This guide contains all achievements from Final Fantasy VIII - Remastered Discs Three and Four.
Other FF VIII Guides:- Achievement Guide (Disc One).
- Achievement Guide (Disc Two).
- Getting The 10000 Kills Achievement Legitimately.
- How to Get Squall's Ultimate Weapon (Lionheart) on Disc #1.
- Use Your Old Save Slot on The Remaster Version.
- Missable Items and Events List.
- Widescreen (Black Bars) Fix.
Disc 3
Edea's HouseLocation: Southernmost continent, near the starting point of disc 3
Timber Maniacs
- Upon entering the doorway, it sits on the ground to your right.
White Seed Ship
Location: Southern continent, in the middle of the sea surrounded by mountains
Timber Maniacs
- After entering the ship, head over to the right and you'll have a cutscene.
- Once you regain control, take the stairs to your left. The magazine is on the floor.
- This should be your final Timber Maniacs magazine thus unlocking the achievement.
Timber Maniacs
Collect all Timber Maniacs magazines.
Lunar BaseRagnarok
Find Ragnarok
- Creatures have to be killed in pairs to avoid them getting revived. Eg: Kill a red then another red, a yellow then another yellow and so on.
- Located in Easther continent - Cactuar Island. See the screenshot for exact location.
- It will show up as a Jumbo Cactuar in the world map. Just interact with it to start the battle.
Unlock Guardian Force Cactuar
Doomtrain GF's RecipeYou'll need to find the following ingredients to build this GF.
Solomon Ring
Located at the foot of the large statue in Tears' Point.
It's right where my character is standing, but I already picked it up during my playthrough.
6x Remedy+
- Buy 60 remedies from any shop, then use Med Lv Up ability from Alexander GF to upgrade them to Remedy+. You need to learn Med Data ability to unlock Med Lv Up.
Note: Refer to 'Power Leveling Characters and GFs' section if you're lacking Med Lv Up or Med Data abilities.
6x Steel Pipe
- Can either mug them from Wendigo monsters (forest near Dollet) or Card Mod an Elastoid card for 1 Steel Pipe each.
Note: Refer to 'Power Leveling Characters and GFs' section if you're lacking Mug ability.
6x Malboro Tentacle
- Malboros are found on the Island Closest to Hell. You can either mug or get them as a battle reward. Alternatively, you can 'Card Mod' 4 Malboro cards into 1 Malboro tentacle (24 would be needed for the 6 tentacles).
- Island Closest to Hell is the leftmost island. All enemies here have 50k+ health.
- Use Degenerator blue-magic of Quistis to quickly defeat them.
Note: Refer to 'Power Leveling Characters and GFs' section for more information.
Once you've collected all the required items: Open your menu, then items and use the Solomon Ring.
Unlock Guardian Force Doomtrain
The next dungeon is quite hard, so I highly recommend making the best weapon for Squall before proceeding.
What materials do you need to build the 'Lion Heart'?
- 1x Adamantine: Card mod the Minotaur Card or Mug it from Adamantoises.
- 4x Dragon Fang: Almost all dragons drop this. Head to the Island Closest to Hell if you need some.
- 12x Pulse Ammo: Made by various rare items using Ifrit's Ammo-RF ability.
- 2,000 Gil.
Once you have all, head to any weapon shop and simply 'Remodel' your weapon.
I'm sure that you already upgraded a few weapons, but if you haven't yet, the following achievement will unlock:
Upgrade your weapon
Deep Sea Research CenterWarning: This dungeon is hard, be aware.
Location: Southwestern corner of the map.
Bahamut Boss and GF
Approach slowly to the core, but DO NOT move when it is active.
Options we must choose:
- It's not our will to fight.
- Never.
- Bottom option (It's invisible).
You will receive Bahamut GF upon winning the battle.
Unlock Guardian Force Bahamut
At this point, you should have enough levels (30) to reach the max Seed Rank. Refer to the Seed Ranks section for all correct answers.
The following section is actually NOT required. Ultima Weapon doesn't have any achievements attached and can be completely skipped. Eden can be also obtained at the final area of the game, so nothing here is actually missable, from an achievement standpoint.
- Leave and re-enter the location. A save point and a path to go deeper will be now available.
- Put Zell in your party and go through the hole on the floor.
- You start with 20 units of RSP. Use 4 on the very first room.
- On the second panel, use 2 units. Should have 14 units left.
- Now, choose 1 units for the three next levels. You should have 11 left after taking the elevator.
- At the bottom floor, let Zell manipulate the machinery to avoid spending any units.
- Go through the door after the scene.
- If everything was done correctly, you'll get a whole set of unavoidable battles every few steps. Not even the No-Encounters booster can save you from this. If you messed up at some point, head back to the beginning but start from the second panel. The 4 units you used on the first panel cannot be recovered.
- You will reach a second save point in the ruins. Save and continue further.
- Make your way to the very bottom.
- Don't interact with the machinery yet. If you have Move-Find ability unlocked, I highly recommend equipping it on any of your characters and using the save point next to the machinery. If you don't, may god have mercy upon your soul.
- Interact with the machinery to start one one of the hardest battles in the game.
Ultima Weapon
- Make sure to draw Eden before defeating the superboss.
Note: Like I mentioned previously, you can skip this section if you're having too much troubles to continue. Eden is obtainable again at the last dungeon of the game.
However, if you actually managed to get to this point and draw Eden from Ultima Weapon, the following achievement will pop:
Unlock Guardian Force Eden
Disc 4
Ultimecia CastleBosses
- Sphinxaur: Upon defeating the first boss, release "Draw" seal.
- Tri-Point: Has Siren GF.
Art Gallery puzzle solution is:
- Trauma: Has Leviathan GF.
- Red Giant: Has Pandemona GF.
- Krysta: Has Carbuncle GF.
- Gargantua: Has Cerberus GF.
- Catoblepas: Has Alexander GF. Boss is unlocked by having all 4 coffins opened at the same time.
- Tiamat: Has Eden. This is your last chance to draw it if you missed the opportunity during 3rd disc.
Boss is unlocked by having all 4 coffins opened at the same time. Tiamat: Has Eden. This is your last chance to draw it if you missed the opportunity during 3rd disc.
Omega Weapon- As Omega Weapon is an optional boss, I'll put this here. After going through the castle and defeated all of Ultimecia's guardians, the last being Tiamat, you should be ready for Omega Weapon.
- Tips: He has 1,200,000 health points.
- You can Card Mod the Gilgamesh Card into 10x Holy War to make your party invincible.
- You can Card Mod the Laguna Card into 100x Hero to make a single character invincible.
- You can Tool Mod Power Wrists bought from the Esthar Pet Shop into Aura Stones, so you won't need Aura magic to spam limit breaks
- You can cast Meltdown or Doomtrain in order to inflict Vit 0 on Omega Weapon.
- Godspeed.
Place your chosen battle team near the fountain and switch to the second team.
Head with the second team to the room just before the art gallery.
Interact with the bell cord in there. A short timer will be activated.
Switch to the first team and run into the chapel to find the superboss.
If you are still alive after your confrontation with Omega, congratulations! you're the greatest SeeD that this planet has ever seen:
Omega Destroyed
Beat the Omega Weapon
EndingI won't spoil anything about the last boss or the ending, but if you did manage to defeat Omega Weapon, then this should be a piece a of cake.
End of Game
Finish the game
More Final Fantasy VIII guilds
- All Guilds
- Porcelain's Guide to Early Strength, Ultimate Weapons and Bosses.
- Conseguir el logro "OVNI" y la carta Aliengena.
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - How to Get Squall's Ultimate Weapon (Lionheart) on Disc #1
- Final Fantasy VIII - Getting The 10000 Kills Achievement Legitimately
- Final Fantasy VIII - Remastered - Achievement Guide (Disc Two)
- Final Fantasy VIII - Remastered - Achievement Guide (Disc One)
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Missable Items and Events List
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Widescreen (Black Bars) Fix
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Use Your Old Save Slot on The Remaster Version