Summation, Motivation, Editorial Notes
Uranium turrets are the superior choice, and by a considerable margin. Flamethrower Turrets are not discussed. The choice between using Laser or Gun depends on your factory strategy and playstyle.
I originally started this because I suspected Laser Turrets were the superior choice or Factory defence solutions. They are not. I thought for the longest time gun turrets were useless because they took some amount of damage, and taking damage means a structure is temporary at best. Sadly I must concede the superior waifu is the Uranium Turret.
Editorial Notes:
Note 1: A Uranium Turret will overpower a Laser Turret, in sheer damage output. No contest.
Laser Turret:
36DPS, 24 range
-A substation has room for 4 (sometimes 5) rows and 9 (sometimes 11) columns of Laser Turrets in front of it. No enemy can resist Laser damage. No upgrades: Bulk damage = 1296 DPS (4Rx9C).
Gun Turret + Uranium Rounds:
240DPS, 18 range
-Turret setups may differ, but we know some basics. A turret takes up 2x2 squares and can be fed with logistics drones. No Upgrades: Bulk Damage = 8640 DPS (4Rx9C). This is the best possible case for maximum Turret damage.
Huh, Thats uh... alot. Well there goes my hypothesis. But, if I add 26 more Laser Turrets to describe the range advantage of Laser Turrets (6 squares or 3 turrets), the damage jumps to 1860 DPS ((7RX9C)-1).
Damage Resistances
We should consider Damage resistance next.
No mortal can handle the might of the Laser so the damage remains unchanged, either 1296 or 1860, depending on your preferred methodology.
We chose to use Uranium Rounds, which are definitely more of a late game thing. Therefore, the enemies are the Big and Behemoth types, we will ignore the medium component for simplicity and because I estimate they should make up about 20% of raid volume We will consider 2 scenarios, with 1 turret each and we will also have to do it on a shot by shot basis for the Gun Turrets. First with purely Big types, and then Purely Behemoth types, both split 50/50 Spitters/Biters.
The following describes a single second under Turret Fire.
100% Big scenario:
Spitters have no bullet resistance.
Biters have the following reduction (according to the wiki):
Dmg taken Per Second = (Shots Per Second) x ((Shot DMG - 8) x 0.9)
Dmg taken Per Second = 10 x ((20-8) x 0.9)
Dmg taken Per Second = 108
Gun Turret, Uranium Rounds, 50/50 raid composition, Big type:
(240 + 108) / 2 = 174 DPS Received.
100% Behemoth scenario:
Spitters have no bullet resistance.
Biters have the following reduction (according to the wiki):
Dmg taken Per Second = (Shots Per Second) x ((Shot DMG - 12) x 0.9)
Dmg taken Per Second = 10 x ((20-12) x 0.9)
Dmg taken Per Second = 72
Gun Turret, Uranium Rounds, 50/50 raid composition, Behemoth Type:
(240 + 72) / 2 = 156 DPS Received.
Laser turrets are easier: Dmg Taken Per Second = 30, across the board.
Creative Accounting
Yeah Ok I guess they kind of suck, but I like that I dont have to build support infrastructure to manufacture Uranium rounds. I dont think Ive ever bothered to refine Uranium on any of my playthroughs.
Youve Activated my Trap Card: Creative Accounting
Remember that 3 Turrets worth of Extra Range? Lets throw that in there too.
A single map Square is 1 meter, and we have 6 squares of extra firing before the biter reaches the Gun Turret Range. The biters (big and behemoth) move at 18m/s and the Spitter moves at half that, 9m/s. Therefore, we can add 0.33s and 0.66s to our Laser Turret calculations. Lets also denote the rows facing the Biter, 1 being the closest and 4 being the Laser Turret at Gun Turret Range. The Biter Spend 0.11 seconds in a Laser Turrets beam before It activates the next row. The Spitter spends Double.
For the Biter:
0.11s Exposed to 1 Turret Beam
+ 0.11s Exposed to 2 Turret Beams
+ 0.11s Exposed to 3 Turret Beams:
(0.11s x 30 DPS) + (0.22s x 30 DPS) + (0.33s x 30 DPS) = 19.8
Spitter is just double, = 39.6
Adding this to our Totals, where we just measured with 1 second under Fire, but this time we have 3 more Laser Turrets firing, and the additional beam time for travel.
(Biter OR Spitter):
DMG Taken = 30 DPS + (3 x 30 DPS) + (19.8 OR 39.6)
= 139 to 159.6 Damage Taken in the second standing in Gun Turret range, plus the Time spent approaching the Turret.
Turret Wall Density
Taking a rough stab at a formula for Maximum Damage Potential of a given thickness walled Turret density Setup, where n is number of rows, and q describes the travel time approaching the gun turret wall which is a number not relevant because uranium still wins.
Laser = 30n + 119.7
Uranium Turret = 165n + q
For a single enemy touching the Laser Turret wall, its possible that up to 868 squares of laser turret can fire on an enemy. This includes Power poles. Thats 217 Turrets, Or a maximum of 6510 DPS for any point touching the wall.
For a single enemy touching the Uranium Gun Turret wall, its possible that up to 472 squares of turret can fire on an enemy. This assumes 100% Logistic Bot Resupply. Thats 118 Turrets, Or a maximum of 28320 DPS touching the wall for any point touching the wall.
Grand Economic Strategy And Playstyle
There are two aspects that influence Turret choice. First, short term economics. what immediate investment is required to create the system? Second, long term economics. How much does the system cost to maintain and feed? Third, replacement. Fourth, evolutionary impact.
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