Basic Info+Tips
Avoiding Fighting Beating in weaker infected creatures like Biters can be solid practice for your suite of skills and abilities, but there’s not much in it for you except little loot and XP gains.. sure, wandering around in the day cracking skulls sounds like fun, but ultimately it just does damage to your weapon and you won’t find much worthwhile loot on infected corpses. Best to only attack if they pose a higher risk to you than just them walking around gormless.
GRE Containers: When exploring the open world you will occasionally hear an alert that a GRE container is nearby. GRE containers contain inhibitors, and inhibitors are the upgrade materials you need to increase your health and stamina, and get more skill points to spend on new abilities. Needless to say, GRE containers might be the most important collectible in the game.
How to repair weapons: You can't really repair them but you can add mods which effectively increases and restores some of its durability, so its like repairing but not repairing. - a funny/strange mechanic I know.
Night Time: Going out at night and is a very different experience to running around during the day. You will have to watch your infection level, which must be controlled either with UV light or items such as UV Mushrooms, but in return, you will receive a boost to your abilities and earned XP come morning. Night starts at 19:30 and Day begins at 08:00.
Dark Zones: Dark Zones are indoor areas that are far more dangerous by day than they are at night. As you know, the infected hate UV light, and when exposed to it they burn up, so many of them retreat indoors where it is dark. If you head indoors during the day, you’ll find plenty of infected and guaranteed to find at least one Anomaly. - In GRE Darkzones, the most popular Anomaly in the day is a Volatile, so good luck with that. Best to wait until night time if you value your life.
Your Clothes are vital: You have a limited amount of space to carry gear, and while you may drop your weapons, clothing and other items on the ground in a pinch. It's better to make sure you always have the best stuff equipped so when you do drop something, it won't be regretted later. Clothing also gives you an armour buff as well as various combat and parkour buffs. So be sure to equip your best.
Visit your Stash: Home bases and safe houses usually have a bed, a vendor, and a stash – all of which will become invaluable during your journey. You should already be making use of your stash, offloading items that aren't really necessary to carry out in the field but have monetary value etc.. and the usefulness of vendors really speak for themselves, supplying medicine and gear you need.
Paraglider: When you get your paraglider for the first time, you ideally want to upgrade this to max. It's the fastest way to travel around the map and to avoid aggro from bandits/infected.
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Here's a good place to start:
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Another helpful one:
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: And another helpful one:
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: For those of us with UW screens:
Anomaly Genus
Throughout DL2, you will eventually run into the below anomalies. It is vital to your survival to know what you're up against and how to potentially defeat them. I have outlined some useful information for you below...
Anomaly Info Recently infected, they have the agility, strength, and speed of a normal healthy human. Virals are insanely fast and will follow you on to rooftops and other climbable structures, should you be pursued by one, head for UV light asap. These are the main pursuers in a night time chase. Virals can be dispatched fairly easy given there isn't more than 2 or 3. They're about 7-8 feet tall, carry some form of hammer/club that can do some serious damage. Taking a hit from a Goon will hurt like a motherf'. Goons are bulky but very slow, so it's best to use that to your advantage. If you got the speed and tactics, you can 1v1 them easily. The Demolisher strength is to charge at you and throw chunks of rock/pavement at you. Dodging their charge is paramount in defeating a Demolisher, its strength is also its weakness, meaning after each failed charge, you can strike. Despite its charge, they're fairly slow which can be used to your advantage. Rampagers share similar abilities with the Demolisher except these guys are a lot faster and they don't throw debris at you. Best to dispatch them from somewhere high and with range. Or dodge their charge each time. They most vulnerable spot would be attacks to their back. Revenant's are slow but they do pounce/jump from location to location within in the vicinity. Their ability is to provide a buff to the surrounding monsters by oozing a toxic mist. Best to identify and prioritise them so you can dispatch them very quickly. Nobody lives to tell the tale. Those that do are scarred for life. Volatile's are scary af and very OP. Best to avoid at all cost. They're like Virals but a lot more stronger and faster. They're notoriously difficult to kill. - There is a reason why they're deemed the apex of all anomalies. If you do come up against 1, there is usually another 3 somewhere so best make sure you have plenty of UV sticks. to be added: Banshee, Bolter, Bomber, Spitter, Howler.
All Achievements
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Xealeen has already done the leg work here with an excellent guide:
Mural / Tapes / Mementos Locations
T0MMYGUNSZMural Locations:
Tapes and Mementos to be added at a later date
Originally posted by :An even better source to find these sort of things would be an interactive map.
Here are 2 notable ones:
DL2 Interactive map []
DL2 Interactive map[]
Choice Outcomes
First major choice: The Raid quest
This is the first choice you’ll make that can drastically alter future missions. You will be given a choice between:
“Go to Aitor“ or “Go and meet Sophie”
Aitor is the leader of the Peacekeepers here in Villedor, while Sophie is the respected survivor of the Bazaar.
This mission gives control of the Water Tower in The Raid mission to either the PKs, or the Survivors. You will be given a number of bonuses for siding with one or the other.
You will also be able to negotiate with Jack & Joe at the top of the Water Tower – keep them alive and you will have an opportunity to play a side-quest involving them later in the game.
After this choice Sophie and her brother Barney will suspect you have sided with the PKs secretly, but by asking Sophie to trust you and pledging to help her in two following dialogue scenes, you will be able to work with the Bazaar going forward. This changes the next main mission.
In the PK scenario, you will play the Into The Dark mission, which sees you fighting Barney and working with the PKs.
In the Survivors scenario, you play the Revolution mission, where you blow up the giant PK windmill to cut off their power supply, after which you find the PKs attacking the Bazaar.
Second major choice: Welcome On Board quest
In this quest you will meet Juan, a questionable man, in addition to Jack Matt. After being introduced to them both and undertaking a quest, Juan will give you the opportunity to side with him instead of Jack Matt. You can either choose:
“I can help you“ or “I’ll stick with Matt.”
The following mission will be entirely different depending on your choice here.
If you help Juan you’ll move onto the Cathedral mission, where you’ll be moving through a church filled with traps to find Kurt, and unlock Kurt’s safehouse.
If you stick with Jack Matt, Juan has a different mission for you. Instead of meeting Kurt you need to find Demoulin and a missing squad. Once you find the building the squad is in you’ll have to defeat a powerful infected before chatting to Demoulin and finally following a blood trail to find the remnants of their squad on a nearby roof, along with the UV lamps you need.
Third major choice: Broadcast quest
Now that you’ve been introduced to Jack Matt, Juan, and Frank, it’s time to assign control of the VNC tower to one of them. You will be given a choice between Frank, and either Juan or Jack Matt – the latter choice depends on which of them you sided with in the previous choice.
In the Jack Matt outcome, PK propaganda will be broadcast across the city.
In the Juan outcome, it will mirror the Jack Matt option except you will be able to bug and listen to Jack Matt’s transmissions.
In the Frank outcome, Frank will broadcast music to the city, and will eventually spy on the renegades’ radio communications in order to help you. If you’re looking to befriend Lawan, this is the option you should take.
This choice changes multiple things in the run up to the game’s conclusion.
Once Lawan’s Shoes mission concludes, you will be woken up by the radio – the next mission will be different depending on your prior choice in the Broadcast mission. In Juan’s variant, you’ll be investigating Jack Matt’s activities, while in Frank’s variant you’ll be activating towers to extend your broadcast range, and help hunt down some renegades that know Waltz’s location.
Your decision here can majorly alter the Now or Never quest which leads up to the finale.
Fourth major choice: Deals with the Devil quest
In the Deals with the Devil quest you will end up meeting Hakon – this happens slightly sooner if you gave the VNC tower to Frank. Meeting him in an abandoned church, you will be fighting him multiple times, and at the end of all the combat, you will be given the option to kill Hakon.
After some dialogue and less meaningful choices, you will be given three choices:
“Let’s not fight“ or “What’s really going on here, Hakon?“ or “Come any closer and I’ll have no choice.”
The second option here merely gives you extra dialogue before returning to the choice at hand. You can let Hakon live with the first option, or kill him with the third.
With either option, Lawan appears. If Hakon is dead, she doesn’t complain, but if Hakon lives, you have the opportunity to have her spare him. You choices are:
“Do what you need to do.“ or “Hear me out Lawan, don’t do it.”
Choosing the first will have Hakon killed, the second will allow him to survive. Lawan letting Hakon live will allow her to move on in life, and Hakon will become a somewhat unwelcome guest at the Fish Eye, with past grudges put behind the team. Mostly. Frank even makes Lawan an official Nightrunner, which gives her a new purpose.
Fifth and final major choice: Now or Never quest
This quest plays out very differently depending on the choices you have made up to this point, but there is one central decision that remains unchanged. Do you side with the Colonel – also known as “The Butcher” – or do you side with the survivors who wish to open the bulkheads and restore the flow of water?
If you side with the Colonel the survivors will be mad.
But he will walk you through Waltz’s quarters and arrange for a ride to X13.
If you side with the Survivors, you will need to fight through the Colonels army before opening the bulkheads. The bulkheads drain all water nearby, opening up an entirely new district – one filled with even more dangerous infected creatures. You will then need to chase the Colonel to a bunker on the other side of the newly opened up district. Once there you confront the Colonel, and he gives you the information you need to get to X13.
The decisions made in the X13 quest will alter the end of the game, but there won’t be any more missions past that point, so you will have to find out what changes for yourself.
Safe Codes
Bazaar Church safe code: 5-1-0
Nightrunner's Hideout safe code: 1-0-1
"Book Club X" safe code: 21-12-55
"Out Of Your League" Crocodile Flats safe code: 11-11-19
"The First Biomarker" safe code: 9-7-3
"Moonshine" safe code: 14-9-2.
South Quarry End safe code: 22-67-66
New Dawn Park "Little Boy" safe code: 10-28-64
Downtown Bandit Camp safe code: 3-1-3
US Declaration of Independence safe code: 74-17-76
Garrison Electrical Station safe code: 3-1-4
VNC Tower safe code: 6-6-6
"Treasure Hunt" safe code: 3-21-67
Muddy Grounds "Life, The Universe, And Everything" safe code: 10-10-10
Church of St Thomas the Apostle safe code: 4-4-4
"End Of World War Two" safe code: 85-19-45
Newfound Lost Lands "Absolute Zero" safe code: 4-5-9
Dam Nightrunner Hideout safe code: 9-6-6
Easter Eggs
Head to the top of the VNC Tower.
Take off the west side of the buildings. Land on the building shown in the below picture. The NPC should be the 'Liquidator' who will give you the blueprint for a cyberhands 2177 after the dialogue.
This weapon pays tribute to the Cyberpunk 2077s Mantis Blades that unfold from the players arms in game.. They are honestly not that great, but they are quite funny and definitely work fast.
To get this weapon and Charm, you must also head to the top of the VNC Tower. And head to the the roof where you spoke to the 'Liquidator'. But land on the building depicted below that has the airdrop.
Take the cable out of the nearby green terminal, then drop two floors down. You need to place the cables in the red terminal. You will need to continue this trend 3 times. To orientate yourself correctly, use the plank of wood that is sticking out over the edge.
After the third, there is a switch right next to it near the double doors (same floor).
interact, then get a crossbow or bow ready as a bomber will attempt to rush you.
Inside you you need to sit on each cushion, you will see blue sparks appear on the coffee table. do this for each cushion/couch until the charm spawns on the coffee table.
In the other room, there is a bed, again sit on the bed for as long as possible until the blueprint spawns wedged in the picture frame opposite.
Be sure to explore this room more. If you play the sound system, the DL1 soundtrack can be heard. and in the corridor there are posters to previous techland games. Don't forget to read the message from the devlopers on the coffee table.
In either case, you’ll want to head to the Renegade complex that you first see towards the end of the main story. There, look for a room that is barricaded by wood and contains a massive tank. Head up the staircase in that room until you reach another room with an orange tent inside. There, you should find a chicken in a cage. Talk to this chicken, and he’ll assign you a side quest called “Space ♥♥♥♥” that tasks you with finding a part for the chicken’s spaceship.
Follow the quest markers, retrieve the part, and return it to the chicken. He’ll teleport away shortly thereafter and leave you a blueprint for the Pan of Destiny on a nearby table for your troubles.
This weapon costs an absurd 369 scrap to craft and doesn’t do a lot of damage, but it will always return to you after you’ve thrown it at an enemy. It’s essentially a throwable weapon with unlimited uses, which makes it one
This isn’t really a weapon
Take the elevator to the summit of VNC and take the train to the east side of the main street. Look down and see the roof with a crane on it. Once you climb the stairs to the bottom of the crane.
There, you should spot blue mushrooms. Keep on interacting with those mushrooms until you take a chance to find a parkour challenge. That’ll take a while so be patient. That particular challenge (the Baba Yaga) will bring a broomstick to the city. You can’t take the broom out of the challenge.
To find this bizarre and well-hidden item, take a look at the Community Football Field, located near Trinity. Look for the football.
Kick the ball in to the nearby goal, then leave the area. Now on the soccer field, and score another goal. Repeat this method until you have nine goals. You should exit the area by then. After you’ve scored the goal, the goalposts should turn up and produce a huge dancing zombie. Kill that zombie, and you’ll soon be rewarded with the United in Fun Everyone Can Play blueprint.
This 369 scrap blueprint rewards you with a soccer ball that doubles as a throwable weapon that can temporarily stun enemies. It’s not great, but it’s quite fun to unlock.
These shoes aren’t a weapon, but they’re absolutely one of those hidden items worth going out of your way to seek.
Take a walk to the Lower Dam Ayre in the map (you should also unlock this area a little later) and look for a giant container, suspended by a crane. You will notice that there is an open door. Inside is a tribute to Dying Light protagonist Kyle Crane.
There are quite a few beautiful Easter eggs in the house. The one you really want is to activate the music player and stay at home. When you get the audio, you need to see whether a gift has magically appeared in the room.
These shoes make you able to perform a cinematic triple jump with some famous Super Mario sound effects. They’re quite interesting to play with, and sometimes are more useful than you might think they will be.
A great tribute to Back to the Future.
Before you can ride the hoverboard, do some intricate steps that you should complete in order to get the most out of a challenge. Head to Saint Paul’s Island in Central Loop.
Grab the power cord and climb the church to activate the power near the bell. Climb down and listen to the radio and the first Hoverboard appears in the corner. Interact with it and follow the red footprints.
Head to the Muddy Grounds.
Using survival scan, follow the red footprints to the southern-most bridge and you’ll find the Hoverboard leaned up against the rail. Follow the red footprints southwest.
If you follow the red footprints to the southwest corner of the same district, you’ll find the last one.
After getting all three boards, start the Parkour Challenge. This Hoverboard Challenge rewards you will various parkour XP:
Unfortunately, the Hoverboard can only be used during this challenge. That means you’ll have to stick to gliding and running across the world in order to get around quickly.
Your reward for this daunting task is a Parkour challenge that requires you to navigate a waterway filled with obstacles. It’s still a big, but an epic adventure.
Ode to a Mod
A longtime Dying Light fan and subreddit moderator, GamerMom1969, was immortalized with an easter egg. When Dying Light 2 was first announced, Techland said the weapons would be very DIY-looking. So GamerMom created a weapon concept that can only be describe as "scissors on a stick."
I'm not sure if the weapon is actually in the game or not, but there's a note you can find in Dying Light 2 from someone looking for as many scissors as she can find to create the Shear Chaos.- There's even a sketch. It's a really great nod to a big fan and important member of the Dying Light community.
Spike tickles the ivories
Before you even get close to the city, during the prologue there are a couple easter eggs you can find just by stopping and hanging out at the expensive end of the world party house. If you stand still in the house you explore with Spike, he'll eventually sit down at the piano and play the theme to Dying Light 2.
Dead Island
That same house has a turntable displaying the record of Who Do You Voodoo, used in the Dead Island soundtrack. And if you look closely at the vista outside, you can just about spot another reference to Dead Island: the palm tree with a corpse hanging from it that formed the Dead Island logo.
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Buzzard has already covered the majority of the secrets here:
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Thanks to Country Square who has covered some more in depth combat moves here:
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Check out Beezle's XP/Parkour farm guide here:
Originally posted by T0MMYGUNSZ: Check out TheMadTýr guide on how to get free in-game stuff!
With thanks to:
- All those who have made helpful guides that are referenced in my guide. - You! for taking the time to read my guide! I hope it helped you!
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