— Introduction
● Difficulty level of achievements: Medium.
● Total achievements: 32 (100%)
● Offline achievements: 32. (100%)
● Online Achievements: 0.
● Estimated time to complete all achievements: 20-30 hours.
● Minimum number of passes for 100%: 10-20 game sessions, depends on your gameplay.
● Glitchy achievements: None.
● Missable Achievements: None.
● Achievements with difficulty levels: Yes.
● Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None, Early access game.
Achievements in Dune: Spice Wars have fairly simple and easy formulations, which is why there are no problems with understanding how to get certain achievements.
There are no online achievements in the game, so if you quickly understand the mechanics and resources in the game, then it will not be difficult to understand the principle of obtaining all the achievements.
You can already find people on Steam who managed to get all the achievements without using SAM in about 20 hours, but it seems to me that for many this time will be a little more.
— Victory Achievements
№ Picture Achievement Description Win in easy difficulty or more Win in medium difficulty or more Win in hard difficulty or more Win in insane difficulty
You can set AI difficulty in Preferences after selecting a fraction.
As you can see from the description, winning on higher difficulty levels unlocks achievements with previous difficulties. Thus, to get all the achievements at once, it is enough to win on the insane difficulty. However, I recommend getting to grips with the basic mechanics of the game on easy and normal difficulties before playing on insane.
№ Picture Achievement Description Win an y victory
Winning by way of the y victory condition is likely the way many matches will end. y is essentially a rating of your overall control on Arrakis. y is accrued through many different actions, and accruing 30,000 points will make you the victor.
The main ways of gaining y include:
Annexing and taking over villages.
Getting Charters passed in your favor.
Using espionage operations.
Paying the Spice Tax.
A bunch of smaller actions can contribute to your y as well.Each Crafts Workshop you build at a village provides 2 y per day, and once you reach 10,000 y, you can construct the Administrative Hall at your capital to get a 10% bonus to your earnings. Basically, you'll want to expand and control as much of Arrakis as possible in order to win through this method.
№ Picture Achievement Description Win with the Dune ship charter
Governship victory condition, tied to the Landsraad and Charters. On top of the basic Charters, there are five special Charters at the top of the Landsraad. The one you want is the "Dune ship Charter." Certain conditions must be unlocked in order for the Charter to go up for a vote.
For Dune ship to go up for a vote, a certain number of regions must be held by one faction. On top of that, a certain number of Sietches must be allied with any of the four factions. Once those conditions are met, the Charter will go up for vote, but a faction also needs to meet the requirements in order to vote for it.
You must be allied with multiple Sietches and have high Landsraad standing in order to put your votes forward. Once done, you actually need to win the vote, which isn't guaranteed.
However, winning through ship is most easily done with House Atreides since the faction gets huge bonuses for Landsraad standing and diplomacy.
№ Picture Achievement Description Win by assassinating your last opponent
The first option for achieving a Domination victory is by way of espionage, in which case you'll need to assign Agents to each of the espionage areas. To pull off an association attempt, you must be Level 2 in each of the general espionage areas, as well as Level 2 in the specific faction you want to assassinate. Keep in mind, however, that assassination attempts can fail and your agents can be captured.
You'll win if you manage to infiltrate and assassinate all three faction leaders. Use asssasin to kill your last opponent`s leader to unlock this one.
№ Picture Achievement Description Win by destroying the base of your last opponent
You can also achieve Domination victory by building up massive armies and destroying each of your opponent's capitals. However, capitals have massive amounts of health and defense, so you'll really need a massive army to bring them down. Deal with other fractions somehow and destroy the base of last fraction to unlock this achievement.
— Faction Achievements
There are currently only 4 playable factions in the game: House Atreides, House Harkonnen, Smugglers and Fremen. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
For the victory of each faction, you will unlock one achievement.
№PictureAchievementDescription Win with House Atreides Win with House Harkonnen Win with the Smugglers Win with the Fremen
Let's find out more about each faction separately, because it will help you choose the right conditions to win on Insane difficulty.
• House Atreides
Faction Bonuses:At 5k HegemonyAt 10k HegemonyLady JessicaDuncan IdahoThufir HawatGurney HalleckThe stellar reputation of House Atreides owes a lot to its leader`s commanding style: firm yet honorable and fair. By imperial decree, the Atreides just inherited the stewardship of Arrakis and have a lot of work to do to take over from the Harkonnens
✔️ Can use the Peaceful Annexation Ability
✔️ Other factions lose no Authority from treaties with you
✔️ benefists more from a high Landsraad Standing
❌ Cannot pillage neutral Villages
✔️ While under the effect of a positive Resolution, gain +10% Solari production
✔️ While under the effect of a negative Resolution, gain +10% unit Power
✔️ You can ignore Charters prerequisites except for the necesary Landsraad Standing
Allows you to impose any tretay upon other factions for 50 influence. They will need 100 authority to refuse.
Starts with the Non-Aggression Pact Treaty unlocked
The is Duke Leto`s Concubine. Although she is a Bene Gesserit, her loyality always goes to house Atreides before the Sisterhood.
All relatin gains with Sietch are increased by 100%
-10% Authority cost to annex a Village
One of Leto`s most trusted men and House Atreides` Swordmaster. Duncan was tasked with being Leto`s ambassador to the Fremen upon their arrival on Arrakis
Your Agents have 1 additional trait
Your Villages gain +20% resource production for 2 days when their region is targeted by one or more operations.
Thufir is an elderly mentat - a human computer -, and also House Atreides` Master of Assassins. Renowhed in the Landsroad for being both outstandingly cunning and honorable, Thufir is also a mentor in the art of war and politocal instructions.
Unlocks the Veteran Militia unit
Military units start with 1 mor Experience level
Warmaster and poet, Gurney`s indefectible loyality and long service to hourse atreides earned him the status of valued friend and confident. While not exactly a handsome man, his combined abilities to sing and fight without missing a note make him both a charismatioc and fearsome figure.
• House Harkonnen
Faction Bonuses:At 5k HegemonyAt 10k HegemonyFeyd-Rautha HarkonnenPiter De VriesRabban HarkonnenIakin NefudHouse Harkonnen shares its chilling reputation with its leader, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. They have beeen called despotic, merciless, scheming and devious. And those are only their finer qualities.
✔️ Can use the Oppression Ability on Harkonnen villages.
✔️ +5% Village resource production per active militia.
✔️ Always knows the Influence flows of the other factions.
❌ -10% Village resource production.
✔️ While at least one ally Village is under Oppression:
+10 unit Power.
+100% Agent recruitment speed.
✔️ Allows you to assing an agent to a mission to reduce its cost and preparation time. The agent will be sacrificed.
Can use Corruption on Landsraad resolutions, causing a loss of Landsraad Standing for the elected faction.
Gain 10 Unfluence upon killing Rebel.
Glossu`s younger brother and the Baron`s favored nephew, Feyd-Rautha has all it takes to uphold his family`s sadistic culture. An unmatched duelist and charismatic leader, he is the chosen na-Baron of Heouse Harkonnen, destined to take over his uncle`s legacy
Unlocks the Stealth Probe unit with the Infiltration Drone trait:
No Supply limitation.
+1 Intel production in enemy territory.
Ornithopters unit have the Infiltration Ornithopter trait:
Only visible from close range.
+1 Intel production in enemy territory.
Piter is a twisted Mentat that is a human computer, but bred on planet Tleflax with much less ethical constraints in mind than their regular counterparts.
+1 Militia slot
Oppression duration increased by +5s per militia on the village
Nicknamed "the Beast" after murdering his own father, The Count of Lankiveil is every bit as evil and corrupt as his uncle, the Baron Harkonnen. Rabban only rules through violence and terror, Making him dreaded and despised, leader.
50% of all your Military Units costs is refunded upon their death.
-50% Combat Drugs mission cost.
Iakin is the Captain of the House Harkonnen guard, While regarded as decently reliable while on duty, he is a known Semuta addict, which, to some, is enough to cast doubt on all of his abilities.
• Smugglers
Faction Bonuses:At 5k HegemonyAt 10k Hegemony Staban Tuek Linger Bewt Drisq BannerjeeThere`s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price...and do not look at the specifics too closely.
✔️ Can install Underworld Headquarters in opponent`s Villages.
✔️ Can place Bounty on Landsraad resolutions.
✔️ Improved interactions with Arrakis Black Markets.
❌ Limited access to the Landsraad.
✔️ Unlocks Contraband Special Events.
✔️ You gain 50 Votes at the Landsraad.
✔️ Allows the training of Mercenary.
✔️ Mercenary units +20% Power.
Underworld Headquarters produce +5 Solari per adjacent region containing an Underworld Headquarters.
+0.5 Influence per Underworld Headquarters
Staban is Esmar Tuek`s son and, just like his father, a renowned smuggler of various goods on Arrakis, most notably Spice Melange. Like many of his people, he thrives on a harsh environment while routinely defying the highest authorities. He is a proud man who doesn`t abide by anybody`s rules but his own.
Reduces the Authority cost to annex a Village depending on available Water.
Reduces the cost to Install Underworld Headquarters depending on available Water.
Lingar`s business revolves around a single commodity, but one which is so rare on Arrakis, only Spice tops it in importance: water. While his extraction operations are not technically illegal, they are, by nature, risky enough that Lingar had to forge an alliance with smugglers, and most notable Esmar Tuek.
All agents have the Merchant trait.
Infiltration levels can`t be lower than 1.
is Esmar Tuek`s loyal quartermaster, managing supplies and commodities for the whole Sietch. She is also regularly involved in the logistics of the master`s smuggling operations.
Gain 30% more when pillaging a village.
Gain Plascrete by pillaging a village.
serves as the head of security at Tuek`s Sietch. A stout, intimidating hulk of a man with a jaded outlook on life, he is a reliable ally when it comes to protecting Esmar`s best interests.
• Fremen
Faction Bonuses:At 5k HegemonyAt 10k Hegemony Chani Kynes Stilgar Ben Fifrawl Mother RamalloOtheymFremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet Kynes, doesn`t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen.
✔️ Military units have -30% daily Supply drain.
✔️ Allows you yo form alliances with Sietch outside of your territory.
✔️ May use Thumpers for Worm Riding.
❌ Limited access to the Landsraad.
✔️ Thumpers are generated passively.
✔️ Thumpers attract larger Sandwormds that can travel farther.
✔️ Military units gain Power according to your Hegemony (up to +20% at 25 000 Hegemony).
Can use Incite Rebellion on Landstraad resolutions, generating rebellions in ther factions if the targeted resolution passes.
+0.5 Intel production per adjacent neutral Region.
Chani is a young Fremen mothered by the famous imperial planetologist Liet Kynes. A bold and charosmatic woman and an adept fighter, she is loyal to her native people and its determined to do whatever it takes to remove any lingering Harkonnen presence from her planet.
Every new village capture increases Sietch detection progress.
+1 Authority production per exploited Spice Field.
Stilgar is the Naib - the leader - of Sietch Tabr, one of the most prominent Fremen communities on Arrakis. A wise and honorable leader, he has a soft spot for , whom he regards as his niece.
Start with the Shai-hulud Temple unlocked Reveals the position of all Spice Fields.
Ramallo is an elderly Sayyadina, a rogue Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother who successfully changed the Water of Life. She therefore possesses a vast knowledge inherited from her foremothers, and her immense wisdom makes her a revered mother figure aming the Fremen.
+10% units Speed.
Units gain Sand Killers when no allies are nearby: +20% Power and +2 Armor.
is a renowned and fearsome Fremen fighter who left Sietch Hara Kulon for Sietch tabr led by Stilgar. A wise and loyal of a bit gruff man, he likes to be in the first kines, be it in combat or through experimenting with new kinds of strategies.
— Gameplay Achievements
№PictureAchievementDescription Capture your first village
№PictureAchievementDescription Eliminate a raid targetting you
№PictureAchievementDescription Construct a building that exploits a natural resource
№PictureAchievementDescription Assign a new crew to a Harvester or to a Harvesting Team
№PictureAchievementDescription Activate an operation
№PictureAchievementDescription Sign a treaty with another faction
№PictureAchievementDescription Activate a district bonus
№PictureAchievementDescription Capture a village owned by another faction
№PictureAchievementDescription Form an alliance with a Sietch
№PictureAchievementDescription Use a shuttle to transport troops
№PictureAchievementDescription Get elected for a charter
№PictureAchievementDescription Reach infiltration level 3 in any field of operations
№PictureAchievementDescription Destroy another player's base
№PictureAchievementDescription Assassinate an enemy leader
№PictureAchievementDescription Build a building in every base slot
— Miscellaneous Achievements
№PictureAchievementDescription Reach 100 relation with another faction
№PictureAchievementDescription Have at least 100 net water production
№PictureAchievementDescription Control 4 special regions
№PictureAchievementDescription Reach 500 Landsraad Standing
№PictureAchievementDescription Have 5000 Spice in your stockpile
— Conclusion
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If something goes wrong — please let me know in comments below or add me to ask a question.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2802231028
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