DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG)

DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG)

Bit & Byte

DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 1

DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 2
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 3
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 4

Bit - (8, 16, 24, 32....) the minimum amount of information represented in the binary system. 1 or 0 symbolizes the status (on/off)

The game presents an example of one bit and it is a switch for electrical networks

Bytes are containers that store information from 1/0

8 bit = 1 byte

And to demonstrate the bit shift, I will use a 32-bit circuit

Below is a part of it, with white color indicating a byte and copper color indicating a bit

To confirm, here is the site[convertlive.com]

Binary And Decimal Numbers

DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 13
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 14
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 15

How to get 13 in 1101? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To convert ordinary 13 to binary, use the division operation with the remainder

Thus, the binary representation of 13 is 1101

What does the "rule of converting a decimal number to binary" sound like?

When converting a decimal number to binary, you use the method of division by 2. If the number is divisible by 2, you write 0 (there is no remainder), and if the number is not divisible by 2, you write 1 (because we get the remainder). This rule is applied at each step of dividing a decimal number by 2 until the result is 0. After that, the remainders are written in reverse order to get the binary representation of the number.

An example based on game logic

Next, we'll use the online calculator, and this section is designed to help you understand the magic it creates

Most Significant Bit (MSB)

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DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 26
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 27
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 28
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 29
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 30
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 31

Sign bit. The leftmost bit in the number indicates the sign for a decimal number

For a 4-bit 1010, the most significant bit will be 1010, and for an 8-bit 1011 1011, respectively 1011 1011

For example, if I take 1 and shift it by 31, we will get the maximum negative value for 32-bit programs -2147483648

In the photo, none of the indicators are on, because the value is negative

However, if there is a 30-bit offset, the value will be 1073741824

Example of the MSB on a calculator

32 Bits

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DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 40
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 41
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 42
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 43

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A Factorio is written in 32 bits

So, the representation of the maximum and minimum values for this bit depth is as follows

MIN -2 147 483 648 MAX 2 147 483 647


If you add one to the maximum value, you get the minimum value

2 147 483 647


-2 147 483 648

Similar to the minimum value

-2 147 483 648


2 147 483 647

The reason for this is an overflow and this is what it sounds like

An overflow occurs when the result of an arithmetic operation goes beyond the possible range for a particular number format.

For example, in the binary representation of 32-bit numbers, if you add one to the maximum value, an overflow occurs, and the minimum value is obtained.

An example of overflow in life is the "tachometer"

When the maximum is reached, a new cycle begins

WarningIf you create a number of items close to the maximum value for 32 bits. The game may start to slow down and crash when it is overcrowded.

I can't give you a live example of this because I don't want to wait that long (>__<)

Bit Shift

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Bit shift is the movement of bits in a binary number to the left or right. When a bit goes outside the number, it is lost, and new bits fill the empty spaces

I'll use a visual demonstration.

Let's take 13, which usually looks like this

Now let's shift left by 5

Moving by 5, we have 416 instead of 13

Although 1101 is also suitable for 13, 416 is simply found in a different place in the byte

By performing a bit shift, we ended up changing the decimal value on the output.

How it works in the game


The Scheme

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DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 81

In the constant combinator, data/values are set, then they get into the combinator that controls the bit shift: by the values 1,2,3..... and the direction to the right (>>) or left (<<)

Next, the signal goes to the arithmetic combinators, which in our case together play the role of 1 byte or 8 bits

From them, the signal goes to the combinator that divides by the remainder (%) *number* % 2

How Display Segments/signals Work

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DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 87
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 88
DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 89

Take a display from the guide


I will show you with the following example

Where 1 is a decimal representation and 2 is a bit representation

I take our symbol A into the combinator and shift it by 1

And we got a value with a plus sign.

Let me remind you that the condition for the display lamps to light up is the following "symbol" < 0

However, if you shift it by 2, the value will be minus because segment A should be lit on a two

My vision/explanation

The decimal value of a "symbol" is a bit code. It contains information about when the signal is positive and when it is negative. That is, thanks to it, small lamps know when they need to work and when not


DLC Theory, bit, byte, binary shift and other (ENG) image 101

Here is a 32-bit schematic and several ready-made display options

Install the "Text Plates"[mods.factorio.com] mod to see the characters



OpenAI ChatGPT

Bit numbering




Sign bit


Bit to byte




Bit shift



Division with remainder


Factorio wiki


Most significant bit (MSB)



Scheme concept


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3168668712					

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