Have you bought the Intruder Edition of Dusk and can't find the graphic novel and/or the official soundtrack?
How To Get To Dusk's Game FilesIn order to access Dusk's official soundtrack (OST) or graphic novel (GN), you need to access Dusk's files. Go to My PC, then access the drive you installed Dusk on. Go to Program Files(x86)>Steam>steamapps>common>Dusk. You now have access to Dusk's files.
How To Access Official SoundtrackGo to DLC>DUSk (Official Soundtrack). Then, double-click on the track you want to play.
How To Access Dusk Graphic NovelGo to DLC>Dusk Graphic Novel. Right-click on the file in there, then select what browser or other application you usually use to view .pdf files. Then, start reading.
Making Things Easier For Next TimeI'm sure you don't want to do this every single time you want to access these, so here's a solution. In Dusk's game files, go to the folder DLC. Right-click on the Folder titled DUSK (Official Soundtrack). Select Create Shortcut. Do the same for the other folder in there. Take those shortcuts, and put them someplace (maybe your desktop or a folder where you'll remember them). Whenever you want to access them again, just double-click on the shortcut and it will take you directly to the folder in question.
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/9240-dusk.html
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