Feed and Grow: Fish - How to Play as The Ichthyosaurus

Feed and Grow: Fish - How to Play as The Ichthyosaurus

Feed and Grow: Fish - How to Play as The Ichthyosaurus image 0

This is a guide on how to play as the Ichthyosaurus!

How To Get Big As Ichthyosaurus

How To Start

When you first spawn in, search for Whale Sharks. It may seem that you can not take one down on level 1, but it is doable. Whale Sharks drop allot of meat, meaning you can get big fast, but they do stop spawning after awhile, so you may have to find Norway Redfish. Norway Redfish drop allot more than they should, so they are also a good option. Once you are big enough, you can kill Orcas. Orcas drop allot to.

Now What To Do?

When you get large, you can do one of 2 things (you can do more than this, just so you know)

Boss hunting. Boss hunting is tough, so make it so you are HUGE.Get revenge on those who have killed you before.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/9279-feed-and-grow-fish.html					

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