Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 0

C7 Puzzle Solution

Start at the start and just follow the red line all the way.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 3

G9 Puzzle Solution

Start at the start and follow one of the red lines. Use the teleporter to go back to the start and then follow the other line through.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 6

Rainbow Gate Code

Place the Stone Skulls like this at the gate to cause the center chest to appear. I believe the chest will also appear if you do the opposite with the skulls.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 9

Redpine Crystal Cavern Puzzles

Save you some time.

West Puzzle
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 13

There are multiple ways to complete this puzzle, this here is one:

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 15SouthWest Puzzle
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 17East Puzzle 1
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 - Puzzle Solutions image 19East Puzzle 2
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/3482-epic-battle-fantasy-5.html					

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