Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes

Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes

- - INTRO - -

Much like people in Bloodborne tried to figure out the correct hair color to have your character's hair match the Knight's Wig[] , I have tried my best to figure out how to replicate the Albinaruic skin tone, as well as other small things to note in case you want to play as one of these damn things. Which you should.


Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 3
Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 4
Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 5
Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 6
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Recommended Color ValuesThese are the values that I found to be the closest to the Albinauric skin tone:

RED: 105

GREEN: 102

BLUE: 108


When using Color Cop[] to check how close the values I had matched the actual Albinauric Mask, while obviously this can't be done precisely, I noticed that on average the head had slightly higher RED values than the body.

Despite that, the skin color still turned out closer to the intended one if I increased BLUE by a little.

This is very likely because the Albinauric Mask and the player character's skin are wrapped in two different textures with different properties, base colors and luminescence. More on that topic below.

LusterThis one is pretty much mandatory.


PORES: Irrelevant

DARK CIRCLES: Irrelevant


As explained before, your character's skin has a completely different texture than the mask; this means we have to do our best to imitate the Mask's properties (outside of color) with the tools at our disposal.

In this case, making the skin tone as shiny as possible is a must, to mimic the smooth, lustrous skin these boys have, as it likely reflects light more than the character's base texture.

As a side note, even though this makes it accurate, keep in mind it's likely you won't be looking at your dude's body skin that much, since going around without armor that covers the ripped-out neck of the Albinauric Mask really breaks the illusion of continuity between your skin and the mask. Still!

Recommended AgeNot to confuse with Apparent Age.

AGE: Aged

VOICE: Irrelevant


You will notice that, as lustrous as their skin is, these guys have it rough; their skin is somewhat ruined.

To match this, it does help a little bit to layer your character's skin with the "Aged" filter.

- - BODY - -

Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 31
Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 32

Recommended Alter Body ValuesYou're free to do whatever you want, but do hear me out on these bad boys:

HEAD: 128




LEGS: 127

BODY HAIR: Irrelevant (0 Recommended)

MUSCULATURE: Irrelevant (Standard Recommended)


The objective here is not to try and match the Albinaurics in size, but rather to keep some semblance of accurate proportions, while not looking completely silly (except you're an Albinauric.), and boasting your Dirty Chainmail around the streets of the Lands Between.

In Souls games, most armor sets are designed in a way that if you want to make a decent-looking cosplay build, you will have to stick to the Standard body build (in this game, that'd be all "128"s), although definitions here are arguable.

What I'm trying to say is that equipment pieces are usually designed around the Standard build of the character first and foremost, or at least that's the impression I always had.

I think taking a couple liberties here is in order; for example, by going the Standard build route for this, you will end up with underwhelming proportions. Here's an incredibly lazy test that gives an incredibly rough idea.

With that in mind, we also can't go too much beyond the Standard build with the body proportions, because Albinaurics are both chubby and have skinny legs/arms, and the character creator won't allow you to have Arms and Legs values too low compared to Chest and Abdomen (beyond 128 Chest/Abdomen, the values of Arms/Legs will adjust themselves without your input).

Since the goal here is to look decent wearing the Albinauric stuff as well, which includes their chainmail armor, we can take a page from what artists do with their art, and work in what we can't do realistically by relying on "impressions".

This is just a fancy way to say that:

- Arms can be at 0 to stay skinny.

- Legs can be at the Standard value (I put 127 instead of 128 just because.) since the Albinauric chainmail chestpiece is larger on the abdomen, and Standard-sized legs will still give off the illusion of being skinnier when coming out of it, by comparison.

- Abdomen should be larger than the rest of the body, but should not go to higher values so that legs stay at the very least Standard-sized.


Recommended Albinauric Skin Tone & Notes image 53

- - FAQ - -

"My version is better than yours!"

Good for you! Hit me with some suggestions.

"Can I cosplay as one of those Red Albinaurics in Mohgwyn's Palace ?"

Not really, sorry bro.

"Where do I find Albinauric equipment?"

The Albinauirc Mask is in Volcano Manor .

The Dirty Chainmail is dropped by the Albinauircs, but keep in mind it only drops from the ones that are wearing it; some of them are just wearing peasant clothes and won't drop this for you. Good luck!

The Albinauric shield is also dropped by the Albinauircs that are specifically carrying it. Do note that you cannot really drop their rickety wooden shields; only the metal version.

The Albinauric shield is also dropped by the Albinauircs that are specifically carrying it. Do note that you cannot really drop their rickety wooden shields; only the metal version.

Same thing for the Curved Club and Curved Great Club; you will notice that the bigger Albinauircs will drop the bigger club. Surprising.

The Ripple Blade is sold by an NPC (Pidia) in Caria Manor .

If you want some buddies, you can also find the Albinauric Ashes summon on a corpse in Caria Manor .

To summarize, your two main target regions will be Liurnia and Mount Gelmir .

"You keep calling these Albinaurics but that is incorrect, you are talking specifically about the Second Generation Albinauircs."


"Is there a way for me to not miss out on defenses? The only parts of this set are the mask and the chestpiece."

I've been looking into this: it seems that the best candidate for pants that won't alter your appearence while wearing the Dirty Chainmail has been cut from the game (yes, it's the panties).

The next best candidate seems to be the Prophet's Trousers, if you don't mind having broken cuffs on your ankle, but the trousers themselves still pop out of the Dirty Chainmail sadly.

As for gauntlets, I'm not sure yet; there are definitely some bracelets that go under the Dirty Chainmail's sleeves, (such as bandage-like equipment, or the Godskin Noble Bracelets) but there's nothing really "invisibile".

You can improvise and be original here, maybe make a fungus-infested Albinauric, or a civilized one with the rest of the (regular) chainmail set.

One thing to remember is that, unlike Dark Souls 3, you get no straight-up malus for not wearing armor pieces in Elden Ring, so at least there's that.




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