How to gank invaders

How to gank invaders

Things U Need To Know And Get:


0:- Learn where is the save of Ur game (The ER0000.sl2 file) and made a backup of it.

1.- Watch this video and learn to do the gliches (Dont worry, it has Subtitles):

2.- Get the taunters tongue: (With this item u can cancel the time between invations when it is turn on, u can turn it off when u want/need).

3.- Get the White Cipher Ring: (This item is to get help with blue guys polices).

4.- Know how to Summon Friends (I will suppose u know how to summon and use a password):

preferably the host with a meta lvl carather (125-150, u know the meta since DS prepare to die edition or lvl 30, normal weapon lvl +1 and special weapon lvl +3 if u want to hunt bullys who hunts new players as Onlywaifu) and the friends with max lvl carathers.

4.1- What? U dont have friends? Dont worry, be happy, just join to our hunters clan or send me a friend request ;D

5.- Obviously u need one Boss alive (preferably 2 or 3 if u r on a open zone of the map) on the zone.

6.- And the more important: U really have to learn 1 of 2, or u learn how to install this:

or u learn how to use the steam interface in game (shift + Tab) and use it so many times on a short time that u will look as a fallout 4 player with the "F5".

U really need to learn how to use the Steam interface inside the game bc this is how u are goin to star to identify another players (the invaders who are usual costumers, hackers or C.E. users and block them, do new firends: another blue or yellow summon), send a menssge to Ur summons or host when they are ramdon players. and more.

7.- Get this:

7.1.- and this to cut the infinite stamina the invader has


A) Learn to use or create scripts/macros to use Gliches as..... on the video comes all the info u need on the description.

And on case u r a weirdo that use a console control: {LINK REMOVED}

B) Learn what is a SwitchLag and how it works.

C) If u are touched by the tree fingers u can use this item to heal u and if they are not touch they will get frenzy

D) Learn how to duplicate items with help of a friend and Ur backups (Specially recommended to get tons of this item or....

D.1) Learn what is Cheat Engine and how it works on the game (Hey, listen! This could be really really dangerous to Ur Game acount and Ur steam Acount too if u dont do it well, so just do it at your own risk).

D.1.1) Sheet of C.E......

D.1.2) Antishit (It is necessary to FS dont detect U, but I

almost I guarantee they will do it)

D.1.3) Video explaining how to do it.......

Ok, now what?

Well...............This will depends of where do u want to hunt invaders.

Check the next pages to get more info....

On 1st Steep:

How to gank invaders image 32

Ok Guys lest do it...........................

NOTE: I will suppose U have the "Big horse" dead (the one at the beginning of the zone) and still can summon firends bc if not this part of the guide will no help u too much.

Things to do on general:

0.- Clear the enemies on the zone where u bealive it could be necessary, yes u can do this point after point number 2 but the correct way would be starting with this one 1st

1.- Star doing the elemental glich (The Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear glich, maybe later i could make a guide of how to do it well) as the host before summon ur friends and before u use the taunters tongue bc if an invader arrives while u are doing the process it sometimes cuts the process, sometimes not, to be honest the Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear glich use to be really delicate sometimes (as a millenial).

1.1.- U can do the torrent glich too here but it really takes time to do it correctly and usually it is boring have to wait.

2.- Summon ur friends (preferably using a password).

3.- Position you and Ur friends at strategic points (if ur have), if not i recomen this one (bc if u have Ur friends up the monument they will see really clear the only 2 positions where an invader can appear on Ur world.


4.- Turn on the tongue and enjoy the hunt :D

5.- When u see they buffing left them do it until u see they use the then u have to use this

What U have to do on case the invader is just Running and hiding himself?

If the invader run alot or if is playing to be hidden, dont follow them, dont waste your time

trying to find him, jus go to Margit boss figth zone, if the host go inside the battlefield of the boss even if the boss is dead (U will have to kill him in fact) the invader/s will return to their worlds but ur summons not :D

What U have to do on case the invader left he game and u and ur friends have few flasks to recover mana and heal?

If the invader did it just turn off the tongue and summon again Ur friends after u sit down on a bonfire or in case u have left groups of enemies alive and near the zone just kill them to recover flasks

On The Main Academy Gate:

How to gank invaders image 51

Ok Guys lest do it...........................

NOTE: I will suppose U have close the 1st door after u take the elevator bc if not this part of the guide will no help u.

Things to do on general:

0.- Clear the enemies on the zone where u bealive it could be necessary, yes u can do this point after point number 2 but the correct way would be starting with this one 1st.

On this zone i recommmend 1 of U go to up part to kill the magic guys and one of u go to the bottom of zone and kill all (The merchant guy too) with this weapon is more easy

1.- Star doing the elemental glich (The Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear glich, maybe later i could make a guide of how to do it well) as the host before summon ur friends and before u use the taunters tongue bc if an invader arrives while u are doing the process it sometimes cuts the process, sometimes not, to be honest the Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear glich use to be really delicate sometimes (as a millenial).

1.1.- U can do the torrent glich too here but it really takes time to do it correctly and usually it is boring have to wait and on this zone it will no help to much bc u cant follow them to the elevator.

2.- Summon ur friends (preferably using a password).

3.- Position you and Ur friends at strategic points (if ur have it) if u are 3 and u see than one of the inavders is using a lot the elevator u can left one of firends on the push button on the up part whil u have the tongue off :D

4.- Turn on the tongue and enjoy the hunt :D

5.- When u see they buffing left them do it until u see they use the then u have to use this

What U have to do on case the invader is just Running and hiding himself?

Well..... "there is not" place to be hidden but on case u believe than ur prey is a chainsaw user and this one is unig the elevator before u i dont recommend follow him or bew near the eleator (u can move to the a recommendation).

But on case u cant see the invader and u want to try to looking for it try pushing the "Q" while u move around the zone, they might can be here:

or on the bridge or on the up part of the elevator.

What U have to do on case the invader left he game and u and ur friends have few flasks to recover mana and heal?

If the invader did it just turn off the tongue and summon again Ur friends after u sit down on a bonfire.


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