Latin scripts of stratagem voicing


Salvete, discipuli! (c)

A couple of days ago I had a forum discussion with other fans of Expeditions: Rome about the Latin phrases that are said when we choose a stratagem in battle. Since it's hard to hear the phrases distinctly due to ambient sounds, specific pronunciation, and lack of a trained ear for Latin, I contacted the PitStop Productions company that did the voicing of the game, and with the permission of the Development team they shared the scripts of all phrases present in battles.


What I did is just referring each phrase to the respective stratagem and translating them closer to a 'word by word' manner.

Nota bene:

The word order in Latin is not nearly as strict as in English, and the syntax differs much - words are joined in a combination mostly with the help of endings.

Almost all verbs are in the 2nd person plural imperative form, ending with -te (naturally, because it is an order given to soldiers)

Many Latin words have a wide array of meanings that are sometimes synonymous and sometimes greatly differ, depending on the context

'Improved stratagems' have the same voicing as their level 1 predecessors.



[Stratagem] = [Voicing] = [Translation]


Extended line = Aciem latius extendite = Extend a wider line

Weak centre = Allicite hostes in infirmatam mediam aciem = Lure the enemies into the weakened centre of the line

Testudo = Testudinem formate! = Form a tortoise!

Wedge = Cuneum formate! = Form a wedge!

Strong right flank = Congregate copias in dextro latere = Gather the forces on the right side

Strengthened flanks = Consistite latus in ripam fluminis = Position widely in (the form of) river banks

Wide maniple channels = Itinera pervia relinquite inter manipulos = Leave accessible routes between maniples


Charge = Aggredimini! = Attack! (alternatively, Move closer!) (this is a very unusual verb form, also imperative plural, but the verb is so called 'verba deponentia', so it ends with -mini. Just forget I've said this...)

Study enemy positions = Ciringite frontem! = Go around the frontline

Square formation = Agmen formate! = Form a square

Throw pila = Iacite pila! = Throw javelins

Spread out = Frontem extèndite! = Extend the frontline

Cavalry encircle = Equites, circumdate praesidia hostium = Cavalry, encircle the position of the enemy

Form wedge = Acies per cuneos componite = Form a line by means of a wedge

Unleash catapults = Catapultas tendite = Unleash catapults

Loose scorpions = Agite scorpiones = Load/Move/Aim scorpions

Deploy siege towers = Agite turres = Move towers


Lead by example = Centuriones, in proelia! = Centurions, to battle!

Your own effort = Contendite vestra sponte! = Make effort at your will

Sacrifice maniple = Miles sibi quisque consulat = Each soldier will give advice to himself

Reinforce = Subsidia bellica explicate! = Deploy military aid

Stand firm = State! State! = Stand! Stand!

Maniple swap = Permutate vestra praesidia = Shift your positions

Divide and conquer = Hostium agmina distrahite = Tear/pull the enemy army/crowd apart

Cavalry charge = Equites, aggredimini! = Cavalry, attack!

Hold position = Praesidia tenete! = Hold positions!

Hunker down = Recedite et munite! = Retreat and fortify!

Repel cavalry = Repellite equites! = Repel cavalry!


Wagon train = Commeatus promovete = Move forth the wagon train (the rear part of the army with supplies... how do you say it in English?..)

Show mercy = Misereamur = We should cry over them (..or pity them, or something like that. Another braintwisting verb form - 1st person plural present passive subjunctive from 'misereo').

Tend to your wounded = Sauciis operam date = Give care to the wounded

Give chase = Instate hostibus! Eos persequimini! = Chase the enemy! Pursuit them! (again this 'verba deponentia'...)

Celebrate = Sinite milites exsultare = Allow soliders to rejoice (That's what we've been discussing in the forum thread! Not 'finite' but sinite, the verb 'sino'. Actually, that discussion pulled me into creating this guide)

Plunder = Expilate quam maxima = Pillage to the maximum extent

Heroic death = Memoria devotionis tuae retinebitur = The memory of your self-sacrifice/devotion will be held

Scorched earth = Ferro ignique vastate omnia = Destroy everything with iron and fire (-que is a junction, interesting, eh?)

Protect centuriones = Centuriones defendite! = Defend/protect the centurions

Final stand = Ultro petite hostem = Beat the enemies off (a bit difficult to translate here, 'ultro' has many meanings, but 'off' like in the phrase 'off with you' is the most logical here)

Ordered retreat = Receptui signum date - Give a signal of retreating

Fortifications = Ad nostras munitiones recedite = Retreat to our fortifications


I have only one phrase and one stratagem left unchecked, but I can't catch it in the battle, and I'm not sure they relate to each other.

Tabernacula valetudinaria collocate = Place hospital tents

Fortification gambit = ???


I hope you'll enjoy the game with a bit more flavour now!

Should you have any additions or corrections, please let me know and I'll adjust the guide accordingly. Also, I would gladly comment upon Latin words or grammar to the extent of my modest knowledge )



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