GRE Quarantine Buildings In Dying Light 2

GRE Quarantine Buildings In Dying Light 2


Welcome to this quick guide for the GRE Quarantine Buildings, so you can learn basics about them and find them more easily so you will be using your precious time to explore the Villedor further instead.

How To Beat Quarantines

First you need to make sure you have enough Immunity Boosters and UV Mushrooms in your inventory. When you are inside the building, your immunity will reduce quickly and you may need to navigate through THV chemicals. Also, I recommend going right in them at the start of a night cycle as it can take you all night to explore everything and get out of there safely.

During the day, the buildings are filled with swarms of infect including Volatiles and they make it nearly impossible to get through the building without dying.

Next thing you need to do is find the entrance to the building, but it's rarely the front door. You're most likely to find the entrance to a GRE Quarantine Building on the roof. Once you find it, unlock it with your GRE Key. Head inside the building and make your way to the first floor.

Once you are inside the building, some tasks should appear on the left of your screen. These are the tasks you need to complete in order to complete the entire building. Usually, you need to explore several different floors and areas of the building. Within these floors are GRE Crates with inhibitors inside them. So simply follow the yellow cables on the ground to find them. Along the way, you will probably come across some infected but they'll be easy to sneak past or fight.

Now, once you've completed your tasks you have a choice to make. If you have enough time left, you can continue to explore the areas to find all of the loot on offer. However, if you don't have much time left before sunrise then I recommend getting out of there.

GRE Quarantine Building Locations

Central Loop

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Northwest Region

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This guide was made so people can find the information about the GRE Quarantine Buildings more easily. You can check the links out to find more information about them.


Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it helped you guys even if it did just a little. If you liked my guide I would be thankful if you rate it up, or even award it so the other players can find this guide easier.

Good Night & Good Luck

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