All Remembrance Bosses.

Regal Ancestor Spirit

The Regal Ancestor Spirit is located in Nokron eternal city after beating radahn, this boss is after the mimic tear and to fight it you need to light 6 fires.

Godrick The Grafted

Godrick is located in the castle after Margit, to get to him you can either run through the main gates which is faster or you can go through the hidden entrance to the left of the gate, if you go through the main gate i would recommend sticking to the right side. There will also be a site of grace before his boss room so make sure you can get that.

Renalla, Queen Of The Full Moon

Renalla is found in the academy of Raya Lucaria after fighting the big dog, to get in here you must go west of the academy and there will be a key behind a sleeping dragon, if you climb the rock to the right of him you can drop behind and grab the key without awaking him.

Rykard, Lord Of Blasphemy

Rykard is hidden in Volcano Manor, to get to this boss you will need to progress through the area after godskin and jump over the balcony following the path, there will be a transporter portal thing that will take you straight to the boss arena, for this fight there will be a weapon in the boss room which you will need to use the ash of war to kill this boss.

Starscourge Radhan

Radahn is a boss found at redmane castle which is located at Caelid, if you go here after using the Dectus lift the festival will start and you can teleport straight to in front of his bossroom from the bridge leading to the castle, otherwise you will have to progress through and beat the gank fight.

Morgott, The Omen King

Morgott is located in leyndell royal capital, to get to him you will have to fight the ghost of godfrey and afterwards you will be able to climb some tree root and get to a site of grace before the boss.

Fire Giant

Fire giant is located at the mountaintops of the giants, you will be able to see him before you enter the boss arena so make sure you grab the site of grace before it, there is also a church nearby and next to the church there is a skull looking rock, if you climb into it there will be a max lvl smithing stone.

Astel, Naturalborn Of The Void

This boss is located in Nokstella Eternal city, to get to this boss you will need to progress Rannis questline or use a coffin located in the Deeproot depths.

Mohg, Lord Of Blood

Mohg can be found within the Mohgwyn Palace, a secret level within the underground Siofra River. This area can be accessed by going through a portal in the west of the Consecrated Snowfield. You can also get here earlier in the game by progressing Varres questline.

Lichdragon Fortissax

Lichdragon Fortissax is located within the Deeproot Depths hidden area.

Maliketh, The Black Blade

Maliketh is located in the Farum Crumbling Azula after beating the godskin duo (use sleep pots on them) you find him at the end of a bridge protected by a draconic tree sentinel, there is a site of grace close to the boss room.

Dragonlord Placidusax

Dragonlord Placidusax is located in Crumbling Farum Azula,

1. Start at the "Beside the Great Bridge" Site of Grace.

2. Head down the lift behind you.

3. Go through the watery Temple full of beastmen outside to the cliffs.

4. Go to the Southwestern edge of the cliffs and look down.

5. Jump to the hard-to-see ledge halfway down.

6. Jump down again to the floating rock beneath.

7. Follow the path of floating rocks South to a curved platform before the tornado.

8. In the central indentation will be a prompt to "Lie Down".

9. Lie down and a cinematic will take you to the Placidusax arena.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Godfrey is located at the Leyndell capital of ash after completing Farum Azula, he is located within the same room you fought Morgott.

Radagon Of The Golden Order/The Elden Beast

Radagon is the final boss and is located just after the Godfrey boss room, go to the center of the Erdtree and you will be able to find him.

Malenia, Blade Of Miquella

Malenia is located at Haligtree after loretta, to get here you need both the Haligtree medalions and you need to go to Castle Sol.

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