Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit

Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit

Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit image 0

This guide describes the steps to remove censorship from chat messages along with allowing yourself to send messages greater than 32 characters long.


Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit image 3

This guide will demonstrate the steps necessary to remove chat censors, and increase chat character limit. The only prerequisite to this is that you need to own a hex editor. My preferred editor is 010 Editor, though there are free alternatives available such as HxD.

Remove Chat Censors

This will remove censorship on your machine from your messages, and the messages that other players post. However, other players will still see your message as censored unless they have implemented this modification themselves.

Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit image 7

All that needs to be done is as such:

  • Open EDF5.exe in your hex editor.
  • At offset 3EEBD2h, change 1 byte to EBh.
  • Save EDF5.exe.

Increase Character Limit

Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit image 11

This will increase the chat character limit from 32 to 128 (though other values up to 255 should be fine with this method, if desired).

Earth Defense Force 5 - How to Disable Chat Censorship / Increase Character Limit image 13

All that needs to be done is as such:

  • Open EDF5.exe in your hex editor.
  • At offset 3EEBD2h, change 1 byte to EBh.
  • Save EDF5.exe.

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