Admin Commands & Chat Commands

Player Commands

Player Chat Commands

Command Description Usage /authlevel Displays your authorization level /authlevel /mark (waypointname) Drops a waypoint at the current position. Accepts an optional text string for the waypoint. /mark /pay [playername],[amount],[currencyname] Pay an amount of money to another player /pay E1310,100,dogecoins /players Returns a list of online players /players /thirdperson Toggles Third Person Camera /thirdperson /unstuck Attempts to unstick your avatar /unstuck /whoami Shows your ID /whoami

Admin Commands (Copied From Wiki)

Command Description Usage Result Notes

/admin [player]Adds a user as an Admin/admin EckoGives Ecko admin rights on the server/allblocksSpawns all blocks /allconstructedSpawns all player constructable blocks /allplantsSpawns all plant blocks /allskills Unlocks all skills The player will receive property claim flags too./allterrain Spawns all diggable blocks /allworldobjects Spawns all world objects Spawns from the player's current position in a single line heading East./atmAdd atmosphere /ban [player],(reason)Bans a user/ban Ecko[br /]/ban Ecko,Breaking the rules.Bans Ecko from the server.[br /]Bans Ecko with the reason: "Breaking the rules."Kicks the player if they are online when they are banned./bhopToggles bunny hopping /buildtechtreeBuilds every worldobject in an appropriate building and fills it with fuel Takes a while to spawn./bunnytime Spawns 100 Hares/chattestSpam a bunch of stuff to chat USE WITH CAUTION. This will create 5-10 chat channels and will continue to spam until server is next shutdown/restarted./clearlawsRemoves all active laws /daySet and lock the server time to noon You can only reverse this by editing timeofdayscale in your server settings. This has a default value of 48./destroyedatmosphere Set the percent of a destroyed atmosphere to display, blended to over a given number of seconds /destroymeteor Destroys the meteor in orbit. /digest /dump (parameter)Dumps all items from your inventory./dump[br /]/dump selected[br /]/dump carriedDumps all items in your inventory.[br /]Dumps only the currently selected item in your inventory.[br /]Dumps only the item you are carrying.Parameter is optional. Entering an invalid parameter causes the command to do nothing./dumpcarriedDumps all carried items. /durability (#)Set the durability of the item you are holding/durability[br /]/durability 500Sets the item's durability to 1.[br /]Sets the item's durability to 500.Can be set over the item's usual maximum durability. Causes the durability bar to extend past it's usual max limit./eatMax your calories Does not affect nutrition./flyToggles fly mode Shift to move faster, can move through objects / ground./give [itemname],(amount)Give yourself an item/give Lumber[br /]/give Lumber,10Gives the player 1 lumber.[br /]Gives the player 10 lumber.Will not give the player anything that they couldn't hold normally. Won't exceed the player's carrying weight./giveskillpoints [player],(amount)Give skillpoints to another player/giveskillpoints Ecko[br /]/giveskillpoints Ecko,100Gives Ecko 10 skill points.[br /]Gives Ecko 100 skill points."/kick [player],(reason)Kicks s user/kick Ecko[br /]/kick Ecko,Breaking the rulesKicks Ecko from the server.[br /]Kicks Ecko with reason: "Breaking the rules."Only works if the player is online./leader (player)Set the leader/leader[br /]/leader EckoElects the commanding player as leader.[br /]Elects Ecko as leader.The player will be awarded with the same items and powers as if they were elected normally./level [x(default=10)],[y(default=10)],[BlockType(default=GrassBlock)]Level the terrain/level[br /]/level 50,50Spawns an 11x11 plot of grass.[br /]Spawns a 50x50 plot of grass.Any terrain spawned will reach to the center of the world from whatever height the command was called./massinteractUses your currently selected tool on surrounding blocks /meteorfallBegin the meteor impact sequence /meteorhitworldlayersTriggers world layers to act as if they were hit by a meteor /meteorimpactMake the meteor strike instantly /meteorrain [count],[timeBetween],[radius]Makes meteorites rain down the sky/meteorrain[br /]/meteorrain 20,3,10Spawn only 1 meteorite[br /]Spawn 20 meteorites with 3 seconds between each meteorite in a 10 blocks radius/move [x],[y],[z]Moves you to position x, y, z; where xyz are integers. /noah (count) /noah[br /]/noah 5Spawns 1 of every animal.[br /]Spawns 5 of every animal./noskillsResets all skills to zero /oneshotKills nearest animal /openserveruiOpens the server UI Only works if the server is running in same directory as the client (e.g. single-player)./ownallClaim all property /ownnone (player)Revoke your property/ownnone[br /]/ownnone EckoRevokes all of your property.[br /]Gives all of your property to EckoUSE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player./passlawsPass all pending laws /polluteair Creates AIR POLLUTION MACHINES OF DOOM /polluteco2 Creates x PPM of air pollution /polluteworld Rains tailings from the heavens to ruin the world /poorbunniesKills all animals USE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player./recordToggles record mode Prevents animals from running from the player. Enables recording mode./regenlayer Regenerates a world layer, restoring it to the state it would be in if the world were newly generated /removeadmin [player]Removes a user as an Admin/removea


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