How to beat Frenzied Flame Proscription (Chaos Edition)

How to beat Frenzied Flame Proscription (Chaos Edition)

Try Not Doing It

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Surprisingly, this ending is boring as all hell, so don't bother doing it unless you wish to go for that nice 100%. Unfortunately for you however, if you do disregard this message, your maiden will be coming for your ass, and not in a good way. Alternatively, you can have her hurl herself into the Giants Forge, teleport out, and go finish that Frenzied Flame. But this isn't a guide on how to troll Melina, its a guide on how to do this god forsaken area.

Try Jumping

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Jumping is very useful in this game. You can jump out of harms way, but also jump into harms way. This area will test your skills in the game, which you will have gotten through killing bosses like Soldier of Godrick, but not ez bosses like Malenia, the Blade of Miquella, or Tree Sentinel. Forget those EZ bosses and jump straight down, disregarding the whole area. You will need to have no talismans equipped, jump down with no clothes or weapons on, but only a club. This is called the "Wretchful Jump Strat" which requires you to respec only into faith and vigor so you can pray to Jesus that we won't get something like this in any other From Game.

Listen To The Voices (Don't Become The Next Vyke)

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You can also go to Shabriri for help, though he will spout ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like "May Chaos take the World" or "Shabriri is chaos incarnate, I can not die!" Disregard all this and stab him in his body stealing back. Killing him will reward you with nothing but satisfaction of killing someone who tried to trick you. So now listen to what he said about chaos taking the world, and go finish that parkour. In honor of the mentally ill Shabriri, use his armour will parkouring. Legend has it that only true madness chads will complete the trial, while virgin bleed users will always fail to complete the jumps. I can not argue for or against the legend because I use my fists, which could count for bleed technically.


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Burn it all, and end up saving every living thing from their pitiful existence. You are doing them a favor, all they did was suffer from existing. You have saved all of them, and even though some basic white girl named Melina wants to kill you, you have finally let CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD


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