Achievements (1/X)
Apprentice Warrior"Defeated 100 monsters."
The first of many achievements, defeating 100 monsters will most likely be the first one you unlock.
Experienced Warrior"Defeated 300 monsters."
The same as above, but do it 300 times instead. This one is easily earned as you play, so no need to grind at all for it.
Legendary Warrior"Defeated 500 monsters."
The same as above, but do it 500 times instead. This one is easily earned as you play, so no need to grind at all for it.
Thrifty Spender"Obtained 10,000 gil."
Gil-related achievements mean the total amount of gil earned overall, not what you have on your person in total, so spending gil won't effect this achievement. Earn a total of 10,000 gil to unlock this achievement.
Smart Saver"Obtained 50,000 gil."
Gil-related achievements mean the total amount of gil earned overall, not what you have on your person in total, so spending gil won't effect this achievement. Earn a total of 50,000 gil to unlock this achievement.
Moneybags"Obtained 100,000 gil."
Gil-related achievements mean the total amount of gil earned overall, not what you have on your person in total, so spending gil won't effect this achievement. Earn a total of 100,000 gil to unlock this achievement.
Achievements (2/X)
"Field Research- Basic", "Field Research- Advanced" & "Field Research- Professional""Completed 10% (50% & 100%) of the Bestiary entries."
To complete the beast mastery achievement, you will need to catalog all 128 enemies (boss enemies included). You can view the enemies that you've encountered on the main menu under [EXTRAS]. Doing so will show you what number(s) you're missing and you can cross reference it with the list below to find out what and where you can find those missing enemies.
Unlike the previous installment, there are missable enemies in this game, but don't worry; we'll address them all here so you can catalog them before you reach the point of no return. Included before the list of enemies are all the missable ones, ordered by catalog number. In the numbered list below it, I marked all missable monsters with a "🌟". The list is as follows:
No. 11 - Phorusracos - Before Mysidian Tower in the desert on your way to the Dreadnought, but before the Cyclone appears. Once the Cyclone appears, this enemy no longer spawns.
No. 40 - Killer Fish, No. 42 - Hell Diver, No. 45 - Buccaneer, No. 52 - Sea Serpent (Sea Snake) - These are all found in the water on your way to Castle Deist, before reaching the Mysidian Tower.
No. 31 - Antlion & No. 54 - Land Ray - Anywhere in the desert while heading towards the Coliseum, before reaching the Mysidian Tower.
No. 1 - Leg Eater (Strangler) No. 2 - Vampire Thorn (Bloodsucker) No. 3 - Hornet No. 4 - Queen Bee No. 5 - Snowman (Yeti) No. 6 - Sasquatch No. 7 - Icicle No. 8 - Stalactite No. 9 - Stalagmite No. 10 - Sprinter (Loper) No. 11 - Phorusracos 🌟 No. 12 - Adamantoise [Boss] No. 13 - Spiketoise (Land Turtle) No. 14 - Ogre No. 15 - Ogre Mage No. 16 - Ogre Chieftain No. 17 - Deadringers No. 18 - Deadheads No. 19 - Wererat No. 20 - Stunner No. 21 - Dead Head (Floating Skull) No. 22 - Skull (Deathmask) No. 23 - Zombie No. 24 - Ghoul No. 25 - Ghast No. 26 - Revenant No. 27 - Shadow No. 28 - Wraith No. 29 - Specter No. 30 - Ghost No. 31 - Antlion🌟 No. 32 - Scissorjaws No. 33 - Gottos [Boss] No. 34 - Blood Fiend No. 35 - Chimera [Boss] No. 36 - Rhyos No. 37 - Maximus (Chimera Sphinx) No. 38 - Doom Petals (Death Flower) No. 39 - Evil Bud (Devil's Bloom) No. 40 - Killer Fish🌟 No. 41 - Boltfish No. 42 - Helldiver🌟 No. 43 - Cockatrice No. 44 - Pirate No. 45 - Buccaneer🌟 No. 46 - Borghen [Boss] No. 47 - Zombie Borghen [Boss] No. 48 - Gigan Rhino [Boss]
Achievements (3/X)
No. 49 - Tusk Rhino No. 50 - Poison Toad No. 51 - Gigantoad No. 52 - Sea Serpent (Sea Snake)🌟 No. 53 - Sea Dragon No. 54 - Sand Ray🌟 No. 55 - Manta Ray No. 56 - Winged Ray No. 57 - Swapper (Changer) No. 58 - Brain No. 59 - Parasite No. 60 - Mega Parasite (Life Sucker) No. 61 - Werewolf No. 62 - Devil Wolf (Fenrir) No. 63 - Imp No. 64 - Pit Fiend No. 65 - Malboro No. 66 - Mezza Malboro (Malboro Terra) No. 67 - Great Malboro No. 68 - Basilisk No. 69 - Salamander No. 70 - Ice Lizard (Frost Lizard) No. 71 - Eyemoeba No. 72 - Hecteyes No. 73 - Barrel Worm (Round Worm) No. 74 - Sand Worm No. 75 - Abyss Worm No. 76 - Green Slime No. 77 - Yellow Jelly No. 78 - Red Mousse No. 79 - Dark Flan (Black Flan) No. 80 - Shrieker (Red Soul) No. 81 - Screamer (Green Soul) No. 82 - Howler (Yellow Soul) No. 83 - Vampirette (Vampire Girl) No. 84 - Succubus (Vampire Lady) No. 85 - Emperor [Boss] No. 86 - Fallen Emperor (Imperial Shadow) No. 87 - Killer Mantis No. 88 - Mantis King No. 89 - Mantis Devil No. 90 - Royal Guard No. 91 - Black Knight [Boss] No. 92 - Death Rider No. 93 - Wood Golem No. 94 - Stone Golem No. 95 - Mythril Golem No. 96 - Goblin No. 97 - Goblin Guard No. 98 - Goblin Prince No. 99 - Balloon No. 100 - Grenade No. 101 - Mine No. 102 - Bomb No. 103 - Soldier No. 104 - Sergeant [Boss] No. 105 - Captain No. 106 - General No. 107 - Warlock (Magician) No. 108 - Sorcerer
Achievements (4/X)
No. 109 - Wizard No. 110 - Werepanther No. 111 - Coeurl No. 112 - Lamia No. 113 - Lamia Queen [Boss] No. 114 - Hill Gigas [Boss] No. 115 - Fire Gigas [Boss] No. 116 - Ice Gigas [Boss] No. 117 - Thunder Gigas [Boss] No. 118 - Behemoth [Boss] No. 119 - King Behemoth [Boss] No. 120 - White Dragon [Boss] No. 121 - Green Dragon [Boss] No. 122 - Blue Dragon [Boss] No. 123 - Red Dragon [Boss] No. 124 - Iron Giant [Special Enemy] No. 125 - Tiamat [Boss] No. 126 - Beelzebub [Boss] No. 127 - Astaroth [Boss] No. 128 - Emperor [Final Boss]
Achievements (5/X)
"Rookie Treasure Hunter", "Veteran Treasure Hunter" & "Legendary Treasure Hunter""Collected treasure from 10% (50% & 100%) of the chests."
Here I will detail where to find all 234 treasure chests in one playthrough, as well as other missable content that will be important along the way, such as locations, enemies (which are also detailed in the bestiary achievement section of this guide) and more. This isn't an in-depth walkthrough as much as it is a step-by-step guide to not missing anything important for those achievement hunters. This will be in chronological order of how you progress the game (or at least how I did). Spoilers galore!
Anyway, let's get started:
Location - Altair
Treasure chests: 1
Total treasure chests at this point: 1/234
Found just on the west side of the area before leaving building's main door. You really can't miss it. This is the only chest in Altair. You will also learn the password "Wild Rose", but that is story driven and not missable.
Location - Gatrea
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 1/234
Located north and just a tad west of Altair, Gatrea will be the second location you most likely come across. There are no treasure chests here.
Location - Fynn & Castle Fynn
Treasure chests: 38 (only three are accessible at this point)
Total treasure chests at this point: 4/234
There are a total of 11 treasure chests in Fynn and 27 in Castle Fynn. When you first arrive to Fynn and make your way to the bar to obtain Scott's Ring, you'll only be able to access the three in the bar's basement. Castle Fynn is inaccessible for now and the other 8 treasure chests are hidden in a room that you can't access. They are missable, but we'll get them before that happens later. For now, grab the three in the basement and head back to Altair.
Once in Altair, speak to Hilda to learn several passwords, including "Mythril", "Airship" and "Dreadnought".
Location - Paloom
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 4/234
Once you obtain the canoe, you'll have access to Paloom, located across the lake to the northeast of Altair. This is the first port town you'll visit. There are no treasure chests located in this area. After your visit, you'll pay the toll to take the ship to Poft.
Location - Poft
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 4/234
This is the second port town you'll visit, located across the bay to the northeast of Paloom. There are no treasure chests located in this area. If you didn't obtain the password "Airship" in Altair, you can speak to Cid about it here to learn it.
Location - Salamand
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 4/234
After leaving Poft, you'll head to Salamand up north. Here you'll speak to Josef and give him your second password, "Mythril", which you obtained when you returned from Altair. He'll tell you to go to Semitt Falls, located southeast of Salamand according to the towns folk. You'll need to head south, then east once you hit the waterfall and go up and around the mountain range to reach it.
Location - Semitt Falls
Treasure chests:11 (10 obtainable on the first visit, the last on your second visit)
Total treasure chests at this point: 14/234 (after first visit)
Once you reach Semitt Falls, head on inside and start exploring. There are a total of 11 treasure chests here, however, only 10 are going to be obtainable right now. You'll return with Josef at a later point and access a room you couldn't beforehand to find the last chest. For now, see the maps below and the number indicator for each respective chest. When you reach B5 and defeat the boss, you'll locate the legendary Mythril. Now head back to Altair.
Location - Bafsk
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 14/234
Once you return to Altair, if you haven't learned the passwords "Dreadnought" and "Airship, do so now by speaking to Hilda. Once you do, your next destination is Bafsk. Go to Poft and enter the bar and speak to Cid, the only differently dressed NPC there. Talk to his friend at the same table and pay to travel to Bafsk.
Bafsk has no treasure chests, so the count remains the same until you enter Bafsk Cave, which is in town. To enter, speak to the guard in the southeast corner of the town and he'll give you access.
Location - Bafsk Cave
Treasure chests: 3
Total treasure chests at this point: 17/234
The cave is small and only consists of two floors and a total of three treasure chests, so it should be a breeze. Just make sure to collect them all, as a cutscene will interrupt you before you can do so at first.
After you clear the cave and watch the cutscene of the Dreadnought destroying several towns, head back to Altair and speak to Hilda again. Minwu will stay behind and put you down a party member for now. With that out of the way, head to Poft and speak to Cid and ask him about "Airships" to learn the next key phrase, "Sunfire".
Once you learn Sunfire, head back to Altair and speak to Hilda once again to learn your next destination, which is Kashuan Keep. Before you head out, go to the southeast room of the hideout and where Minwu is helping out the King. Speak to the King and ask him about "Sunfire" to learn "Goddess Bell".
Head back to Salamand and speak to Josef and ask him about the Goddess Bell. He'll join the party and tell you about his snowcraft. Now, time to head back to Semitt Falls to retrieve that last treasure chest!
Location - Semitt Falls (2nd Visit)
Treasure chests: 1 (10 obtainable on the first visit, the last on your second visit)
Total treasure chests at this point: 18/234 (after second visit)
Once inside Semitt Falls, go over to the blue stone just west of the entrance. Interact with the top-right corner of the wall and Josef will reveal a hidden passageway. Go inside to collect the snowcraft. You should now be at 18 opened treasure chests at this point.
Achievements (6/X)
Location - Snow Cave
Treasure chests: 13
Total treasure chests at this point: 31/234
The Snow cave is located on the far west end of the snowcap. It is only accessible once you obtain Josef's snowcraft. Though the cave does consist of six floors, it is fairly straight forward overall, with only minor backtracking to collect all 13 treasure chests. All 13 chests can be collected on your first visit.
After you finish the Snow Cave, head back and speak with Cid in Poft and take passage to your next destination, Kashuan Keep. Before heading inside, you might as well visit the Chocobo Forest near by to the south.
Once you do that, head to the Kashuan Keep. Remember that this area houses one of the rare types of Goblins, the Goblin Prince. You'll find them in the keep (see bestiary above), and rarely on bridges in the overworld prior to the Cyclone.
Location - Kashuan Keep
Treasure chests: 11
Total treasure chests at this point: 42/234
Once you find Egil's Torch, head back to the first floor by either going back the way you came if you missed any chests or feel like farming a bit, or just use teleport if you have it and re-enter the keep to gather the flame using Egil's Torch.
Once you do, leave the keep and a cutscene will happen. After the cutscene, you'll learn Hilda has been kidnapped and was on the airship from the cutscene. Heading all the way to the southeast corner of the map and you'll find where the Dreadnought landed. Before entering I highly recommend collecting the bestiary for monster #12 (Phorusracos) and if you're strong enough to defeat them at this point, monster #54 (Land/Sand Ray). If not, make sure to do it beforeCyclone appears.
When ready, enter the Dreadnought and make sure to get all the treasure chests before defeating the boss. You will only get one chance to collect them all.
Location - Dreadnought
Treasure chests: 10 (All are missable)
Total treasure chests at this point: 52/234
After completing the Dreadnought dungeon, head you'll go through a small cutscene and be taken back to Altair. Speak to the King and Gordon will leave the party and be assigned to lead the King's army. Speak to him in the throne room and learn two new key phrases, "Dragoon" and "Wyverns". Once you're ready, head to Paloom to find passage to Deist.
Achievements (7/X)
Location - Castle Deist
Treasure chests: 14
Total treasure chests at this point: 66/234
Once you gain the ability to sail, head to Castle Deist. Here you'll find 14 more treasure chests; there are no enemies here so take your time and gather up all the loot, as there are some great items within the castle's walls. Once you're done, head north to Deist Cavern.
Location - Deist Cavern
Treasure chests: 13
Total treasure chests at this point: 79/234
Deist Cavern is a bit of a maze, so you'll probably have to do some serious back tracking. If you don't want to run through the cavern twice, head straight down pathway "A" at the start to retrieve the pendant right away. If you take it back to the Wyvern, they'll give you an egg to place at the bottom in the Life Spring, so you'll have to traverse the cavern anyway.
Make sure to get all the chests along the way. At this point, you should be at 79 treasure chests. Still plenty more to go! Once you deliver the egg, teleport out and return to Altair.
Location - Coliseum
Treasure chests: 4
Total treasure chests at this point: 83/234
Now that you're adequately leveled up (assuming), if you haven't beforehand, wander the desert and make sure to encounter and kill the "Antlion" and "Land Ray (Sand Ray)", as they are two of the missable monsters on the list.
When you're ready, enter the Coliseum. All four chests are located in the various rooms after your capture, so just make sure you get them before looking for Hilda. Once you rescue her, head back to Altair, rest and restock supplies.
Head west just past Gatrea and you'll see the Rebel Camp that has been set up to storm Castle Fynn. This is a missable area, so make sure you visit it before heading to Fynn. There are no chests at this location.
Location - Rebel Camp
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 83/234
Location - Castle Fynn
Treasure chests: 27
Total treasure chests at this point: 110/234
Location - Mysidia
Treasure chests: 0
Total treasure chests at this point: 110/234
Once you retake Castle Fynn, head to Mysidia to learn more on how to enter Mysidia Tower. There are no treasure chests in the town of Mysidia, so just use it to rest up and re-supply. Once you're ready, hop into your ship and sale to that tiny little island in the middle of the ocean, Tropical Island.
Location - Tropical Island
Treasure chests: 20
Total treasure chests at this point: 130/234
Here you'll find 20 treasure chests as well as the second mask you need to enter Mysidia Tower, the Black Mask. The enemies aren't terribly difficult, so you shouldn't have much trouble clearing it out and collecting your prize. Once you acquire the mask, head north to the Cave of Mysidia!
Location - Cave of Mysidia
Treasure chests: 19
Total treasure chests at this point: 149/234
After obtaining the Crystal Rod, it would be wise to head back to town before heading to the Mysidia Tower, as entering the bay will trigger a cutscene and your ship will be swallowed by a massive creature, forcing you into the Leviathan dungeon.
Location - Leviathan
Treasure chests: 5 (All missable)
Total treasure chests at this point: 154/234
Upon entering the Leviathan, make sure to collect all five treasure chests. They ARE missable! This is a one-time dungeon that you cannot come back to so don't miss any. It is a relatively small dungeon, so just go slowly and collect as you go and you should be fine.
Achievements (8/X)
Location - Mysidian Tower
Treasure chests: 24
Total treasure chests at this point: 178/234
Before completing the Mysidian Tower, make sure you have completed all the missable content prior, as completing the tower changes the landscape drastically. Make sure you:
Obtained the one chest in Altiar, as it will be destroyed after completing the tower.
You have fought at least one Phorusracos (see monster list for location).
You have fought at least one Buccaneer (see monster list for location).
You have fought at least one Killer Fish (see monster list for location).
You have fought at least one Sea Snake (see monster list for location).
You have fought at least one Hell Diver (see monster list for location).
You have fought at least one Land Ray (see monster list for location).
You have fought at least one Antlion (see monster list for location).
After completing the tower, head to Castle Fynn and speak to Hilda or Gordon to learn "Cyclone".
Location - Fynn (Paul's House)
Treasure chests: 8 (missable)
Total treasure chests at this point: 186/234
Once you do that, go to Paul's house in the SW corner of Fynn. Remember those eight treasure chests that we were still missing for so long? Well, now we can finally access them.
Head over there and speak to Paul, asking about "Cyclone" and he'll call you insane for challenging the Cyclone and give you access to some items he has stashed away in a hidden room by his bed.
Make sure you do this before finishing the Cyclone, otherwise you'll miss these forever.
Once you finished collecting the treasure chests from Paul's house, head back into Castle Fynn. Remember that pendant you've been holding onto for a while now?
If you talk to Hilda, she'll tell you that it was used in front of a mirror in the castle to summon Wyverns. Explore the castle and locate the mirror. Use the pendant to summon Ricard's Wyvern.
Time to head to the Cyclone!
Location - Cyclone
Treasure chests: 7 (All missable)
Total treasure chests at this point: 193/234
Once you summoned the Wyvern, you'll be able to access the Cyclone. Once you're ready, head there and you'll be given a short cutscene before arriving.
There are seven chests within the Cyclone and you need to collect ALL of them prior to defeating the boss at the end.
Once you do, the cyclone will dissipate and you'll have no future chances to return and collect any missed ones. Being this far along in the game, you don't want that to happen.
After defeating the Emperor at the top of the Cyclone, you'll be taken back to Castle Fynn. Speaking to Hilda and Gordon, you'll learn about "Palamecia" and the Dark Knight Leon's intentions of becoming the new emperor.
Head back over to Paul's house and speak to Cid, who came after his hometown was destroyed. He'll give you his airship before dying shortly after. In speaking with Paul, you'll learn that, to enter Castle Palamecia, you'll need to get it and descend from the top of the castle, as it is inaccessible by foot.
Location - Castle Palamecia
Treasure chests: 17 (All missable)
Total treasure chests at this point: 210/234
Once you return from Castle Palamecia, and leave Castle Fynn, you'll be shown the location of the lake and Jade Passage. That's your next location! This is now the end game, but even if you finish it, the game will save your progress and teleport you to the entrance anyway, allowing you to clean up any non-missable content.
Location - Jade Passage
Treasure chests: 14
Total treasure chests at this point: 224/234
Location - Pandemonium
Treasure chests: 10
Total treasure chests at this point: 234/234
Achievements (9/X)
Memory Lane"Learned all passwords."
I detail how I came across all the passwords in the treasure chest achievement portion of this guide, but for those looking for a quick reference guide and not wanting to wade through that entire section, here is a quick go to for the passwords.
Password Location Wild Rose In Altair when you speak to Hilda for the first time after the customary introductions and plot exposition. Mythril Once you return from Fynn with Scott's Ring, you'll speak to Hilda again and learn about Mythril. Airship Just after learning Mythril and returning Scott's Ring, speak to Hilda again to learn Airship. Optionally, you can also learn it from Cid in Poft. Dreadnought Also learned after Mythril and Airship, speak to Hilda yet again and she'll tell you about Dreadnought. Sunfire After clearing the Bafsk Cave and watching the cutscene, you'll go back to Altair and speak to Hilda. Once that is done, go to Poft and talk to Cid about "Airships" to learn "Sunfire". Goddess Bell Once you learn Sunfire, head back to Altair and speak to Hilda once again to learn your next destination, which is Kashuan Keep. Before you head out, go to the southeast room of the hideout and where Minwu is helping out the King. Speak to the King and ask him about "Sunfire" to learn "Goddess Bell". Dragoons After blowing up the Dreadnought and returning to Altair, speak to Gordon in the King & Queen's chambers to learn "Dragoon" after he is assigned to lead the King's army. Wyverns After blowing up the Dreadnought and returning to Altair, speak to Gordon in the King & Queen's chambers to learn "Wyverns" after he is assigned to lead the King's army. Mysidia After taking back Castle Fynn, speak to Hilda to learn about Mysidia. Mask After taking back Castle Fynn, speak to Hilda to learn about Mysidia. Ekmet Teloess After taking back Castle Fynn, speak to Hilda to learn about Mysidia. You'll need this to open the secret passage in the NE corner of the throne room. Ultima Tome After taking back Castle Fynn, speak to Gordon to learn about the Ultima Tome. Cyclone After finishing Mysidian Tower, head back to Castle Fynn and speak to Hilda or Gordon to learn about "Cyclone". Palamecia After defeating the Emperor and speaking to Hilda/Gordon, you'll learn about "Palamecia" and the Dark Knight Leon's new plans. Jade Passage After confronting the Dark Knight Leon in Castle Palamecia, you'll return to Castle Fynn and speak to Hilda/Gordon and learn of the Jade Passage to enter Hell itself.
Sword of Myth"Obtain Excalibur"
The sword Excalibur is the strongest sword in the game. Once you learn the phrase "Dragoon" and have access to the air ship from Cid, head to Castle Deist and speak to the woman that gave you the final Wyvern egg. Ask her about dragoons and she will leave the castle, but before going she will bestow you Excalibur to look after in Ricard's place.
Adventurous Warfarer"Traveled to all the map locations."
Should unlock once you reach Pandemonium for the first time, as that is the final location you'll visit. There is one missable area (the Rebel Camp) that appears before you take back Castle Fynn, so make sure to visit it before you do.
There is also the optional Chocobo Forest, but as long as you followed the location guideline above, you should have already visited.
Weapons Tactics & Magic Tactics"Leveled up one weapon/magic type to skill level 16."
These are probably the two you'll have to grind a bit post game. For magic, you'll likely level up "cure" due to healing all game, but if you're missing some levels at the end, the easiest way to level it up is to take damage, so equip your strongest weapons, find some low-level mobs (such as Captains) and attack yourself.
I typically would kill off two of the four members, bring them back, heal them and rinse and repeat.
For weapons, find a low level mob (preferably that only attacks via physical damage) and have one character equip ONLY the "Blood Sword" as a weapon.
Kill off the other three characters. Have that character attack themselves with the blood sword, as it heals on hits, so you won't lose any health, but your weapon level will slowly increase.
It takes a bit of time, so have patience.
Achievements (10/X)
Wild RoseThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you return from Fynn with Scott's ring and speak with Hilda & Minwu.
Empire's BlitzThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you finish the Dreadnought cut scene and the attack on Altair.
CounterattackThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you finish the Dreadnought dungeon and blow it out of the sky.
A Pirate's MateThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you hitch a ride to Deist on Leila's pirate ship. She'll also temporarily join your party.
Rebel VictoryThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you take back Castle Fynn with the rebel army.
Last DragoonThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you get swallowed up by Leviathan. You'll team up with Ricard to defeat the Roundworm protecting the boat.
Birth of a WyvernThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you use the pendant on the mirror in Castle Fynn and the Wyvern is reunited with the Ricard.
New PalameciaThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you defeat the Emperor in the Cyclone.
Allied OffensiveThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you confront Leon in Castle Palamecia and Ricard is killed.
War's EndThis is a story driven achievement and will unlock as you progress the main story of the game. You'll unlock it once you defeat the Emperor a second time, ending the game.
Master of II"Earned all achievements."
Earn all the above mentioned achievements to unlock this final one and fully completing the game. Well done!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2599601129
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