Goal And Game Play
I was interested if I can make build close to Vergil from Devil May Cry in Elden Ring, and I think I come close enough to say that I did it.
Our gameplay will try fit to Vergil style in DMC, we gonna do fast attacks with mixing damage sources, doesn't use defence talismans and buffs(and here I explaine one moment some later) and trying to imitate combos from DMC in Elden Ring.
Overall we must mix all our abilities and weapons, to feel as comfortable as we can, trying do not concentrate all us power in one-two damage sources( I mean bleed, or only weapon skill, or something), and give attention to all our abilities.
I recommend you watch this video showcase to look how I see Vergil's gameplay, and how I use spells which I put below. Here you will see usage nearly all stuff which I put in guide.
Face & Body Settings
Skin Features
Face Structure
Facial Balance
Brow Ridge
Nose Ridge
Eyes(Fsce Features)
Adjust Face Template
Alter Body
Overall Look
MoonveilStatReqScaleStr12EDex18DInt23C Here no needs any explanation, perfect look, amazing attacks which totally fit to Vergil visual style, I don't know even that to say, because here you can understand all without my words.
Carian Glintblade StaffStatReqScaleStr6EDex12EInt22C
Passively boosts the power of Glintblade sorceries by 15%
So, that's a staff which gives +15% to ALL our damage spells which we use as Vergil, I don't think here needs something more. Staff also have good scaling in comparing to other staffs, so having extra 15% damage buff just make it our main option.
StatReqScaleStr11DDex15D I don't recoment use Uchigatana as main weapon for Vergil build, but here one thing which allows put it here, and it's name Bloodhound's Step, which looks exactly as Vergil's dodge in DMC5, looks stylish and fit, so I think using Uchigatana in Vergil build valid only with Bloodhound's Step.
Rellana's Cameo
Increase attack power(by 15%) of skills after maintaining the same stance for a while(1,5 sec)
This talisman fits here because of useful buff, and stylish element, you cannot instantly use weapon skills, this make your gameplay much more sylish. Also in combination with Alexander's Shard you can get up to 32% skills damage increase, which sounds cool enough.
Carian Filigreed CrestCarian Filigreed Crest lowers FP cost of Skills by 25%.
Useful to us, because we anyway will use Transient Moonlight in that build, so safe 25% FP will be always good for us.
Radagon IconShortens the casting time of Spells
With low dexterity that talisman makes our cast much more smooth and comfortable, and combined with our pro-active gameplay that's makes overall expirience better.
Magic Scorpion CharmIncreases Magic Damage by 12%, but increases Physical Damage taken by 10%
Great ultimatye buff talisman which buffs 90% of our damage, you can surely use it. I didn't use that charm because of HP level, before Vergil build I play different sort of mage, and I decide that I don't gonna full respec my character, so I don't use it just to don't get extra damage on my skinny Vergil.
But if you totaly sure that you have enough HP or you know that dodge some most dangerous moves not problem for you< that charm can give you great total damage increasing.
Graven-Mass TalismanGreatly raises potency of Sorceries by 8%
Nearly half of our total HP/Stance damage will be by sorceries, so buff all of them by 8% is kinda good. Also if you want improve them even more you can pair it with Graven-School Talisman up buff to 12% incresing of sorceries damage. Also, including specific staff we get bonus +15% to glinblade sorceries, so that's make them even better.
Shard of AlexanderGreatly boosts the attack power of Skills by 15%|
Classic talisman, strong, and don't requires anything else. But you will be not such 'accurate' Vergil, but nothing wrong if you use that talisman. You can pair this with Rellana's Cameo, and then your danage will be really sick, and your stylish will increase too.
Beloved StardustGives 99 virtual Dexterity, exclusively towards spellcasting, at the cost of -30% damage absorption.
Very discussion Talisman, but I couldn't help but notice that it's buff useful and fit in Vergil build anyway. But I think that use it or not you should decide by your own.
Carian Slicer StatReqFP CostInt144
Fast moveset, awesome damage and possibility combine this with default Moonveil attack makes that spell essencial in our build. That sorcerie recreate Mirage Edge form DMC5 Vergil.
Carian Phalanx StatReqFP CostInt3424Good distance attack, which aslo deal good stance damage.
Greatblade Phalanx StatReqFP CostInt2930Each blade deals 10.175 Stance damage (30.525 total)
Totally three Greatblade's deals more damage than Carian Phalanx, but I recommend use itt on slow or not such mobile type of enemies, because if enemy dodge one of Carian Ohalanx blades, that's not a big deal, but missing one Greatblade really bad, so being close to enemy use it on Bayle, or something like this, enemy which rarely dodge some projectiles.
Magic Glintblade StatReqFP CostInt1412
Deals (Sorcery Scaling x 1.82) Magic Damage uncharged and (Sorcery Scaling x 2.30) when charged.
Great range damage option, good damage and stance damage, can be buffed by Godfrey icon(if you want so), perfect range option for our Vergil build.
Glintblade Trio StatReqFP CostInt2819
Sorcery scaling x1.09 Magic Damage and 4 stance damage for uncharged version and x1.27 Magic damage and 6 stance damage for each charget projectile.
Here all similar to Carian Phalanx and Greatblade Phalanx, so I don't see a reason to explain that more.
Miriam's Vanishing StatReqFP CostInt269
Extra low Fp usage and great spell for dodge, at max cast speed you have 16 startup frames (for 30 fps, and 32 for 60 fps) and 28 invincible frames(and 56 for 60 fps), which is really great. Including that whole our gameplay is about dodging without any protection or damage negation. Also good pair with Radagon's Icon and Beloved Stardust
Preceptor's Long Gown
Traveling Maiden Gloves
Preceptor's Trousers
My Thanks To You!
I hope this guide was intersting and useful for you, and you can recreate most stylish slasher character in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree! I will be pleased if you like this guide, add it to favorites or even reward it!
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