All Legendary Item Locations Needed for Achievements

All Legendary Item Locations Needed for Achievements

Legendary Armaments (Weapons)

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Legendary Armament 1: Devourer's Scepter (Warhammer) [Potentially Missable]

This can be acquired the earliest if you just want the achievement or items. Located at the Warmaster's shack, eastwards from the Stormhill Shack site of grace. You can just kill Bernahl here, getting the weapon along with all of his gear, however this will prevent you from getting the Raging Wolf armour set later in the game from Berhnal's part of the Volcano Manor questline. He will invade later once you get to Crumbling Farum Azula near the end of the game, and killing him there will give you his set along with the weapon. There is a chance he will not invade you, but this is easily fixed if you do his quest at the Volcano Manor and exhaust all of his dialogue. It might also prevent you if you kill the Crumbling Farum Azula area boss before he invades, so just make sure you do the quest and get him to invade before clearing the area. Below is his location in Crumbling Farum Azula.

Legendary Armament 2: Grafted Blade Greatsword (Colossal Sword)

This one is very simple, all you have to do is go to the southernmost point of the Weeping Peninsula, which is south of Limgrave, across the bridge guarded by soldiers. continue going all the way south to Castle Morne, and beat the boss there, Leonine Misbegotten. Once you defeat him you'll receive the Grafted Blade Greatsword.

Legendary Armament 3: Sword of Night and Flame (Straight Sword)

Found at the Caria Manor in Liurnia of the Lakes. Yellow is the Grace and Red is the Sword. From the Manor Lower Level site of grace, head out onto the bridge, and at the first intersection where the ghosts appear, take the left bridge instead of continuing directly forward. The left path only has one way to go, so follow until you get across, and are forced to go down a path to a section that only goes forward (east on the compass). Don't continue forward and instead jump down onto the building that's on the left side of the bridge/path. Go forward and you'll encounter another roof to drop onto, a roof with a hole that has a ladder in it. The sword is in a chest inside that room.

Legendary Armament 4: Ruins Greatsword (Colossal Sword)

Found at Redmane Castle in Caelid, at the Redmane Castle Plaza. After defeating General Radahn, return to the castle plaza where all the NPCs gathered. There will now be a boss duo, Misbegotten Warrior and the Crucible Knight, defeat them in order to get the sword.

Legendary Armament 5: Marais Executioner’s Sword (Greatsword)

Dropped by the boss of The Shaded Castle in Altus Plateau, Elemer of the Briar.

Legendary Armament 6: Bolt of Gransax (Spear) [Missable]

Found in the Capital, Leyndell. After beating Godfrey, the first Elden Lord (yellow), walk out of the main door and take the elevator down (black). Go down the stairs and jump over the railing onto the small platform. The weapon is on the giant golden spear, be careful not to fall as it's slippery. After a certain point in the story, the capital will change and this weapon will become unobtainable, so get it as soon as you can.

Legendary Armament 7: Eclipse Shotel (Curved Sword)

Found at Castle Sol in the Mountaintops of the Giants, on an altar in the church, right around the corner from the Chuch of the Eclipse site of grace.

Legendary Armament 8: Golden Order Greatsword (Greatsword)

Dropped by the Misbegotten Crusader boss, located in the Cave of the Forlorn (red), in the Consecrated Snowfields area. You can reach Consecrated Snowfields by finding both halves of the Haligtree medallion, which you can use at the Grand Lift of Rold. The first half is located in Liurnia of the lakes at the Village of the Albinaurics. To get there, first go to the white circle, then go underground to the black circle, passed the poison swamp while riding Torrent. it's held by a man who is disguised as a big jar, just passed a robed cultist. The Second half is found in Castle Sol, on the roof of the tower that's only accessible after defeating Commander Niall (black).

Legendary Armament 9: Dark Moon Greatsword (Greatsword)

Rewarded after completing Ranni's questline. The area is inaccessible without finishing her quest.

Legendary Sorceries And Incantations

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Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 1: Greyoll’s Roar (Dragon Incantation)

To get this incantation, you firstly need to kill the great dragon Greyoll. Head to the Fort Faroth site of grace (yellow circle) and rest at it. Then get a bleed weapon and go to Greyoll (red circle) and start attacking his tail from behind. With your bleed weapon, it should take around 4/5 minutes to kill him, once he's dead you'll receive 5 dragon hearts. Now finally go to the Cathedral of the Dragon Communion (black circle) and acquire the incantation for the price of 3 dragon hearts.

Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 2: Flame of the Fell God (Incantation)

Acquired by beating the boss at the Evergaol at the start of the Liurnia of the Lakes area. From the Liurnia Lake Shore site of grace, hug the wall on your left until you find a springstep to jump on with Torrent. You'll find the Evergaol near the edge of the cliff by the Lake Shore site of grace.

Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 3: Comet Azur (Sorcery)

Acquired by talking to Primeval Sorcerer Azur in Mt. Gelmir. From the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace (southernmost yellow circle), go up the hill and passed Wyndhan Ruins (black circle). Continue up passed Seethewater River and keep going until you get to the Fortress. Once you're at the fortress (white circle), turn left and go passed the Magma Wyrm boss, following the path up all the way into the heavily guarded villages. Once you're at these villages you should keep going and eventually you'll reach another boss, Demi-Human Queen Maggie, either fight her or run passed her and you'll find the Primeval Sorcerer Azur, near the Primeval Sorcerer Azur site of grace. You want to basically do a big circle around, and follow the path that goes around the lava on the map.

Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 4: Stars of Ruin (Sorcery)

Firstly, get Comet Azur, then go to Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave and talk to Sellen the Sorceress (black circle). She's guarded by the Mad Pumpkin boss. Talk to her and show her Azur's Sorcery, then she'll tell you her story and you should agree to journey together. Talk to her again and she'll have an option to ask you a favour, she'll give you a magic key and tell you to find Lusat. You'll find Lusat to the south of Fort Faroth, under the cliff behind the graveyard. Find the illusionary wall, behind the grave with the mage guarding it (red circle) and go into Sellia Hideaway. From the room with the giant purple crystals, there will be a big pit with a grafted scion inside it. Go slightly passed this pit and you'll find another pit, one with a purple crystal jutting out from a wall with a magic snail on top of it. Jump down into this pit and you'll find a tunnel that will lead to Lusat's secret door, you'll get the spell once you speak to Lusat.

Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 5: Elden Stars (Incantation)

Found in Deeproot Depths, hanging on a corpse on a ledge. From the first site of grace (yellow), take the giant tree branch on the right, that will lead into an ant cave (white). Make your way through the cave and be sure to hit each big ant's abdomen, they each drop a numen rune. The incantation will be at the end of the cave.

Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 6: Founding Rain of Stars (Sorcery)

Found at Heretical Rise in the Mountaintops of the Giants. The entrance to the tower will be locked, so you'll have to enter by crossing an invisible bridge. The start of the bridge is on the opposite side of the canyon (black circle). cross it and eventually the bridge will reach a dead end. Don't go to the end of the bridge and instead find the invisible ramp that leads to a balcony inside (white circle).

Legendary Sorcery/Incantation 7: Ranni’s Dark Moon (Sorcery)

Can be found at Chelona’s Rise on the Moonlight Altar Plateau, the secret area you reach by beating Ranni's quest. Use the book by the door and it will tell you to find 3 wise beasts, giant spirit turtles. The first is hanging off of the cliff right next to the tower, shoot it with a bow or some type of spell. The second is to the east on a small ledge, he can be seen by going to the top of the cliff. For the third, you need to use the springstep by the Evergaol in the north, you'll hit him on the way up. After doing this you'll get a notification the seal opened, the spell in a chest is at the top of the tower.

Legendary Talismans

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Legendary Talisman 1: Radagon’s Soreseal

Can be acquired from a body in Fort Faroth, in Caelid. Go through the front door and run passed all the bats, climbing up the ladder to the roof. Once at the roof, go into the far hole in the floor, not the first hole. Once in the hole get to where the wall opens up, and jump across to the platform on your right, go down the hole with the ladder here and it'll be on the body around the corner.

Legendary Talisman 2: Radagon Icon

Found at Raya Lucaria Academy, from the Debate Parlor site of grace go straight out the door and to the right, hop over the railing and climb the ladder. It'll be on the right balcony overlooking the Debate Parlor.

Legendary Talisman 3: Godfrey Icon

Obtained by beating the Evergaol boss in Altus Plateau, Godefroy the Grafted. You can reach it by heading through the canyon's underpass (black).

Legendary Talisman 4: Moon of Nokstella

Found in a chest at the end of Nokstella, the Eternal City. The chest is under a giant's throne, in the room with the two silver tear mimics and the whip guy.

Legendary Talisman 5: Marika’s Soreseal

Found in the Elphael secret area, passed the Consecrated Snowfield secret area. From the Prayer Room site of grace, run until you see the archway that has no railing guarding it, with a non-lit fire pot in front of it. Drop onto the rafters and then jump onto the bridge. Turn around and jump onto the lower rafters, walk around to the other side and drop and crouch into the grass. Summon a Spirit Ash to distract the grafted scion and run to the stonesword door, the talisman is inside of it.

Legendary Talisman 6: Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

From the Drainage Channel site of grace, go out of the door and continue following the roots to the left of the door. There will eventually be some roots that drop you onto an archway, go up that archway onto a branch that will take you to a roof with a hole in it. Drop into the roof and jump to the balcony with the centipede enemy and chest, the talisman will be in the chest.

Legendary Talisman 7: Old Lord’s Talisman

Found In Crumbling Farum Azula, from the Beside the Great Bridge sit of grace, go out the door and up the stairs, from there take a left and go through the building with the pillars. Go down the ladder and it's in a chest in the tower.

Legendary Talisman 8: Erdtree’s Favor +2

Acquired in the capital after defeating the main boss of Crumbling Farum Azula. From the Forbidden Lands site of grace, return west into the capital like you left earlier in the game. It'll be found in a sea of ash, passed an Ulcerated Tree Spirit.

Legendary Ashen Summons

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Legendary Ashen Remains 1: Lhutel the Headless

Acquired after beating the Cemetery Shade boss in the Tombsward Catacombs, in the Weeping Peninsula.

Legendary Ashen Remains 2: Redmane Knight Ogha

Found in the War-Dead Catacombs as a drop from the Putrid Tree Spirit boss. The catacombs are only available after defeating General Radahn, and is found at the northernmost point of his boss arena from the site of grace.

Legendary Ashen Remains 3: Mimic Tear

Acquired in Nokron, the Eternal city. From the Ancestral Woods site of grace, jump off of the cliff onto the roof. Follow the roof around and eventually it will lead you into the Night's Sacred Ground. Jump over the round building and go passed the two silver mimic tear enemies. You'll encounter a broken archway that leads into a church window, cross into the window and go left into the stonesword key room. The ashes will be inside the chest.

Legendary Ashen Remains 4: Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff

Found in the Sainted Hero's Grave in Altus Plateau as a drop from the boss, the Ancient Hero of Zamor.

Legendary Ashen Remains 5: Cleanrot Knight Finlay

Acquired in a chest in Elphael, from the Prayer Room site of grace, go out the door and continue down the stairs until you go down another set of stairs, onto the balcony. Jump over the railing and onto the archway, then hop down onto the platform. Immediately on your left will be a room with a strong tall knight guarding the ashes inside of a chest.

Legendary Ashen Remains 6: Black Knife Tiche

Found as a drop from the Evergaol boss in the secret area that becomes accessible after Ranni's questline.

Legendary Items That Aren't Required For The Achievement

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Legendary Armament: Godslayer’s Greatsword (Colossal Sword)

Located at the Divine Tower of Caelid, in northern Caelid. Climb the tower by using the roots around it to get onto the ledge with the ladder and climb up it until you can get inside. Light the grace and go into the door that descend into the room with the two knights. Go passed them and hop down off of the ledge on the right, then jump down onto the next lower ledge. This platform will break, but you have to actually stand on the part of the platform that breaks in order to survive the fall. Continue descending down and you'll eventually encounter the Godskin Apostle boss. The sword will be in a chest after the fight.

Legendary Armament: Black Knife (Dagger)

Dropped by the Black Knife Assassin who guards the entrance to the Sainted Hero's Grave in Altus Plateau.


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