be With You :)
- All Guilds
- Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age job system. What to do? Read this before picking the jobs for your party.
- How to Beat Stage 100 of Trial Mode
- Jobs In Plain Sight - Word File Edition
- SpecialK - Dumping and Injecting Textures
- FMV-(Remove black bar).
- Fitter Vaan - Texture Replacement
- FFXII TZA Full Story Walkthrough
- Como resetar as classes/Jobs