This guide as all the teleporting commands of the game.
- coc Abandonedshackext
- coc Abernathyfarmext
- coc Andrewstationext
- coc ArcJetSystemsext
- coc AtlanticOfficesext
- coc AtomCatsgarageext
- coc BackBayext
- coc BackStreetApparelext
- coc BADTFLregionalofficeext
- coc BeaconHillext
- coc BeantownBreweryext
- coc BedfordStationext
- coc BigJohn'ssalvageext
- coc BostonAirportext
- coc BostonBuglebuildingext
- coc BostonCommonext
- coc BostonHarborext
- coc Bostonmayoralshelterext
- coc BostonPolicerationingsiteext
- coc BostonPublicLibraryext
- coc BoylstonClubext
- coc BreakheartBanksext
- coc BunkerHillext
- coc C.I.T.ruinsext
- coc CabotHouseext
- coc CambridgeCampusDinerext
- coc Cambridgecraterext
- coc Cambridgeext
- coc CambridgePoliceStationext
- coc CambridgePolymerLabsext
- coc Campuslawofficesext
- coc Capsizedfactoryext
- coc Caveext
- coc Charlestownext
- coc CharlesViewAmphitheaterext
- coc ChestnutHillockReservoirext
- coc Coastalcottageext
- coc CoastGuardPierext
- coc CollegeSquareext
- coc Collegiateadministrationbuildingext
- coc CombatZoneext
- coc ConcordCivicAccessext
- coc Concordext
- coc ConcordSpeakeasyext
- coc Corvegaassemblyplantext
- coc Countycrossingext
- coc Covenantext
- coc CraterHouseext
- coc CraterofAtomext
- coc CroupManorext
- coc CustomHousetowerext
- coc CutlerBendext
- coc D.B.TechnicalHighSchoolext
- coc DarkHollowpondext
- coc DartmouthProfessionalBuildingext
- coc Decayedreactorsiteext
- coc Decrepitfactoryext
- coc DiamondCityext
- coc DiamondCitymarketext
- coc DrumlinDinerext
- coc DunwichBorersext
- coc EastBostonpolicestationext
- coc EastBostonPreparatorySchoolext
- coc EasyCityDownsext
- coc EdgeoftheGlowingSeaext
- coc EgretToursMarinaext
- coc ElectricalHobbyist'sclubext
- coc Esplanadeext
- coc FairlineHillEstatesext
- coc FallenSkybridgeext
- coc Fallon'sdepartmentstoreext
- coc FaneuilHallext
- coc Federalrationstockpileext
- coc Federalsupplycache84NEext
- coc Fensstreetsewerext
- coc Fiddler'sGreenTrailerEstatesext
- coc FinancialDistrictext
- coc Finchfarmext
- coc ForestGrovemarshext
- coc Forgottenchurchext
- coc FortHagenext
- coc FortHagenfillingstationext
- coc FortHagensatellitearrayext
- coc FortHagenTownshipext
- coc FortStrongext
- coc FourLeaffishpackingplantext
- coc FraternalPost115ext
- coc Garagealcoveext
- coc GardenTerraceext
- coc GeneralAtomicsfactoryext
- coc GeneralAtomicsGalleriaext
- coc GibsonPointpierext
- coc Goodneighborext
- coc Gorskicabinext
- coc Graygardenext
- coc GreaterMassbloodclinicext
- coc GreenetechGeneticsext
- coc GreentopNurseryext
- coc Gunnersplazaext
- coc Gwinnettbreweryext
- coc Gwinnettrestaurantext
- coc HalluciGenExt
- coc Hangman'sAlleyext
- coc Harbormasterhotelext
- coc HardwareTownext
- coc HaymarketMallext
- coc HestersConsumerRoboticsext
- coc HomePlateext
- coc HopesmarchPentecostalChurchext
- coc HubCityAutoWreckersext
- coc HubrisComicsext
- coc Hugo'sHoleext
- coc HydeParkext
- coc IrishPrideIndustriesshipyardext
- coc JalbertBrothersDisposalext
- coc JamaicaPlainext
- coc KendallHospitalext
- coc KingsportLighthouseext
- coc LakeCochituateext
- coc LakeQuannapowittext
- coc LaytonTowersext
- coc Lexingtonapartmentsext
- coc Lexingtonext
- coc Libertaliaext
- coc ListeningPostBravoext
- coc LonelyChapelext
- coc LongneckLukowski'sCanneryext
- coc Lynnpierparkingext
- coc LynnWoodsext
- coc MahkraFishpackingext
- coc MaldenCenterext
- coc MaldenMiddleSchoolext
- coc Maldenpolicestationext
- coc MaldenTownshipext
- coc MassachusettsStateHouseext
- coc MassBaymedicalcenterext
- coc MassFusionbuildingext
- coc MassFusioncontainmentshedext
- coc MassFusiondisposalsiteext
- coc MassPikeInterchangeext
- coc MassPikeTunnelEastext
- coc MassPikeTunnelWestext
- coc Med-TekResearchext
- coc MedfordMemorialhospitalext
- coc MedicalCentermetroext
- coc MiltonGeneralhospitalext
- coc MonsignorPlazaext
- coc Murkwaterconstructionsiteext
- coc MuseumofFreedomext
- coc MuseumofWitchcraftext
- coc MysticPinesext
- coc NahantChapelext
- coc Nahantext
- coc NahantOceanologicalSocietyext
- coc NahantSherrif'sDepartmentext
- coc NahantWharfext
- coc NatickBanksext
- coc Natickext
- coc NatickPoliceDepartmentext
- coc Nationalguardbarracksext
- coc Nationalguardrecruitmentofficeext
- coc NationalGuardtrainingyardext
- coc NeponsetParkext
- coc NH&MFreightDepotext
- coc Nordhagenbeachext
- coc NorthEndext
- coc O'Neillfamilymanufacturingext
- coc OberlandStationext|coc OberlandStation
- coc OldCornerbookstoreext
- coc OldGranaryburyinggroundext
- coc OldGulletsinkholeext
- coc OldNorthChurchext
- coc OldRoboticsext
- coc OutpostZimonjaext
- coc ParkStreetstationext
- coc ParkviewApartmentsext
- coc ParsonsCreameryext
- coc ParsonsStateInsaneAsylumext
- coc Peabodyhouseext
- coc PickmanGalleryext
- coc PolicePrecinct8ext
- coc PoseidenEnergyTurbine18-Fext
- coc PoseidonEnergyext
- coc PoseidonReservoirext
- coc PostalSquareext
- coc PrewarSanctuaryExt01
- coc PrydwenHull01ext
- coc qasmoke
- coc Quincyext
- coc Quincypolicestationext
- coc QuincyQuarriesext
- coc Quincyruinsext
- coc RadioTower3SM-U81ext
- coc Rangercabinext
- coc ReconBunkerThetaext
- coc redrocketext
- coc ReebMarinaext
- coc RelayTower0BB-915ext
- coc RelayTower0DB-521ext
- coc RelayTower0SC-527ext
- coc RelayTower1DL-109ext
- coc RevereBeachstationext
- coc Reveresatellitearrayext
- coc Roboticsdisposalgroundext
- coc RoboticsPioneerParkext
- coc RockyCaveext
- coc RockyNarrowsParkext
- coc Rookfamilyhouseext
- coc Rottenlandfillext
- coc Salemext
- coc Sanctuaryext
- coc SandyCovesConvalescentHomeext
- coc SaugusIronworksext
- coc ScrapPalaceext
- coc Sentinelsiteext
- coc ShawHighSchoolext
- coc SkylanesFlight1665ext
- coc SkylanesFlight1981ext
- coc Slocum'sJoeCorporateHQext
- coc SomervillePlaceext
- coc SouthBostonext
- coc SouthBostonHighSchoolext
- coc SouthBostonmilitarycheckpointext
- coc SouthBostonPoliceDepartmentext
- coc SpectacleIslandext
- coc StarlightDriveInext
- coc SuffolkCountycharterschoolext
- coc SunshineTidingsco-opext
- coc Super-DuperMartext
- coc superdupermartext
- coc Swan'sPondext
- coc Taffingtonboathouseext
- coc TenpinesBluffext
- coc TheaterDistrictext
- coc TheCastleext
- coc TheFensext
- coc TheInstituteext
- coc ThePrydwenext
- coc TheShamrockTaphouseext
- coc TheSlogext
- coc ThicketExcavationsext
- coc TrinityPlazaext
- coc TrinityTowerext
- coc TuckerMemorialBridgeext
- coc UFOcrashsite01
- coc UniversityPointext
- coc USAFSatelliteStationOliviaext
- coc USSConstitutionext
- coc Vault-TecRegionalHQext
- coc Vault111ext
- coc Vault114ext
- coc Vault75ext
- coc Vault81ext
- coc Vault95ext
- coc Vertibirdwreckageext
- coc WaldenPondext
- coc Warwickhomesteadext
- coc WattzConsumerElectronicsext
- coc WaypointEchoext
- coc WestEverettEstatesext
- coc WestingEstateext
- coc Westonwatertreatmentplantext
- coc WestRoxburyext
- coc WestRoxburystationext
- coc WickedShippingFleetLockupext
- coc Wildwoodcemeteryext
- coc WilsonAtomatoysCorporateHQext
- coc WilsonAtomatoysfactoryext
- coc Workhouseext
- coc WreckoftheFMSNorthernStarext
- coc WreckoftheUSSRiptideext
- coc WRVRbroadcaststationext
- coc Yangtzeext
Nuka World
- Dry Rock Gulch: coc NukaWorldWildWestGateA01
- Galactic Zone: coc DLC04GalacticZoneExt
- Kiddie Kingdom: coc KiddieKingdomExt
- Power Plant: coc NukaWorldPowerPlantExt
- Safari Adventure: coc SafariAdventureGate01
- Fizztop Grille Patio (Near Bed): coc NukaWorldNukaTownUSA07
- Bradberton (Town): coc BradbertonExt
- Bradberton Overpass: coc BradbertonOverpassExt
- Evan's Home: coc DLC04POIBB14
- Grandchester Mystery Mansion: coc DLC04GrandchesterMansionEXT
- Morton Residence: coc DLC04POIBB04
- Nuka-World Junkyard: coc DLC04JunkyardExt01
- Nuka-World Power Plant: coc NukaWorldPowerPlantCheckpointExt
- Wixon's Shovel Museum: coc DLC04POIBB10
Far Harbor
- Dalton Farm: coc DLC03DaltonFarmExt
- Echo Lake Lumber: coc EchoLakeLumberExt
- Longfellow's Cabin: coc LongfellowsCabinExt
- National Park Visitor's Center: coc NationalParkVisitorsCenterExt
- Aldersea Day Spa: coc AlderseaDaySpaExt
- Acadia Observatory: coc AcadiaObservatoryExt
- Acadia (Interior): coc DLC03Acadia
- Beaver Creek Lanes: coc BeaverCreekLanesExt
- Briney's Bait and Tackle: coc DLC03POI14
- Brooke's Head Lighthouse: coc BrookesHeadLighthouseExt
- Children of Atom Shrine: coc DLC03POI24
- Cliff's Edge Hotel: coc CliffsEdgeHotelExt
- Cranberry Island Docks: coc Dlc03poi04
- DiMA's Cache: coc DLC03MQ06DigSiteExt
- Eagle's Cove Tannery: coc EaglesCoveTanneryExt
- Eden Meadows Cinemas: coc EdenMeadowsCinemasExt
- Fringe Cove Docks: coc FringeCoveDocksext
- Glowing Grove: coc DLC03POI39
- Haddock Cove: coc HaddockCoveext
- Harbor Grand Hotel: coc HarborGrandHotelExt
- Horizon Flight 1207: coc HorizonFlight1207ext
- Kitteredge Pass: coc KitteredgePassext
- MS Azalea: coc MSAzaleaExt
- National Park Campground: coc NationalParkCampgroundExt
- National Park HQ: coc NationalParkHQExt
- Northwood Ridge Quarry: coc NorthwoodRidgeQuarryExt
- Nucleus (Children of Atom): coc NucleusExt
- Oceanarium: coc DLC03POI54
- Radiant Crest Shrine: coc DLC03POI12
- Rayburn Point: coc RayburnPointExt
- Rock Point Camp: coc RockPointCampExt
- Ruined Church: coc DLC03POI37
- Ruined Radio Tower: coc RuinedRadioTowerExt
- Southwest Harbor: coc SouthwestHarborext
- The Last Plank (Bar): coc DLC03FarHarborLastPlank
- Waves Crest Orphanage: coc DLC03POI45
- Vim! Pop Factory: coc VimPopFactoryExt
- Zephyr Ridge Camp: coc ZephyrRidgeCampExt
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/984-fallout-4.html
More Fallout 4 guilds
- All Guilds
- Fallout 4: Nuka-World - All Hidden Cappy Locations
- Fallout 4: Nuka-World - Complete Achievements
- Fallout 4 - Faction Hostility
- Fallout 4 - Conveyor Storage Dogmeat Duplicating Exploit
- Fallout 4 - Unlimited Companion Storage Glitch
- Fallout 4 - All Unique Weapons in DLC
- Fallout 4 - How to Unlock Robot Parts (Console Commands)
- Fallout 4: Nuka-World - How To Enter The Morton Residence
- Fallout 4 - Modding Guide