Download AutoHotkey
This will be the only program you need. Download v1.1
In-game Configuration
Under Settings > Game. Auto-sprint must be set to OFF.
Under Settings > Controls > Key Bindings > Movement tab. Toggle Walk must be off.
As for the Walk and Dart/Dash/Afterboost binds, I set these up how I prefer.
The walk key doesn't really matter, but to match the script I would set that as P.
Dart/Dash/Afterboost is set to semicolon, It can be whatever you want, as long as it's comfortable to hold shift for sprint as well as holding down your new dash key for when you want to "super sprint". I have semicolon set on my mouse thumb button. For this script to work out of box and if you want sprint to be set to shift, then you must remove this function from shift.
Hit escape and save your changes. You can now exit the game.
Temporarily Installing Walk N Run (Possibly Redundant/Optional)
The purpose of installing this mod is that it adds a new keybind for Sprint. Once removed, the entry for the keybind will disappear but should stay in effect.
I'm honestly not sure about this step, it may be entirely redundant when auto-sprint is disabled. But there is there is no sprint keybind in the settings without it.. If sprint is automatically set to shift then I guess you can skip this part.
Download the zip, open it and extract data2.pak to the following game folder.
Steam\steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source
If there is already a file called data2.pak then you have mods installed, rename the new file to the next subsequent number. eg: data3.pak
After that's installed, boot up the game and go to Settings > Controls > Key Bindings > Movement tab
Set Sprint to Shift, hit escape to save your changes and then close out the game.
You can now uninstall the mod. Simply remove the mod file.
Creating And Using The Script.
Right click your desktop, new, click AutoHotkey Script.
A window will appear, Give the file a name and select create. The file should now be on your desktop. Right click it and edit/open it with notepad. Paste the following code into the file and save..
MsgBox, Hold to Sprint is enabled! Press F9 to toggle. F9::Suspend, Toggle ~Shift:: Keywait,Shift Send,{p down} sleep, 15 Send,{p up} Return
Boot up the game and run the script. You will be greeted with a message box telling you that it is now active. To toggle off and on, just press F9.
To terminate the script, right click its icon in the tray.
If everything is setup correctly, you should now be walking by default. Holding down shift will make you sprint. Letting go of shift should make you walk.
There has been an instance where in the middle of an parkour move, letting go of shift didn't trigger the walk function. I wasn't sure if it was the game blocking the input during the animation or if the game just missed the too-quick input. It appears to happen somtimes if you tap shift in quick succession too. So watch out for that. I played with the amount of sleep in-between actions and it seems to work well as it is. If this ever happens just tap shift or stop moving to stop sprinting.
I personally hate toggle sprint. So I used a mod to allow for hold sprint. The mod is outdated and with new features + AHK you can still have it. Hope this guide improves your enjoyment of the game.
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