What Are Legend Levels?
In-game Description:
Legend Levels are a unlockable end game leveling system for players that reached Character Rank 9 (Your Character Rank is displayed in the Top right when you go into the Inventory menu).
There are a total of 250 Legend Levels and each level rewards you with unique skill points which you can use to upgrade the following 10 skills:
Damage to 1H Sharp Weapons
Damage to 2H Sharp Weapons
Damage to 1H Blunt Weapons
Damage to 2H Blunt Weapons
Damage to Crossbow
Damage to Bow
Damage to Throwable Blades
Damage to kicks, fists and knuckledusters
Faster recovery after safely landing
Damage to Explosive throwables
You can upgrade each skill 25 times to max it out.
(25 Upgrade Levels x 10 Skills = 250 Legend Levels)
You will also obtain unique rewards that you cannot obtain elsewhere.
More on them below:
What Rewards Can I Get?
Apart from the buffs recieved from upgrading the 10 different skills, you will also be able to unlock 4 different outfits for Aiden. Here is what each of the 4 Legend outfits look like:
Reach Legend Level: 1
Reach Legend Level: 50
Reach Legend Level: 100
Reach Legend Level: 250 (MAX LEVEL)
Along with the outfits, you will also receive a "Legend Chest" every time you level up.
Each LC contains:
1 x Random Legendary Tier Melee Weapon (You CANNOT obtain these elsewhere)
Random Quantity of Craft Parts
Random Quantity of Mutagen Samples
Random Quantity of Infected Trophies
From Legend level 2 to 49 you will receive a Bronze Chest (x 48)
From Legend level 50 to 99 you will receive a Silver Chest (x 50)
From Legend level 100 to 250 you will receive a Gold Chest (x 151)
There are a total of 249 Legend Chests unlockable in the game currently.
How Do I Earn Legend Points/ LP Quickly?
LP = Legend Points
There are many methods you can use in order to maximise your LP earning potential.
A few things you can do to make things a LOT faster are the following:
Play during the night time to DOUBLE your LP intake
Play on Hard Mode to increase the LP multiplier by 2.25%
(On Easy it is 1% and on Normal it is 1.25%)
Play in Coop to increase the LP multiplier.
(I am unsure as to the exact multiplied values but as a general rule, the MORE players, the HIGHER the multiplier will be!)
Initiate Chases at night time to increase the Nighttime multiplier up to 4 times.
(Chase level 4 = Four times the LP compared to no Chase)
And finally, use a Nightrunner potion during the night time...duh
(This is an exclusive Item given to players who own the ULTIMATE edition of the game. However, said players can drop these renewable Items for others. The only challenge is finding someone who owns the ultimate edition of the game and then having them help you out.)
Following any of the steps mentioned above will speed things up immensely!
For the absolute best ways to obtain many LPs, combine the tips listed above with the list below.
I also recommend completing the following activities as they award many LPs.
1) Farming Volatiles.
This is a classic farming method that will not only net you loads of LP, but also many Mutagen Samples, Purple Tier Valuables and Unique Rarity Infected Samples.
I highly recommend this method from Respawned Gentleman:
2) Beating Story Missions, especially the late game missions.
3) Beating any of the Ten Nightrunner trials with a Platinum Rating
4) Beating Bandit Camps
5) Beating GRE Facilities. For an added bonus, the following 2 side quests also require you to go inside GRE Facilities. Complete these side quests while completing the Facility as normal for added efficiency.
- Wall of Valor: Bad Medicine
- The Knick
6) Evading a Level 4 Chase and then surviving until Morning to receive your "Night rewards".
Additional Info/ Tips
Always remember that playing during the night time yields DOUBLE the LP that you would normally receive.
Playing with friends is not only fun, it boosts your overall LP intake.
Learn to play on Hard mode and to use Boosters whenever you will be fighting many infected at a time, Max Level Boosters aren't too expensive if you know where to look for the Ingredients.
The Payoff for having a more difficult experience is definitely worth it in my opinion.
Before Farming Infected at night time, be sure to check Harper's Bounties as he always has many relevant challenges on offer, however be aware that completing bounties from either Harper, Shen Xiu or Baka will NOT reward LP, only Agent Specific XP.
Do not redeem all your Chests immediately as the stash currently STILL doesn't have (almost) infinite space like it did in the first game. You will eventually run out of melee weapon storage space if you are a weapon hoarder!
Ask around on the Steam forums for Co-op Partners. You may even find some life long friends this way!
Avoid walking on street level during the night time UNLESS you want to trigger a chase.
You will only receive LP for a kill if you DIRECTLY kill the enemy. Kicking them into spikes, off a building or triggering an environmental explosion near them will not award you LP as far as I know. Only Mutagen Samples, Money and Infected Trophies will be gained.
Oh yeah, remember to Stay Human
Please leave a comment if any info in this guide is innaccurate, mispelled or outdated!
If you enjoyed this guide perhaps check out my other DL2 Guides!
Farming Guide:
Marked Map for making exploration of NEW Villedor much more efficient:
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2929243703
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