Approval Guide

Approval Values & Relationship Levels

Approval Values Slightly Approves and Slightly Disapproves: +/- 1 point

Approves and Disapproves: +/- 5 points

Greatly Approves and Greatly Disapproves: +/- 20 points

Relationship Levels Hostile: -75 to -30

Cold: -29 to -5

Neutral: -4 to 34

Warm: 35 to 74

Friendly: 75 to 125


Inquisitor Greetings

Cold/Hostile (-75 to -5):

Blackwall will greet the Inquisitor with "What is it? or "What do you want?" or "(Grunts.)"

Neutral/Warm/Friendly (-4 to 125):

Blackwall will greet the Inquisitor with "At your service." or "Yes?" or "Something on your mind?" or "I'm here."

If romanced, he might also say: "I am here." or "My lady."


Look at it.

Haven only, first attempt to speak to him...

And to actually walk out of it, to be that close...

No approval changes

Blackwall: I have to admit, I thought you'd be… Herald: Human? Blackwall: Yes. (if not human)

I don't blame you. - Slightly Approves

At least you're honest. - Slightly Approves

Is this a problem?

The Breach, the Divine's death, the Wardens... it doesn't make sense. There's so much we don't know. (if human)

No approval changes

Just one question, then. How do you think you fit in with all of this?

I want peace. - Approves

I'm not sure yet. - Slightly Approves

Some worship me. I like that. - Disapproves

So this is Skyhold.

Available immediately upon reaching Skyhold, first attempt to speak to him...

We'll be able to see Corypheus coming from miles away.

No approval changes

Let him come. I swear I'll take the twisted bastard down, even if I have to die to do it.

(Romance) I'm not losing you. - Approves

(Choosing this will soft-lock the Inquisitor into a romance with Blackwall, causing romance options with other companions to be altered or not be shown, for example, with Solas in Return to Haven. If you have chosen no romance dialogue options up to this point, this choice may not be available.)

Thank you. - Slightly Approves

You're taking this hard. - Slightly Disapproves

You're no good to me dead. - Slightly Disapproves

Tell me honestly: are you what they say you are? Andraste's chosen?

No approval changes

The New Warden Workshop

Requires +35

It's good to be part of something so important, something that could change things.

(Romance) It's only about the work?

I'm glad. -Slightly Approves

What about the Wardens?

So we have your loyalty?

For a Dwarven inquisitor there is a special dialogue with no approval changes.

Someone told me that once. Took me years to understand what he meant.

Wise words. - Slightly Approves

Isn't it obvious? - Slightly Disapproves

Why follow at all? - Slightly Disapproves

Put aside his own ambitions to help me win the melee. I don't think I ever thanked him.


No approval changes

A generous act.

Why'd he help you?

You couldn't win on your own? - Slightly Disapproves

(No romance) I should've gone with him. Perhaps things could've been different.

It all turned out.

Not necessarily better.

Regret is useless. - Slightly Disapproves

(Romance) But now I believe I made the right decision after all.

What changed? - Slightly Approves (after the scene)

(Romance) Because of me? - Slightly Approves (after the scene)

Self-doubt is dangerous. - Slightly Approves (after the scene)

I've A Hankering For Company

Requires completion of Here Lies the Abyss & Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.

Starts Revelations

Do you know what I did?

No approval changes

I just pretended it wasn't happening.

You were a child.

So did everyone else.

You were weak. - Approves

We could make the world better. It's just easier to shut our eyes.

Don't let that stop you.

Your eyes aren't shut. - Slightly Approves

All this over a dog? - Slightly Disapproves

If romanced you will get another dialogue without any approval changes.

After completing Explanations

First three responses have no approval change

But I... I need you to end this, because I can't.

No. [Kiss him.] (commit to relationship) - Greatly Approves

You'll have to do it. (ends relationship) - Slightly Approves

After completing The Final Piece

If sentenced to join the wardens in his Judgement

I will end up in Warden custody. It was what Blackwall wanted, more or less.

Approval changes unknown


Skyhold; once it gets its first set of repairs and -30 approval.

After a brief exchange, he storms out of the barn and leaves the Inquisition forever. No choice the Inquisitor makes can prevent this.

Prompted conversation

After In Hushed Whispers

Haven only, initiate conversation and he will make a statement based on how the mages were dealt with.

If the mages were offered an alliance he Approves

If the mages were conscripted he Disapproves

If he was brought for the quest:

I have to ask... what was I like in that dark future you saw?

You were heroic. - Approves

You were the same.

You were angry.

Don't ask.

After Champions of the Just

I imagine it makes trusting others risky.

Trust is important. - Slightly Approves

What's life without risk? - Slightly Approves

I don't trust anyone.

After Here Lies the Abyss

They died for us, and Corypheus twisted their sacrifice to make it his own!

We stopped it. - Slightly approves

Clarel's pride is to blame. - Disapproves

That's why we fight him. - Approves

It's not right... to want to do good, to be good, and have that turned against you.

(Romanced) They didn't have your resolve. Slightly Approves

Then remember the intention. - Slightly Approves

We can still try, right? - Slightly Approves

Nothing is perfect. - Slightly Disapproves

After walking the ramparts (Romanced)

Gives Blackwall's romance-specific personal quest Explanations

I hope you can forgive me for pushing you away.

I understand. - Slightly Approves

You're the one suffering.

I'm not giving up.

I... owe you an explanation for what I did. But not here.

We'll go as soon as possible. - Slightly Approves

This sounds ominous.

Explain now.

After What Pride Had Wrought

This dialogue is only available after the completion of Revelations

Perhaps it's a good thing I'm not a real Warden.

A very good thing. - Slightly Approves

We would've left you behind.

Trying to defend your lie?

After choosing a Specialization

After a mage Inquisitor selects the Necromancer specialization

Blackwall will Disapprove when talking to him.

Point is, you hear stories about these mages. How they're obsessed with death. And the dead.

My abilities help us. - Slightly Approves

I just want to live forever. - Slightly Approves

Magic isn't so natural. - Slightly Approves

Tell me about the Wardens

No approval changes for any questions available while in Haven

This question is added upon reaching Skyhold...

How do you kill an Archdemon?

I suppose you'd know. - Slightly Approves

It can't be that simple.

Fine, keep your secrets. - Slightly Approves

This dialogue options will be added after Revelations

You never heard the Calling.

You idolize them.

Would he have agreed? - Slightly Disapproves

A foolish fantasy. - Disapproves

(Special) You helped Adamant's Wardens.

Blackwall Continued

[Investigate Continued]

This dialogue options will be added after Revelations

You never heard the Calling.

You idolize them.

Would he have agreed? - DAIApproval.png Slightly Disapproves

A foolish fantasy. - DAIApproval.png Disapproves

(Special) You helped Adamant's Wardens.

Why were you recruited?

A noble act. - Slightly Approves

Were you drunk? - Approves

He saw how you fight. - Slightly Approves

Let's talk about you.

Requires -4 or higher

No approval changes

Thoughts on the Inquisition?

If approval is -4 or higher...

You may have Andraste's favor, but wars are won by men. Soldiers. (he only says this in Haven)

Why war at all? - Slightly Approves

Wars are won in many ways. - Slightly Approves

That's obvious. - Slightly Disapproves

If approval is -5 or lower, he takes a shot at the Herald and the conversation moves straight to [Investigate.]


No approval changes

Know much about Corypheus?

No approval changes


You're strangely charming.

Haven only, requires -4 or higher

I like your modesty. - Slightly Approves

What's hard to come by?

There's more in my quarters. (ends conversation) - Approves

So is there something large and heavy you need moved?

I just wanted to talk. - Approves

I'm sure you have better uses. - Approves

Possibly. - Approves

What's wrong with you?

Replaces above romance option if approval is -5 or lower

No approval changes

Are Wardens being corrupted?

Skyhold, after speaking with Hawke...

That could very well explain why so many have disappeared.

We need to find them.

How's your state of mind?

All, but you. - Slightly Disapproves

What do I call you now?

Available after Revelations, if Blackwall was freed or will get send to the Grey Wardens

Almost like "Inquisitor". Reminds me of what I ought to be.

A noble sentiment. - Slightly Approves

They aren't the same thing. - Slightly Disapproves

Your choice.

You brought this on yourself.

Available after Revelations, if Blackwall was told to continue the lie

No approval changes

What's wrong with you?

Available after Revelations, if Blackwall was told to continue the lie

No approval changes


Inquisitor Greetings

Hostile (-75 to -30):

Sera will greet the Inquisitor with "Piss up a rope." or "Frigging what? or "What, then?"

Sera will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Go on."

Cold (-29 to -5):

Sera will greet the Inquisitor with "Uh-huh?" or "Well, you're here." or "Something you want?"

Sera will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Go on."

Neutral (-5 to 34):

Sera will greet the Inquisitor in one of the following ways:

"Sitting and waiting. Great, yeah?"

"Her Gracious Ladybits." (female Inquisitor only)

"Ser Lordybloomers." (male Inquisitor only)

"Your wish is something something."

"Hey, it's you again."

"Something on?"

"Ready for waiting."

Sera will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Go on."

Warm/Friendly (35 to 125):

Sera may use one of the "Neutral" set of greetings, but is more likely to use one of the following:

"Can't wait, what's on?"

"Back, yeah? Always good."

"Love seeing you, yeah?"

"There's you, yes?"

Sera will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Go on."

I thought it'd be bigger.

Haven only, first attempt to speak to her...

Another reason the templars and mages need to be sat down.

No approval changes

They're too busy to look up where the real questions are.

We'll help them all see.

You think it should be easy? (changes next line & romance option) - Slightly Approves

What questions are those?

Sound good to you, all touched Lady Herald? / I think I'll like you, Lady Herald. Maybe you are a little touched, yeah? / I think I'll like you, Lord Herald. Maybe you are a little chosen, yeah?

(Romance) I think I'll like you too./You staying sounds very good.

Female human or elf Inquisitor - Slightly Approves

Female dwarf or qunari Inquisitor - Approves

Male Inquisitor, any race - no approval change

We'll succeed. We have to. - Slightly Approves

Sounds good to me. - Slightly Approves

I only care about stopping it. - Slightly Approves

What'd I step in?

Available immediately upon reaching Skyhold

Sera Disapproves immediately on starting this conversation if:

She was not recruited before the Inquisition reaches Skyhold; OR

She was recruited before the Inquisition reached Skyhold, but the Herald didn't speak to her in Haven; OR

She was recruited and spoken to before the Inquisition reaches Skyhold, but the Inquisitor leaves Skyhold for the first time before speaking to her.

Andraste, what'd I step in?

I didn't expect it either.

Andraste? Not an elven god? (Elf only) - Slightly Disapproves

If she answers, let me know. (Non-elf only)

You knew this'd be strange.

Next line varies depending on previous choice

No approval changes

It's too far, innit? I just want to plug the skyhole rubbish so I can go play. (varies if a female Inquisitor has flirted with her)

Q Do you believe or not?

(Romance) Thanks for the "pretty" part. (female Inquisitor only - only shows up if she was flirted with at some point)

I need hope, not selfishness. - Slightly Disapproves

Pick whatever cause you want. - no approval change

I need doubters like you. - Slightly Approves

Varies depending on previous choice, but next choices are always the same

(Romance) I hope there's more you want.

Female human or elf Inquisitor - Slightly Approves

Female qunari or dwarf Inquisitor - Approves

Male Inquisitor of any race - no approval change

Faith may decide much of this.

Just follow orders, crazy.

That almost makes sense.


Skyhold, requires +35. Must have unlocked the war table operation The Verchiel March and spoken to the Warden in Crestwood

Sera's tarot card changes to its alternate after this scene if the Inquisitor supported the pranks

I'm thinking pranks. Set a few up. Knock a few down. You in or not?

No approval changes

Pissed off and fired up is better than dreary bleary. Come on!

(Romance) Time with you sounds like fun.

Female human or elf Inquisitor - Slightly Approves

Female qunari or dwarf Inquisitor - Approves

Male Inquisitor, any race - no approval change, question repeats

No, grow up. (end) - Disapproves

Yes, I'm in. - Slightly Approves

You go ahead without me. (end)

What, the desk? Oh yes! Center of the empire and all that. What to do, what to do...

Great, so what do we do? - Slightly Approves

I won't diminish my general. - Slightly Disapproves

What, just the door? Where she greets every important idiot! Yes!

All right, what do we do? - Slightly Approves

I can't mock my diplomat. - Slightly Disapproves

Solas: Who is up there?

Run! - Slightly Approves

It's the Inquisitor and Sera. - Slightly Disapproves

Sera's next line of dialogue and the choices on the wheel both vary based on whether you carried out at least one of the pranks above.

I should appear respectable.

Anything to keep us inspired. (appears only if you did at least one of the three pranks) -

Slightly Approves

It's just not me. (appears only if you did NOT do any of the pranks)

You don't make a lot of sense.

Ugh, that place.

Skyhold, after Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts...

And Coryphefuss, right in the dangle-bag!

No approval changes

Ugh, that place. Should have just thrown in some bees and slammed the doors.

We made important decisions.

Earwigs. That'd stop a ball. - DAIApproval.png Slightly Approves

That wouldn't have helped.

Next line varies depending on who reigns in Orlais

It's not that simple. -Disapproves

The empress was right. / But Briala is in charge now. / Gaspard put an end to that. - Disapproves

Their mistakes made it worse. -Approves

If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Sera

Well, that was stupid. Want to go roll around until I feel better?

Yes. Yes, I do. - Approves

You're trying to distract me.

I thought I'd keep you close to me.

About time you asked. - Approves

Why? - Slightly Approves

After Here Lies the Abyss

If Sera was in the Fade the first two dialogue choices have no approval changes.

If Sera wasn't in the Fade

Heard what went on in that Fade thing. What you think went on. Can't even start to believe that business.

A difficult time for everyone. - Slightly Approves

Seeing is believing. - Slightly Disapproves

All I know is we lost people. - Slightly Approves

Sera Continued

They're the good thing that means a bad thing is about to happen. Like in Denerim, when the Blight ended.

What do you remember?/What was the Blight like? - Approves

That's called planning ahead. - Slightly Disapproves

I only care if they're useful. - Slightly Approves

Inquisition cookies

Skyhold, friendship cutscene

updates Codex entry: Sera

I've got something I want to do for you. Just come, you won't need your gear and stuff.

(Romance) I'm ready for anything

Female human or elf Inquisitor - Slightly Approves

Female dwarf or qunari Inquisitor - Approves

Male Inquisitor, any race - no approval change

Other options: No approval changes

They're horrible, right? And raisins, ugh! I frigging still hate cookies!

No approval changes

Because then I could like them again? Ugh, it's stupid.

Q: Emmald was nice. Why hate her? (repeat)

Baking sounds nice, but here? (leads to 'Plus if they were bad')

I think that's a great idea. (leads to 'Anyway')

I like you, but not cookies. (leads to 'Anyway')

That is stupid, and immature! (leads to '♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!')

Plus if they were bad, we could throw them at people? These are really bad. Frigging raisins.

I am laughing, but it's good. - Slightly Approves (Makes [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option available.)

Throwing them sounds like fun! - Approves (Makes [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option available.)

You don't need this. Nor do I. - (Locks off [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option.)

Anyway, I'll throw this rubbish away. Next time will be better, yeah?

I look forward to it. - Approves (Makes [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option available.)

Once was enough. - (Locks off [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option.)

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! And I'm trying to say I like it here! I thought you'd want to know that, and eat my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cookies!

I'm annoyed but also grateful! - Slightly Approves (Makes [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option available.)

Hold on, let's calm down! - Slightly Approves (Makes [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option available.)

I need allies, not brats! - Disapproves (Locks off [Special] "Want some friendly roof time?" dialogue option.)

If Sera is in romance "That is stupid, and immature!" leads to ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cookies and the other options to muffins.

Muffins on the... on the roof. Because tits?

You're wonderful and silly. (leads to 'Can't do it on the roof')

Crude, but I still like you. Slightly Approves (ends scene)

Not funny. (ends scene)

I just thought you'd want to know that I think you're pretty great! That I made you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cookies!

Next time, spare me! (ends the romance) Disapproves

Then this is dumb but great! (continues the romance | leads to 'Can't do it on the roof')

That's good, right? Because the roof was a really bad idea. Can't do it on the roof./Because we can't do it on a roof!

All options result in Slightly Approves

Note: If unlocked, the new dialogue option for friendly roof time will always be available when the Inquisitor is within the 'Friendly' approval range with Sera. If the Inquisitor slips below 'Friendly' the option will disappear. It will return, however, if they gain enough approval points to put them back into the 'Friendly' range at a later time.

I saw you dead

The Inquisitor needs to be in a romance with Sera

I can't see it again. I can't be with you and see that again!

Sorry for your imagination?

That's the dumbest thing ever.

I can't be blamed for a dream!

But seeing this really hurt! I'm fighting to make things better and learn truth and ♥♥♥♥, and it just keeps getting scarier!

You just said "love." A lot.

But it wasn't real!

This is an immature excuse!

So yes. "Love." Lots of it. Who cares against all of everything?

I care! And I love you, too. (continues the romance)

Right, "love" is so much better.

All options will make Sera DAIApproval.png Approve

The fun is gone. We're done. (ends the romance) - DAIApproval.png Greatly Disapproves

After What Pride Had Wrought

If the Inquisitor drank from the Well

Stand there! Yes, right there! Now, about Mythal.

No approval change

So! Test done, you're still you. We can leave these lies behind.

Q This threat was a test?

Never again, you hear me? - Slightly Disapproves

(other options have no approval change.)

If Morrigan drank from the Well

No approval changes

I mean, it just makes sense, right?

(Dalish Inquisitor only) You're insulting our heritage! - Disapproves

But what if even some is true? - Slightly Disapproves

I believe it was all true. - Slightly Disapproves

I agree it was all lies. (ends scene) - Greatly Approves

(If didn't choose "I agree it was all lies."...)

You're the frigging Herald of Andraste! Every time you open your mouth, you'll sound like an idiot.

But it's important. - Greatly Disapproves

I've said I'm not her Herald. - Disapproves

It wouldn't be the first time. - Approves

That hasn't stopped you. - Approves

(OR if the Inquisitor is an Elf and in a relationship with Sera...)

This doesn't fit it. It can't fit. I'm not elfy. So say you're kidding, and we can go back to our weird-enough normal? Please, [pet name]?

Q Why is this too much for you?

So take it back. Just Say you'd rather look ahead. That's all.

I'm an elf. I can't look away. (relationship ends) Greatly Disapproves

For you, anything. (relationship continues) Greatly Approves

I'm an elf. I can't look away. (relationship ends) Greatly Disapproves

For you, anything. (relationship continues) Approves

(OR if the Inquisitor isn't an Elf and in a relationship with Sera...)

I mean, I've dated some right tits, but you're the Herald of Andraste. You keep saying this, you'll sound like an idiot.

No approval changes

The second dialogue depends on the Inquisitor's origin

Let's both shut up. You first. (relationship continues) - Greatly Approves

Too far, Sera. We're done. (relationship ends) - Greatly Disapproves

Sera Continued (2)


You were supposed to be different.Skyhold, requires -30.

Sera can be convinced to stay or she can leave the Inquisition forever.

So, you're being a ♥♥♥♥. There. Said it.

Note: It's possible Sera may interrupt before the Inquisitor can answer, however her response is the same regardless of choice or lack thereof.

I'm sorry, what?

That's sudden.

What's your point?

So stop it, or I'll have to... something!

How can I fix this?

I'm just doing my job.

What's wrong now?

Response varies depending on previous choice, but the next choices are always the same.

Plus, if you make it all about you, how will I play? How will things get back to normal? I need it normal.

Others need you to stay. (Sera stays as an ally.) - Greatly Approves

Then just leave. (Sera leaves forever.)

Start running, traitor. (Sera leaves forever.)

Prompted ConversationsAfter In Hushed Whispers / Champions of the Just

Her lines vary depending on which quest was completed, but no dialogue choices result in approval changes

It's nothing for you, right?

Available after Skyhold receives its first set of repairs.

Unlocks the war table mission A Battalion for Sera and Verchiel for the companion quest The Verchiel March

No approval changes

What's going on with your face?

Only if the Vallaslin is removed by Solas.

So, what's going on with your face? You go off with Solas, and now your elfy dealies are gone.

I don't want to talk about it. (ends conversation) - Slightly Disapproves

Solas explained what they are.

Nobody knows anything about "real elves" except they're gone.

I agree, it's pretty stupid. - Approves

(other options have no approval change.)

After choosing a Specialization

Concerns about my magic use?

Available after a mage inquisitor has chosen a specialization.

You shouldn't be scary. You're the Inquisitor.

Q Why are you frightened? (repeat)

It's a burden I must bear. - Slightly Disapproves

Not even a little? For fun? - Slightly Approves

Our enemies should be scared. - Slightly Disapproves

(Romance) I would never disappoint you.

Female human or elf Inquisitor - Slightly Approves

Female qunari Inquisitor - Approves

Male Inquisitor, any race - no approval change

Worried I'm a champion now?

Available if a warrior inquisitor becomes a champion.

Covered it, right? Don't be a ♥♥♥♥ like a chav-alierer. You're better than that.

Q What do chevaliers do? (repeat)

I'll live up to my own title. - Slightly Approves

Different titles. Stop worrying.

It isn't up to you. - Slightly Disapproves

[Investigate.]Tell me about your background

If the Herald is female and has flirted with Sera at any point in the game, Sera Slightly Approves the next time this branch is selected. There is no approval change if the Herald is male.

Who trained you?

No approval changes

Where are you from? (Codex Updated: Sera)

No ties worth mentioning?

I can make evasive jokes, too.

Don't keep secrets. - Slightly Disapproves

It's nice knowing other elves. (elf only) - Slightly Disapproves

No approval changes

You're different for an elf. (non-elf only)

No approval changes

Tell me about your "friends." / Is your group still active?

After The Verchiel March is completed, this branch will be listed as "Is your group still active?" Q1 & Q2 will be removed if not asked previously.

Q1 What does your group do?

You pretend that's moral? - Slightly Disapproves

Good to know.

So you're also killers?

Q2 I expected people from you.

First set of choices have no approval changes

Free payday. And free blame, right? But, whatever. (varies depending on previous choice, but next choices are always the same)

Well, as long as it works. - Slightly Approves

I still don't get it. - Slightly Disapproves

Sounds like a con. - Slightly Disapproves

Q3 Was there ever a "Red Jenny?"

No approval changes

available after The Verchiel March...

Q4 Do your pranks achieve much?

It's inspiring. Even if it sometimes goes tits up and they take a hit back. You know, like Haven?


No approval changes

I'm Herald. You're a thief. (faithful Inquisitor only) - Slightly Disapproves

That's actually a fair point. - Slightly Approves

You believe weird things. - Slightly Disapproves

Why did you really join me?

Available immediately upon reaching Skyhold

What do you mean? To help people. (different if she's been flirted with)

Seems like there's more to it. - Slightly Approves

Are you really sure of that?

I don't believe you. - Slightly Disapproves

Ready to talk about yourself?

Requires some amount of high approval.

So, where'd you hate cookies?

They didn't give two squirts about who or what you were. It was all what you did.

Thanks for trusting me. - Slightly Approves (Only works the first time.)

(other options have no approval change.)

I get why you're an odd elf.

(Romance) Then that's all I need. - Slightly Approves

We all represent our kind.

All right, I'll drop it.


Inquisitor Greetings

Cold/Hostile (-75 to -5):

Solas will greet the Inquisitor with:


"What do you need?"

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Inquisitor" in a crisp, cold and melancholic tone of voice.

Solas will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Of course."

Neutral/Warm (-5 to 74):

Solas will greet the Inquisitor with:



"What can I do for you?"

Solas will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Goodbye."

Friendly (75 to 125):

Solas will greet the Inquisitor with:

"Good Afternoon,"

"My friend,"

"How can I help?"

Solas will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Goodbye."

If the inquisitor is an elf, Solas will occasionally greet him/her with "Lethallin"/"Lethallan" and bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Goodbye."

If romanced, Solas will greet her with "My heart" or "Vhenan" or just a simple, quiet "Hello" and bid her farewell with "Dareth shiral."



He means, "I kept that mark from killing you while you slept."

Thank you - Slightly Approves

You can do that?

I'm no use if I'm dead.

You know about the mark? - Slightly Approves

That's commendable.

And when this is over? - Slightly Approves

I'll do what I can.

Justinia is dead! We must elect a replacement, and obey her orders on the matter!

What about the Breach? - Slightly Approves

So no one's in charge here.

I'm standing right here.

If you take the mountain path...

The prisoner? Then you...?

It was worth the risk - Slightly Approves

All in a day's work.

No time for talk.

If you charge with the soldiers...

Is it? I hope they're right about you. We've lost a lot of people getting you here.

I'll do what I can.

I hope they're right, too. - Slightly Approves

I'm your only hope.

The Chosen of Andraste

Haven only, first attempt to speak to him...

The Chosen of Andraste. A blessed hero sent to save us all.

I hope to be one.

Sounds dashing! - Slightly Approves

I'm not a hero.

Every great war has its heroes. I'm just curious what kind you'll be.

Q You study ancient ruins? (skips other options) - Slightly Approves

(Special) How can you sleep there? (repeat)

That's impressive. - Slightly Approves

That's valuable.

That's dangerous.

A good one. - Slightly Approves

A smart and happy hero.


Cassandra has been accommodating, but you understand my caution.

(Romance) You can trust me. - Slightly Approves

Cassandra will protect you. - Slightly Approves

We have bigger problems.

Your fears don't matter. - Slightly Disapproves

Speak to him again after the scene...

Any artifact of such power is dangerous. The destruction of the Conclave proves that much.

Q You think it survived? (repeat) - Slightly Approves

I agree.

It will turn up.

It's not a priority. - Slightly Disapproves

[Special.] Tell Me More of Yourself ("Return to Haven" scene)

Skyhold, requires +35 and the "Tell me about yourself." branch listed below must be completely exhausted

Once both requirements are met, a special option "Tell me more of yourself." will appear. Select it to begin the scene.

Note: After the scene Skyhold will get its first set of renovation, so some companion dialogues won't be available anymore.

I sat beside you while you slept, studying the anchor.

Thank you.

That must have been quick. - Slightly Approves

We're not here for me. - Slightly Disapproves

Cassandra suspected duplicity. She threatened to have me executed as an apostate if I didn't produce results.

I wouldn't allow that.

Of course she did. - Slightly Approves

It got results. - Slightly Disapproves

Although I wished to help, I had no faith in Cassandra… or she in me. I was ready to flee.

You didn't.

Where to? - Slightly Approves

You were smart not to.

You had sealed it with a gesture… and right then, I felt the whole world change.

(Romance) You care about me?

[Kiss him.]

It's okay.

(Surprised) This mattered to you?

(Stoic) I'm glad you stayed.

(Confused) This isn't how it happened.

After the scene, speak to him again...

Sleep well?

No approval changes

if a female elven Inquisitor kissed him...

I apologize. The kiss was impulsive and ill considered, and I should not have encouraged it.

No approval changes

I am not certain this is the best idea. It could lead to trouble.

(Romance) I'll risk it.

(End Romance) Then let's end it.

After this conversation, he will sit in the chair and the following scene immediately becomes available.

A Friend in Need

Skyhold, requires +35, the Return to Haven scene must be viewed first

Begins All New, Faded for Her

Codex Unlocked: Spirit of Wisdom

I may also need a favor.

No approval changes

I heard the cry for help as I slept.

No approval changes

It was summoned against its will, and wants my help to gain its freedom and return to the Fade.


Q1 Why didn't it want in? (repeat) - Slightly Approves

Q2 Why would they summon it? (repeat) - Slightly Approves

I'll help.

I can go along with it.

I'm not saving a spirit. - Disapproves

Do you have a moment?

Skyhold, requires +75, after All New, Faded for Her.

Has it affected you? Changed you in any way? Your mind, your morals, your... spirit?

No approval change.

You are not what I expected.

I'm just like everyone else. - Slightly Disapproves

You make that sound bad.

What did you expect?

Elven inquisitor...

If the Dalish could raise someone with a spirit like yours... have I misjudged them?


Honestly, not really.

No. I am who I am. - Slightly Approves

the ending of this is the same regardless of the inquisitor race...

But you have shown a subtlety in your action. A wisdom that goes against everything I know of your people.

No approval change.

Next line only said if the Inquisitor kissed Solas in Haven. (This may be a bug: if you flirt with other candidates meanwhile, the kiss option might not appear completely! If you want Solas, stick to him.)

It means I have not forgotten the kiss.

(End Romance) Let it go, Solas.

(Romance) Neither have I.

How does it feel?

Skyhold, requires -30

Being you. Are you blissfully unaware or, deep inside, is some part of you banging on the walls, screaming?

What did I do?

Fine, thanks.

Spit it out. -Slightly Disapproves

Solas Continued

Next line only said if the Inquisitor is a believer... Do you enjoy the worship? Does it make you feel infallible, or do you see them as fools, gullible for their belief?

I believe. - Slightly Approves

I'm giving them hope. - Slightly Disapproves

The lie is useful. - Disapproves

This conversation is over. (ends scene) - Greatly Disapproves

Next line only said if Grey Wardens join the Inquisition... How long, do you think, before their next attempt to control something beyond their comprehension?

You are too hard on them. - Disapproves

You think you know a lot? - Disapproves

We need them. - Slightly Approves

This conversation is over. (ends scene) - Greatly Disapproves

Next line varies depending on whether templars/mages are allies/conscripts

A strong, proud organization founded on the fear of magic. What a wonderful job it has done.

They protect us. - Slightly Disapproves

We need their skills. - Slightly Approves

We need warm bodies. - Slightly Disapproves

This conversation is over. (ends scene) - Greatly Disapproves

Now I know I was right. You have no idea what a comfort that is.

So you're leaving? - Disapproves

Good for you. - Disapproves

[Hit Solas.] - Greatly Disapproves

Prompted Conversation

After In Hushed Whispers

You are certain you experienced time travel? Could it have been an illusion, a trick of the Fade?

Dorian is certain. - Slightly Disapproves

What would be the point? / I'm a mage. I'd know. - Slightly Approves

No. - Slightly Disapproves

What an amazing gift. It is vital the Inquisition succeed, to avoid the future you witnessed.

(Romance) Thanks for the conversation. - Slightly Approves

It doesn't matter. - Slightly Disapproves

Not amazing. Terrifying. - Disapproves

I saw you there.

After Champions of the Just

Any group corrupted by a demon must be watched carefully. At least they know how to fight.

(Romance) I can't predict you. - Slightly Approves

Don't underestimate them. - Slightly Disapproves

Beggars can't be choosers. - Slightly Approves (May not appear; conditions unknown)

They have their uses. - Disapproves

After/During Here Lies the Abyss

After speaking to Livius Erimond for the first time in The Western Approach...

To seek out these Old Gods deliberately in some bizarre attempt to preempt the blight...

It was a good idea. Disapproves

Don't forget the demons. Slightly disapproves

They are desperate. Slightly Approves

(Romance) We'll stop them. I promise. Slightly Approves

They obsess over Darkspawn. Slightly Approves

After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

After our time in Halamshiral, I understand why. I had forgotten how I missed court intrigue.

Glad you liked it. - Slightly Approves

You've seen this before? - Slightly Disapproves

I didn't like it. - Slightly Disapproves

The rest of the conversation depends on what happened to Briala.

if Celene & Briala reconciled...

In any event, Celene should be a steadfast ally, and Briala as well, thanks to your efforts on her behalf.

I hope it helps the elves.

It worked out for everyone.

We needed the elves.

No approval changes for any option. Conversation continues at "I'm sorry, I was confused..."


In any event, Celene/Gaspard should be a steadfast ally, [something about Briala; varies depending on quest outcome]

No approval changes for any possible variation

I'm sorry, I was confused. I do not consider myself to have much in common with the elves.

(Mad) You should consider it. - Disapproves

(Pleased) I agree. - Slightly Approves

(Sad) That's tragic. - Slightly Disapproves

(Stoic) Who then? - Slightly Approves

As for the elves of Orlais, [something about Briala; varies depending on quest outcome]

(Romance) I admire you. - DAIApproval.png Slightly Approves

I agree. / I still want to help them.

You really think so? / She was short-sighted. - Slightly Approves

She's shortsighted. / She didn't impress me. - Slightly Disapproves

After What Pride Had Wrought

Only if the Inquisitor drank from the Well

You gave yourself into the service of an ancient elven god!

Q Meaning? (repeats) - Slightly Approves

I'm still myself. - Slightly Disapproves

Why do you care so much? / Why does this bother you? - Slightly Approves

It's done. - Slightly Disapproves

If Morrigan drank from the Well the dialogue starts here

What will you do with the power of the Well once Corypheus is dead?

I'll restore what was. - Approves

I'll rely on those I trust. - Slightly Disapproves

We will. Slightly Disapproves

What, never?

I will still lead. Slightly Approves

One thing at a time. - Disapproves

I'll make the world better. - Slightly Approves

What if it isn't? What if you wake up to find that the future you shaped is worse than what was?

No approval changes

With luck, some of the past may yet survive.

No approval changes

If Solas' romance is locked-in; the conversation continues

I was trying to determine some way to show you what you mean to me.

No approval changes

You have become important to me, more important than I could have imagined.

I don't think this will work. - Bypasses the option for Solas to remove the Inquisitor's facial tattoos

I feel the same way.

No. They are slave markings, or at least, they were in the time of ancient Arlathan.

No approval changes

I can remove the vallaslin

No approval changes

And you deserve better than what those cruel marks represent.

I want to keep the vallaslin. - Inquisitor's facial tattoos remain

Remove the vallaslin. - Inquisitor's facial tattoos are removed

And I am sorry. I distracted you from your duty. It will never happen again.

No approval changes, also unlocks "What about us?" dialogue option upon subsequent talks

After choosing a Specialization

After a mage Inquisitor selects the Knight-Enchanter specialization

I wonder what they would think to see their magic used in defense of the Chantry.

Q What were they called? (repeats) - Slightly Approves

Q What do you know of them? (repeats) - Slightly Approves

They'd be pleased it lived on. - Slightly Approves

I fear they would disapprove.

They would be proud of me. (elven Inquisitor only) - Slightly Approves

Who cares what they'd think? - Slightly Disapproves

After a mage Inquisitor selects the Necromancer or Rift Mage spe

Solas Continued (2)

After a mage Inquisitor selects the Necromancer or Rift Mage specialization

Why did you choose such an esoteric area of study?

I wanted to learn. - Slightly Approves

It's a tool, nothing more. - Slightly Disapproves

I wanted to be stronger. - Disapproves

I'd rather not say. - Slightly Disapproves


Tell me about elves.

This entire branch is available to elven Inquisitors and can became available to a human inquisitor with either extreme high or low approval upon completion of Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts

If the inquisitor is elven: First time this branch is selected...

You are Dalish, are you not?

Proudly. - Disapproves

Why are you so angry? - Slightly Disapproves

I am a true elf.

Response varies depending on previous choice, but the next choices are always the same

We are trying. Accept that. - Slightly Approves

So teach other elves. - Slightly Disapproves

So help them. - Slightly Disapproves

If the inquisitor is human: First time this branch is selected...

Tell me about the elves. I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on elven culture.

Second time this branch is selected and if Sera has been recruited... Perhaps you should ask Sera. She has... opinions.

She's worthy of respect. - Slightly Disapproves

You don't seem to like her.

I'm not asking Sera. - Slightly Disapproves

Q1 Tell me about Elven magic.

(Special) Was immortality due to magic? (repeat) - Slightly Approves

(Special) About blood magic... - Slightly Approves

I don't mind blood magic. (ends branch)

Blood magic seems interesting. (mage inquisitor only - ends branch)

Blood magic is evil. - Disapproves

Some would use daggers in secret, ashamed, and some would find rebellion titillating, a step down the path of depravity.

No approval changes

Q2 Tell me more of the Dalish. - Slightly Approves

Q3 Tell me about ancient Elves.

(Special) What else? - Slightly Approves

Q4 Tell me about city elves. - Slightly Approves

Tell me about the Fade.

Q1 Tell me about the Breach. - Slightly Approves

Q2 Tell me about the Veil. - Slightly Approves

That sounds marvelous. - Slightly Approves

That sounds strange. - Slightly Disapproves

That sounds dangerous. - Disapproves

Q3 Tell me about demons. (Codex Unlocked: Spirits and Demons)

Can we change that? - Slightly Approves

I don't believe that. - Slightly Disapproves

I don't care. - Disapproves

Tell me about yourself.

Requires -4 or greater. If Solas' approval is warm or higher, there is an extra line of dialogue towards the end of Q1.


I respect you.

Do I need a reason? - Slightly Disapproves

I must know I can trust you.

Q1 Why study the Fade?

(Special) That sounds dangerous.

(Special) Clearly, you woke up.

Q Is that why you're here? (repeat) - Slightly Approves

I hope that works.

Weird, but good for you. - Slightly Disapproves

That's unnatural. - Disapproves

(Romance) You like my side benefits? (unlocks after completing Q1 branch; select immediately or it disappears) - Slightly Approves

Q2 Where have you studied? - Slightly Approves

(Special) Which battlefields? - Slightly Approves

(Special) Tell me what happened!

Q3 Do you work with anyone?

Q Wisdom and purpose? - Slightly Approves

(Special) Those are demon names.

That's amazing. - Slightly Approves

Can they be your friends?

Spirits are not your friends. - Disapproves

Is Cassandra defined by her cheekbones and not her faith? Varric by his chest hair and not his wit?

(Romance) I enjoy getting to know you. - Slightly Approves

Yes, spirits are people. - Approves

You need a body to be real. - Slightly Disapproves

Spirits lack free will. - Slightly Disapproves

I'm not arguing this. - Disapproves

Tell me about Corypheus.

Available at Skyhold...

Cassandra and Varric seem more familiar with our adversary.

I respect you.

I'll ask them, too. - Slightly Disapproves

I'm asking you. - Slightly Approves

Q What will he do next?

(Special) You're certain? - Slightly Approves

The remaining questions have no approval changes

Tell me about your journeys.

Available after cutscene Return to Haven

This branch can be exhausted three separate times

Each time he is asked - Slightly Approves

You're addicted to the Fade.

Requires some amount of disapproval

Only... not. I care deeply for many things beyond the Fade. Just not you.

How can I change that?

Thanks so much. - Slightly Approves

Tread lightly. - Disapproves

You have abandoned the elves.

Requires some amount of disapproval


(Special) You could teach us! (skips other options) - Slightly Approves

(Special) Educate them. (skips other options) - Slightly Approves

Q What are you fighting? (repeat) - Slightly Approves

Rely on friends. (ends conversation)

So change. (ends conversation) - Slightly Approves

Don't give up. (ends conversation) - Disapproves

Do you feel nothing? - Disapproves

Really? No way at all? - Slightly Approves

Why not fight? -Slightly Disapproves

There is no simple solution. I think you know that. Why attack me for knowing it as well?

Because I wish I could help. - Slightly Approves

Because I will help them.

Solas Continued (3)

In the Field


Recruit Ellendra using the Arcane Knowledge dialogue option while Solas is in the active party - Slightly Approves

Recruit Ellendra by referring to Vivienne while Solas is in the active party - Slightly Disapproves

Recruit Speaker Anais for Josephine with Solas in the active party - Approves

Recruit Tanner by referring to Cassandra while Solas is in the active party - Slightly Disapproves

Complete "Flowers for Senna" (Redcliff Village) with Solas in active party - Approves

((Note: having Blackwall in the party will have his approval overrule Solas'.))

Complete "A Healing Hand" (Redcliff Village) using the Elf Dialogue option with Solas in active party - Slightly Approves

Complete "A Healing Hand" (Redcliff Village) using the Solas Special Dialogue option with Solas in active party - Approves

Complete "Agrarian Apostate" with Solas in active party - Approves

Complete "Love Waits" with the "You failed her. Go home." dialogue option while Solas is in the active party - Slightly Approves

Complete "Shallow Breaths" while Solas is in the active party - Slightly Approves

Complete "Hunger Pangs" with Solas in the active party - Slightly Approves

Complete "My Lover's Phylactery" with Solas in the active party - Slightly Approves

Defer to Solas, use the Arcane Knowledge Inquisition perk, or use the Dalish special option, at the end of the initial "Measuring the Veil" quest - Approves

Complete Trouble with Wolves with Solas in the active party - Approves

The Storm Coast

Complete "Cleaning House" by challenging the Hessarian Leader with Solas in the active party -DAIApproval.png Approves


Speaking to the Spirit in Old Crestwood to initiate "Burdens of Command":

(Special) "Any advice for it, Cole?" - Slightly Approves

(Special) "Solas?" - Slightly Approves

Complete "Burdens of Command" with Solas in the active party - Approves

Speaking to the two villagers in Rusted Horn Tavern during "Still Waters":

"How did you get in here?" - Slightly Approves

"This place is hardly romantic" - Slightly Approves


Activating an Elven Artifact with Solas in the active party - Slightly Approves

NotesAny romance option listed will only be seen by female elven Inquisitors.

The "tell me about elves" branch becomes available to non-elves with higher approval while in Skyhold; requirements not specifically known.

Varric Tethras

Inquisitor Greetings

Hostile (-75 to -5):

Varric will greet the Inquisitor with "Yes?"

Neutral (-5 to 34):

Varric will greet the Inquisitor with "Need something?"

Warm (35 to 74)

Varric will greet the Inquisitor in one of the following ways:

"I've got a minute if you need something."

"Looking for someone to talk your ear off? I think I can oblige."

"What can I do for you, Inquisitor?"

Friendly (75 to 125):

Varric will greet the Inquisitor in one of the following ways:

"I can spare some time. What do you need?"

"If you've got questions, I'm your dwarf."

"Need something, or are you just here to admire the dwarf?"

"Something you wanted to talk about?"

"What can I do for you, your inquisitoralness?"


How do you think we should proceed?

Take the mountain path. - Approves

Charge with the soldiers.

Are you alright?

Haven only, first attempt to speak to him...

Most people would have spread that out over more than one day.

(Pleased) I'm just glad to be alive. - Slightly Approves

(Confused) I can barely keep up. - Slightly Approves

(Sad) Too many people died up there. - Slightly Approves

(Stoic) I'm fine. - Slightly Disapproves

(Mad) This is all ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. - Slightly Approves

"Bad for morale" would be an understatement. I still can't believe anyone was in there and lived.

No approval changes

After In Hushed Whispers / Champions of the Just

Haven; his initial lines vary based on which quest was completed, but the rest is the same regardless

Finding more of it really punches a hole in my "red lyrium at the temple was a coincidence" theory.

No approval changes

You just won a big victory for the Inquisition! What're you going to do to celebrate?

Plan for what's next.

Catch my breath. - Slightly Approves

Anything but celebrate.

Have a party. - Slightly Approves

The fight with Cassandra

Skyhold, after speaking to Hawke and when talking to Cassandra...

Varric: You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! What did you expect?

[Intervene.] - Approves

[Stay out of it.] - Disapproves

If [Stay out of it.] is chosen...

Varric: Look at her! She's finally lost it!

Stop this Fighting! - Cassandra Slightly Disapproves

This is funny. - Cassandra Disapproves

Leave me out of this. - Slightly Disapproves, Cassandra Slightly Approves

If [Intervene.] is chosen...

Cassandra: Hawke would have been at the Conclave! If anyone could have saved Most Holy...

Cassandra, back off! - Cassandra Disapproves

Varric's not at fault. - Approves

Varric, you bastard. - Greatly Disapproves

What's done is done.

Cassandra: We all know who's side you're on, Varric. It will never be the Inquisition's.

We need to work together. - Slightly Approves

Varric's earned his place. - Approves, Cassandra Disapproves

That's unfair Cassandra. - Approves, Cassandra Disapproves

I'm well aware. - 2× Disapproves, Cassandra Approves

Varric leaves...

Cassandra: I am such a fool.

Q What if it had been different? (This will remove the romance option.))

(Romance) I still like you. - Slightly Approves

Don't blame yourself. - Approves

We're all fools, Cassandra. - Approves

We need to do better. - Disapproves

After the fight with Cassandra

Varric is visibly upset as he leans against a table; says nothing as Inquisitor approaches...

Are you alright? - Slightly Approves

She's calmed down. - Slightly Approves

No more secrets. - Slightly Disapproves

I wasn't trying to keep secrets. I told the Inquisition everything that seemed important at the time.

You knew about Corypheus. - Slightly Disapproves

I believe you. - Approves

Hawke should've joined sooner. - Slightly Disapproves

Talk to Cassandra.

Choose a side. - Slightly Disapproves

Corypheus is back...

Available after moving to Skyhold

First two sets of choices have no approval changes

Maker's breath, what have I let loose?

This isn't your fault. - Slightly Approves

I think you're confused. - Approves

It doesn't matter.

I'm a business man

Skyhold, requires +35

Varric is writing something...

No approval changes

I'm a business man. Never really followed a chosen one before.

I'm just like you. - Slightly Approves

Make it up as you go. - Slightly Approves

Just be my friend. - Approves

Just do what I do. - Slightly Disapproves

I'm not the chosen one. - Slightly Approves

You just don't know what you are to the people out there. The Herald of Andraste is a symbol bigger than any of us.

No approval changes

You heard the crowd singing after Haven was attacked.

I'm still me though.

Please don't sing. - Slightly Approves

This is giving me a headache. - Slightly Disapproves


Requires -30

You leave a lot of innocent people ground into the dirt behind you.

No approval changes

After Here Lies the Abyss

If Hawke survived and the Warden ally was left behind:

He wasn't the first good man to fall to Corypheus. He won't be the last. This story's no good for heroes.

At least Hawke survived. DAIApproval.png Greatly Approves

We heroes might make it. DAIApproval.png Approves

He will be the last. DAIApproval.png Approves

If Hawke was left behind and the Warden ally survived:

Their weird, foreign foodstuff arrived... alive. And one of them, true to its name, wandered off in the middle of the night.

If it helps, tell the story. DAIApproval.png Approves

I'm sorry, Varric.

[Hug him] DAIApproval.png Slightly Approves

He/She said goodbye to you. DAIApproval.png Slightly Approves

Bianca Davri

Skyhold, after Here Lies the Abyss.Begins the quest Well, ♥♥♥♥.

Bianca: Well, this is a suprise. You're the Inquisitor. Bianca Davri, at your service.

[Investigate.] - No approval change.

It's a pleasure. - Slightly Approves

You two look nervous. - No approval change.

What's going on? - No approval change.

Bianca: There's a deep roads entrance crawling with strange humans carting out red lyrium by the handful.

[Investigate.] - No approval change.

We should shut this down. - Approves

We have other priorities. - Slightly Disapproves

A game of Wicked Grace

Requires +75, after finishing Well, ♥♥♥♥

Friendship cutscene

Varric will get his alternate tarot card

There you are, I've been looking all over for you.

Varric Tethras Continued

Swords and Shields

Skyhold, after beginning Guilty Pleasures

I must have heard that wrong. It sounded like you just said that Cassandra read my books.

You sound surprised. - No approval change

She's a big fan. - Slightly Approves

I did say that. - No approval change

That book is easily the worst I've ever written. The last issue barely sold enough to pay for the ink.

It can't be that bad. - Slightly Approves

Cassandra seems to like it. - Approves

No wonder she was embarrassed. - Slightly Disapproves

I need it as a gift. - No approval change

That's such a terrible idea, I have to do it. On one condition: I get to be there when you give her the book.

I don't think so. - No approval change, cannot progress Guilty Pleasures until you agree to Varric's terms.

Fine. - No approval change, advances Guilty Pleasures

Prompted conversations

After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

Just a short comment without approval changes

After What Pride Had Wrought

Just a short comment without approval changes

After choosing a SpecializationAfter a rogue Inquisitor chooses the Artificer specialization

No approval changes

InvestigateI have questions about Hawke.

Orsino's fate made no sense. - Slightly Disapproves

Where are Hawke's friends?

Unlocks Codex entry: Notorious Raider Trash if Isabela remained in Hawke's party and was not given to the Arishok in Dragon Age II

Remaining choices have no approval changes

I have a personal question.

No approval changes

Tell me about red lyrium.

Begins Seeing Red

No approval changes

Tell me about Corypheus.

Available after speaking to Hawke

No approval changes

Let's discuss the Inquisition.

Requires +35

He talks about a random advisor or party member; never any approval changes

SpecialDo you believe I'm the Herald?

No approval changes


There are 8 possible War table operations from Varric:

Hard in Hightown: Trouble in Skyhold - Slightly Approves

Others - Approves

In the field

Approval changes only occur when Varric is in the active party unless otherwise noted.


Speaking to Sister Tanner in Redcliffe Village during "Business Arrangements":

(Special) "Varric?" - Slightly Approves

Seeing Red Quest

Destroying the nodes - Approves

Destroying the nodes without Varric in the party - Slightly approves


Killing a group of Red Templars - Slightly Approves

Iron Bull

Inquisitor Greetings Hostile/Cold/Neutral (-75 to +34):

Iron Bull will greet the Inquisitor in one of the following ways:

"How's it going?"

"Can I help you?"

"What can I do for you?"

"What's going on?"

Iron Bull will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "See you."

Warm/Friendly (35 to 125):

Iron Bull will greet the Inquisitor with

"Hey, you need me?"

"How you doing?"

"Hey, boss. How are you?"

"Good to see you, boss."

"Pleasure as always, boss."

Iron Bull will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "See you." or "Nice talking with you boss."

If romanced, Iron Bull will greet the Inquisitor with "Need anything, kadan" or "How you doing, kadan?" or just "Kadan".


You had something to show me?

Available immediately upon reaching Skyhold

No approval changes when talking to the soldiers

I know every soldier under my command. You don't have that option... but a few faces might help.

Q Why did you act like that?

(Special) They may think less of you.

This was good. - Slightly Approves

Their attitudes surprised me.

This was depressing. - Slightly Disapproves

You wanted to get drinks?

Skyhold, requires +35; begins a scene with the Bull's Chargers

The song the Chargers sing at the end counts towards Song Patron of the Arts

No approval changes

After Here Lies the Abyss (Siege of Adamant)After the siege of Adamant in Here Lies the Abyss.

Qunari training exercise to master your fear. I heard about the Nightmare at Adamant. Sounded big. / Been awhile since I needed it, but that nightmare demon was... big. / Just hit me with the stick, all right? I need to get over this demon crap.

Q What is this exercise? /repeat the rest/

[Hit him.] DAIApproval.png Greatly Approves

Who's stuck in the fade, huh? (Grunts.)

You're sure about this? - Slightly Disapproves

This helps you?

That's right, let it out. - Approves

Oh... I needed that. Thanks, Boss.

You like it rough. (Available if the Inquisitor is not in a current romance.) - Approves

You're really alright?

Feeling better?

Not a problem.

Let's talk this through. - Disapproves

You’re not gonna hit me, are you?

I can play hard. (Available if the Inquisitor is not in a current romance.)

I’d rather talk.

What makes this stick special?

You don’t need it. Slightly Approves

Possession? Losing your mind? That’s the worst thing that can happen to you.

I understand.

Worse than dying?

Get over it. - Slightly Approves

An alliance with the Qunari

Skyhold, requires some amount of approvalBegins Demands of the Qun

Codex Unlocked: Qunari Dreadnoughts

Glad you came by. I got a letter from my contacts in the Ben-Hassrath. Already verified It with Red.

No approval changes

They're ready to work with us. With you, boss. The Qunari and the Inquisition, joining forces.

I don't trust them. - Slightly Approves

I'm interested. - Slightly Approves

This doesn't interest me. - Slightly Disapproves

They're worried about tipping the smugglers, so no army. My Chargers, you, maybe some backup.


No approval changes.

I'll do it. - Approves

I don't trust Qunari. - Disapproves

During Demands of the QunIf you choose to save The Chargers

All these years, Hissrad, and you throw away all that you are. For what? For this? For them?

Don't call him Hissrad. - Slightly approves

I'm sorry, Gatt.

Gatt, we can salvage this. - Slightly disapproves

===== After returning to Skyhold =====

So much for that.

[] We might be able to minimize losses. - Approves

How are you feeling? - Slightly disapproves

You did the right thing. - Slightly approves

I'm sorry. - Slightly disapproves

Good to see you, inquisitor.

No approval changes

If you choose to save the dreadnought

(Sighs.) Yeah.

I'm sorry.

Look away, Bull. - Slightly disapproves

Can they do it? - Slightly approves

===== After returning to Skyhold =====

You'll have Qunari support on the seas, as well as our full intelligence network.

No approval changes

A Qunari alliance. That's a first.

Go take some time.

[] We'll make good use of it.

I'm sorry about your men. - Slightly approves

What does this mean for you? - Slightly disapproves

On the battlements

Skyhold, after Demands of the Qun

(If The Inquisitor saved Iron Bull's men)

Guess I'm not even worth sending professionals for.

No approval changes


Will you make it through this? (ends scene) - Approves (after the scene)

Report this attack, please. (ends scene) - Approves (after the scene)

(Qunari Inquisitor only) Just like me. / So am I. - Approves

And now I'm one of them.

No approval changes

(Romance) You're still you. - Approves

And now I'm one of them.

No approval changes

After the scene you'll get another - Approves.

(If The Inquisitor saved the dreadnought)

Krem, Rocky, Dalish, all of 'em. Dead for the Iron Bull, a man who never really existed.

Q Are you not the Bull anymore? (repeat)

You don't have to change.

This is good for you. - Slightly Approves

Ataash varin kata. Asit tal-eb.

I honor their sacrifice. - Approves

We'll fight for them. - Approves

Taarsidath-an halsaam

Available after killing a high dragon for the first time (he doesn't have to be in the party)

To killing a high dragon like warriors of legend!

Q What is this? (repeat)

[Drink.] - Approves

I'm not drinking that. (ends scene)

Here, your turn.

Q What was that Qunari phrase? (repeat)

[Drink.] - Approves

I'm done drinking. (ends scene)

Ataashi. "The glorious ones." That's our word for them. Ataaaaasheeeeeee.

Q Why are dragons sacred? (repeat)

I'm sorry we had to kill it.

Now I feel awkward.

They're just beasts. - Slightly Disapproves

So they need to be destroyed. Taming the wild. Order out of chaos. Have another drink.

[Drink.] - Approves

I'm really done. (ends scene)

(Laughs.) Nice! To dragons! (Swallows.)

(Romance) To you. - Slightly Approves

To good fights. - Slightly Approves

To bringing order. - Slightly Approves

To bad drinks. - Slightly Approves

Iron Bull Continued

Prompted conversationThey've got good form.

Haven only, first attempt to speak to him...

They've got good form. Cullen's putting his templar training to good use.

No approval changes

You've got no leader. No Inquisitor.

We've got Cassandra. (ends branch) - Slightly Approves

Cullen commands the troops. (ends branch)

Leliana is our leader. (ends branch)

Do we need one? (ends branch)

Perhaps I should lead. - Slightly Approves

You? (Grunts.) Why you?

I was chosen by the Maker.

I can seal rifts.

Someone should. I'm willing. - Slightly Approves

After In Hushed Whispers


(Romance) I'll protect you.

Tevinter magic goes too far. - Slightly Approves

It was incredible. - Slightly Disapproves

Weird, right? - Slightly Approves

After Champions of the Just

Getting in your head, messing around... (Grunts.)

(Romance) I'll protect you.

It was worth the risk.

Maybe it never stopped! - Slightly Disapproves

We killed it. - Slightly Approves

After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

At least under the Qun, you don't get everyone tripping on each other's ♥♥♥♥♥ while the country goes to crap.

(Romance) You've got a silver tongue.

We need politics.

There were mitigating factors.

I agree. - Slightly Approves

After What Pride Had Wrought

Just one more big fight to put this magister ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ down for good. I knew you'd get us here, boss.

Thanks for your help.

This will be hard.

I'm ready and eager. - Slightly Approves

After Choosing a SpecializationGot some new tricks, huh?

If a rogue Inquisitor chooses the Tempest specialization

No approval changes

You've been training.

If a warrior Inquisitor chooses the Champion specialization

I'm focused on teamwork. - No approval changes

I want to be unkillable. - Slightly Approves

My offense was fine. - Slightly Approves

Hey good to... Hunh.

If a warrior Inquisitor chooses the Reaver specialization

I like inflicting pain. - Slightly Approves

I needed more offense. - Slightly Approves

(Romance) I did it for you. - No approval changes

That's my own business. - No approval changes

[Investigate.]Tell me of the Ben-Hassrath.

(Codex Unlocked: Qunari: Ben-Hassrath immediately after selecting this branch)

And then you've got the spies.


Q1 Re-educators? (repeat; Codex Unlocked: Ben-Hassrath Re-Educators; adds Q2 & Q3, or only Q4 if Qunari)

Q2 Is it really that easy? (repeat)

Q3 That's revolting. (repeat)

Q4 I've heard rumors. (repeat)

Your job is spying. (Codex Unlocked: Seheron)

None sound like you. (Codex Unlocked: Seheron)

And in the middle, me, trying to wrangle the rebels and restore order.

No approval changes

One day I woke up and couldn't think of a damned reason to keep doing my job. Turned myself into the reeducators.

No approval changes

That's how I ended up here.

(Romance) It means I got to meet you.

You've had a hard time.


Interesting story.

Tell me about Qunari OR Let's talk about being Qunari.

Initial dialogue varies depending on the Inquisitor's race.

Qunari Inquisitor only:

You're not Qunari. You're Tal-Vashoth. World of difference. (Codex unlocked: Tal-Vashoth)

I'm proud of it.

I wish I'd known the Qun. (Codex unlocked: Qunari Tamassrans)

I'm still different.

(Special) What's wrong with Tal-Vashoth? (Codex unlocked: Vashoth: The Grey Ones)

My parents weren't savages.

The Qun offers no choice.

That's a good point.

Human, Elven or Dwarven Inquisitor only:

You writing a book?

(Romance) I want to know more about you.

They sound interesting.

They're a potential threat.

All races:

What does "Qunari" mean?

No approval changes

(Special) And those who predate the Qun?

No approval changes


Q1 How is it growing up? (Codex unlocked: Qunari Tamassrans)

So no families?

You didn't choose your job?

You must have been proud. - Slightly Approves

Q2 And if Thedas fell to the Qun?

No approval changes

Q3 How do they govern?

No approval changes

Q4 Do you not marry?

(Special) What, really?

(Romance) You don't know true passion?

I don't know what to say.

That's bizarre.

Sounds great. - Slightly Approves

Q5 Day-to-day life.

No approval changes

Why the name "Iron Bull?"

No approval changes

Tell me about Seheron.

Available after you ask about the Ben-Hassrath and have 35+ approval.

Q Tell me of the Tal-Vashoth. (Codex Unlocked: Tal-Vashoth)

(Special) Then aren't you Tal-Vashoth? (Codex Unlocked: Vashoth: The Grey Ones)

No approval changes from remaining questions

Tell me about your troops.

Skyhold, available after scene with Bull's Chargers

No approval changes

[Special.]So... You and Dorian?

Available after hearing Dorian and Iron Bull's party banter about Dorian leaving his "silken things" in Bull's room, the sly dog

(Clears throat.) Yes, we've been spending time together.

Approval changes unknown

In the Field

Whenever a group of Venatori is killed and he is in the active party - Slightly Approves

The first time a high dragon is killed with him in the active party - Greatly Approves

Whenever a giant is killed with him in the active party (The Stormcoast one doesn't seem to be valid) - Approves

Any subsequent time a high dragon is killed with him in the active party - Approves

Completing the first and final "In the Saddle" race (Redcliffe Farms) with Iron Bull in the active party - Approves x2

Completing "Farmland Security" (Redcliffe Farms) with Iron Bull in the active party - Approves

Recruiting Ritts when completing "Strange Bedfellows" in the Hinterlands - Approves

Killing the group of nugs found near the exit of the Flooded Caves - Deepest Tier in Crestwood with Sera and Iron Bull in the active party - Slightly Disapproves


Inquisitor Greetings

When Cole's approval rating is at or below -30, his crisis cutscene will trigger the moment The Inquisitor zones into Skyhold, and he will leave the Inquisition permanently.

Cold/Hostile (-75 to -5):

Cole will greet the Inquisitor once with "I don't like what you're doing. If we don't help people here, I will find another place."

Cole may greet the Inquisitor with one of the Neutral greetings, or possibly "Yes?" or "You want things."

Cole will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "How do you know?"

Neutral (-5 to 34):

Cole may greet the Inquisitor with "I'm here." or "I can talk with you."

Cole will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Maybe."

Warm/Friendly (35 to 125):

Cole may greet the Inquisitor with one of the Neutral greetings, or possibly "I'm glad you came to talk to me." or "It's good to spend time with you."

Cole will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Yes." or "If you like."

Note: Cole will also bid the inquisitor farewell with "How do you know" or "Probably".


Look for Cole

Skyhold, approval 35-75

If Cole's approval tips above 35 during conversation with him in the tavern, the conversation will end abruptly as Cole vanishes and the "Look for Cole" option becomes active.

Tin jangle as the blood spills. Pierre's wrapped body on the wagon to the chantry. Five more minutes. My fault.

Q Do you hear everything? (repeat)

Can you help her? -Slightly Approves

What was that?

Don't harm her. - Slightly Approves

Wait, that didn't work. Let me try again. You'll forget me in a minute.

Q Wait, what? (repeat)

[Wait and watch.] (to Part A)

No, don't do that. (to Part B)

Part A


Nice work. (scene ends) - Slightly Approves

They don't remember you? (scene ends)

Part B

How do I do it right, if I've done it wrong and I can't make her forget?

No approval changes

She's not better.

This isn't about her. (scene ends)

She will be. (scene ends) - Slightly Approves

After this scene, a small chest becomes active next to him in the tavern. It contains gear for him.

After Here Lies the Abyss

Note: Lookup Subjected to His Will for quest details.

He won't bind me. He's a mage, and he likes demons, but he won't help.

What's wrong? - DAIApproval.png Slightly Approves


No. Solas Slightly Approves

I'm not me anymore. Walls around what I want, blocking, bleeding, making me a monster.

Q What if binding changes you? (repeat)

Q That's true for everyone. (repeat)

We'll protect you. - Slightly Disapproves

We'll figure something out. - Solas Slightly Approves

You may need to leave. - Slightly Disapproves, Solas Slightly Disapproves

Do you want to go somewhere?

Available after Subjected to His Will

(If Cole is more like a spirit)

Will you be dining alone, Your Worship, or will others be arriving later?

No approval changes

You can tell her. She'll laugh, and then do it, because she loves you. She wants to make you happy.

He needed help? - Slightly Approves

That sounds intriguing. - Slightly Approves

So you're not sitting?

I wouldn't have heard them before. Now I can, thanks to you.

Q And that helps? (repeat)

I'm glad to help. - Slightly Approves

As long as it works for you.

Thank you for helping me find this again. For believing in me. You don't know what it means.

No approval changes

(If Cole is more human)

He saw me. They all see me.

I'm proud of you. - Slightly Approves

It's a good step.

That should be normal.

My only friend, for a long time. Evangeline showed me that templars could be kind, but even she... (Sighs.)

Is this painful? - Slightly Approves

Are you going to get dark? - Slightly Approves

I don't understand.

That's why I was scared about letting all these people see me. That's why I laughed.

No approval changes

I have enough self to know that what I felt was foolish. Isn't it wonderful?

Yes, it is. - Slightly Approves

It's a little odd, actually.

If you say so.

After What Pride Had Wrought

No approval changes

Prompted conversationFirst conversation in Haven

No approval changes

First conversation at Skyhold

Available only if In Hushed Whispers was done

Roderick was sorry before he died.

Q You knew Roderick? (repeat)

Q I hope you didn't kill him. (repeat) - Slightly Disapproves

Sorry for what?

I'm glad to hear it.

Don't speak of him. - Slightly Disapproves

After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

I didn't understand the Grand Ball. It would have been easier if they said what they wanted.

It's the Game. - Slightly Disapproves

Did you like the masks?

I agree. - Slightly Approves

After Choosing a SpecializationAfter a mage Inquisitor selects the Necromancer specialization

Cole will Disapprove when talking to him.

I don't like it.

Q Am I hurting spirits? (repeat)

I'm sorry. - Slightly Approves


Accept it. - Slightly Disapproves

After a mage Inquisitor selects the Rift Mage specialization

You're different. It shines on you, shimmering, sharp. You made magic from the rifts. - Approves

Q How do you see me? (repeat)

Q How do other mages differ? (repeat)

I hope it pleases you. - Slightly Approves

This was unexpected.

Deal with the changes. - Slightly Disapproves

Cole Continued

[Investigate.]Let's discuss the templars.

No approval changes

Let's discuss the Inquisition.

No approval changes

Tell me about your past.

Requires some amount of approval. If not enough, he simply says "No.," and the conversation ends

Q1 You killed mages?

You made a mistake. - Slightly Approves

You're a murderer. - Slightly Approves

You set them free. - Disapproves

Q2 Rhys was your friend?

(Special) I could find them. (Locate Rhys and Evangeline operation available)

Remaining questions have no approval changes

Let's Discuss Adamant

If Cole was taken into the fade after Here Lies the Abyss.

Q The nightmare spoke to you.

Yes, I'll kill you. - Approves

I'm not going to kill you. - Greatly Disapproves

Remaining questions have no approval change.

Talk about how you think.

Skyhold, requires +35

No approval changes

You're more of a spirit now.

After Subjected to His Will and making Cole more like a spirit...

No approval changes

You're more human now.

After Subjected to His Will and making Cole more human...

No approval changes

You've done odd things.

Skyhold, once it gets its first set of repairs

Listen in on some conversations among NPCs about strange occurrences around Skyhold. None of them can seem to remember who did them... Once hearing the first part, you may need to speak to Cole about it to get the next part to trigger.

In the main hall, a man sweeping mentions turnips.... and in front of the armory, a soldier talking about a dying soldier...

In the tavern, someone complains about plums... and outside the tavern, someone talks about spiderwebs...

On the battlements near Cullen, a soldier talks about a lost dagger... and at the main gate, a lady mentions a soldier in a fight...

In the kitchen, someone mentions some cheese and mint have gone missing... and in the tavern, a lady mentions a cat... and in the kitchen, the assistants talk about the cook's mood...

After the first four: In the kitchen, a man mentions missing bread ... and near the surgeon, a woman and a man are sitting by the fire and she tells her friend about the soldier who will not die until winter comes.

When any of them have been found, the Inquisitor can ask Cole about it...

In order to trigger the next part of the missing bread dialogue near the surgeon, the Inquisitior may need to ask Cole about the missing bread, after (s)he solved the first four mysteries completely and got the approval rewards...

Yes. Maybe. What was it?

There are five possible options; following through each to completion - Slightly Approves

Finishing all five possible options; Greatly Approves

Stop these activities. (ends conversation; remaining options are removed) - Disapproves

Dorian Pavus

Unfortunately, Dorian is the one companion who gives no indication through "normal" conversation of how he's feeling about the Inquisitor. He has a set list of greetings and farewells he uses regardless of approval ratings, and he will talk about himself and his past regardless of approval as well.

One thing the player can use is to see whether the option Why are you really here? is available. This only appears at or below -5. It should be noted that Dorian's approval rating starts quite low (-25) if Champions of the Just was completed instead of In Hushed Whispers. The starting approval also varies depending on whether the player chooses to conscript the mages or ally with them, with the latter garnering a higher rating (around +23) than the former (~+3).

Dorian's greetings:

Here we are again.

Always with the questions. Tsk, tsk—what will people say?

Fancy meeting you here.

Questions, questions.

Something you need?

The Inquisitor's work is never done, I see.

What's on your mind?

You seem very interested in my opinions.

Could I adore you more? Probably not. (If in a romance with Inquisitor)

Always a sight for sore eyes.

Dorian's farewells:

Here I thought we were just getting to the good part.

As you wish.

I do rather like watching you leave.


Try not to die. I would notice you were gone.

Try not to kill anyone without me.

You know where I'll be.

So long as you promise to return.

Come back tonight, then. (If in a romance with Inquisitor)


Brilliant, isn't it?

(Skyhold Only) If Champions of the Just was completed, this scene will serve to permanently recruit him.

If In Hushed Whispers was completed, then he will have already been recruited.

Unlocks the war table mission A Friend in Qarinus

Am I speaking too quickly for you?

(Romance) I was enjoying the show. (skips other options)

Distracted? By my wit and charm? I have plenty of both.

You're very confident. - Slightly Approves


Are you so sure?

We're all frightened.

Not at all. - Slightly Approves

You're boring me. - Disapproves

But here we are. One of those very magisters. A darkspawn.

No approval changes

It was us all along. We destroyed the world.

You're not responsible. - Slightly Approves

It's not destroyed yet.

Why whine about it? - Disapproves

if Dorian hasn't been recruited yet...

If it's all the same to you, I'd like to stay and help the Inquisition.


Q1 You'd fight your own people? (repeat)

Q2 You could be a spy. (repeat)

You're welcome here. (Allow Dorian to join the Inquisition.)

You need to go. (Tell Dorian to leave for good.)

No one will thank me, whatever happens. No one will thank you, either. You know that, yes?

Nobody knows that.

No one likes a pessimist.

I don't need their thanks. - Slightly Approves

A Letter Regarding Felix

Requires +35

Mother Giselle will appear in the Great Hall after this scene. Speaking to her begins Last Resort of Good Men

Dialogue changes depending the faction you sided with

I think the Venatori found out he was helping me. I think they killed him./He's dead. The Blight caught up with him.

I'm sorry for your loss. - Approves

That's not surprising.

They'll pay./So quickly? - Slightly Approves/No approval change

Tevinter could use more mages like him, those who put the good of others above themselves.

Q Were you two involved? (repeat)

What about yourself?

You might be idealizing him.

Follow his example. - Approves

After Here Lies the Abyss

Unlocks the war table mission The Name of Our Enemy

But if you want twenty volumes on whether Divine Galatea took a ♥♥♥♥ on sunday,

this is evidently the place to find it.

Stop whining. -Slightly Disapproves

Other options have no approval change.

If the Inquisitor is in a relationship with Dorian

I don't know if I can forgive you for that moment.

I'm sorry. - Slightly Approves

Other options have no approval change.

Are you... all right?

I don't want to talk about it. - Slightly Disapproves

Other options have no approval change.

Corypheus and his contemporaries entered the fade and began the blights. In comparison...

[Romance.] - I wish you'd been there. / I'm glad you were there. - Slightly Approves

(Romance lines will differ if you did or didn't take Dorian into the fade.)

Other options have no approval change.

My advice? Keep this quiet. Let them speculate. Too many will see this as a challenge.

I agree. - Approves

You don't?

Not my problem. - Slightly Disapproves (or Disapproves when in relationship with the Inquisitor)

A Bad Influence

After Last Resort of Good Men, requires +75 approvalFriendship cutscene

No approval changes

After What Pride Had Wrought

All my talk of how terribly wrong things are back home, but what do I do about it? Nothing.

Q What brought this on? (repeat)

You came here to help. - Slightly Approves or Approves (depends how much he likes the Inquisitor)

You could do great things. - Slightly Approves or Approves (depends how much he likes the Inquisitor)

Just go, then. - Slightly Disapproves

(Romance) What about us?

You make monumental decisions affecting the entire world. How can I not consider some of my own?

I could go with you. (repeat) - Approves

I need you here.

I understand, if you must go.

Dorian Pavus Continued

Prompted conversation

Regarding southern mages

Haven only, if In Hushed Whispers completed, first attempt to speak to him...

Interesting how they seem to like the idea. As if it's a relief to be penned in again. / The Inquisition supports free mages. What's next? Elves running Halamshiral? Cows milking farmers? (Response depends on whether the mages were allies or conscripted.)

No approval changes

The Inquisition is seen as an authority. You've given southern mages license to… well, be like mages back home. (only if mages are allies)

(Romance) So long as they're like you. - Slightly Approves

Is that so terrible?

So they'll rule us next?

I doubt that.

I could watch you roam Skyhold all day

Skyhold, male Inquisitor not in a romance*, other requirements unknown

*Dorian still says this if you are a male Inquisitor in a romance with Iron Bull.

I suppose it's more fun this way. For me, I mean. You're rather strapping.

(Romance) I could say the same of you. - Slightly Approves

Thank you?

It's so true. - Slightly Approves

Don't flirt with me.

It occurs to me that you're a mage.

Haven or Skyhold, Human Mage Inquisitor only...

...It's such a bizarre notion to me.

There are worse things.

I quite agree. - Slightly Approves

Hence the rebellion.

Did you know we're actually related?

Human noble Inquisitor only...

We are talking long ago, of course.

Q How do you even know that? (repeat)

Nice to know.

Is that a good thing?

I don't care about that.

Can we still flirt? (romance) - Slightly Approves

You're... Dalish?

Haven or Skyhold, elven Inquisitor only...

So I take it you're... Dalish? Is that the correct word here?

It is, yes.

It's correct everywhere.

As opposed to "slave?" - Slightly Disapproves

I hope this won't be an issue between us. I am here to help you with the Venatori, after all.

I appreciate your help. - Slightly Approves

No need to dredge up the past.

Don't give me a cause. - Disapproves

You were part of the Carta.

Dwarf Inquisitor only... No approval changes.

So... I assume that you are Tal-Vashoth

Qunari Inquisitor only...

Centuries of warfare with the Qunari do lead to this state of affairs.

Q You've met Qunari? (Repeat)

(Special) What about in person?

I've no issue if you don't. - Slightly Approves

Tevinters aren't popular.

I thought about it. - Slightly Disapproves

About Chancellor Roderick

Skyhold, only if Champions of the Just was completed

You know he died, I assume. Got us as far as the camp, and then... that was it.

That's too bad. - Approves

I'm suprised he helped.

I never liked him. - Slightly Disapproves

But in the end, he believed. He asked me to tell you he was sorry.

He was a good man. - Slightly Approves

Thanks for telling me. - Slightly Approves

He judged me too quickly. - Slightly Disapproves

I'm glad he saw the light.

If Alexius is sentenced to research for the Inquisition

Skyhold, only if In Hushed Whispers was completed.

Dorian Approves immediately on talking to him after sentencing Alexius. This is in addition to the approval shown during the sentencing cutscene.

After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

All this dancing, politics, and murder makes me a bit homesick.

(Romance) Should we do that more often? / I liked your dance.

You miss that?

Happy I could help. - Slightly Approves

Don't be ridiculous. - Slightly Disapproves

After choosing a Specialization

After a rogue Inquisitor chooses the Assassin specialization

Indeed. Someone's been doing some training... as an assassin, no less.

No approval changes

After a warrior Inquisitor chooses the Templar specialization

Did you know you smell different?...It's very attractive.

No approval changes


Have you seen Alexius?

Haven only, if In Hushed Whispers was completed

No approval changes

Tell me about yourself.

And beyond my being so charming and well-dressed? Which is obvious to anyone.

(Romance) It's obvious to me. - Slightly Approves

If you say so.

I hadn't noticed.

Don't push your luck. - Slightly Disapproves

No approval changes from remaining dialogue

Tell me about the Imperium.

Codex Unlocked: Tevinter Society


Q1 Is blood magic common?

No approval changes

Q2 What about slavery?

Back home, it's… how it is? Slaves are everywhere. You don't question it. I'm not even certain many slaves do.

You're saying they like it?

It's not like that here.

That's a terrible attitude. - Slightly Disapproves

Some slaves are treated poorly, it's true. But do you honestly think inescapable poverty is better?

At least they have a choice. - Slightly Disapproves

I suppose not. - Slightly Approves

"Treated poorly?"

Q3 Do mages truly rule there?


Q1 The Magisterium? (Codex Unlocked: The Magisterium)

No approval changes

Q2 What about the Archon?

No approval changes

Q3 But do mages rule?

No approval changes

Q4 The Imperium has a Chantry? (Codex Unlocked: The Imperial Chantry)


Q1 Is it really that different?

No approval changes

Q2 The Black Divine?

No approval changes

Q3 Are you religious?

It's not an opinion that makes me popular.

I agree with you. - Leliana +1, Vivienne -1 for the Divine Election

The Chantry has its place.

Others might object, yes.

You are what we needed most at the moment we needed it. That's what they will say in ages to come.

I'm surprised you think that.

I agree. - Slightly Disapproves

I don't know. - Slightly Approves

You are a fool. - Disapproves

Q5 Could Tevinter be an ally?

No approval changes

Q6 Corypheus was a magister. (requires History Knowledge perk)

No approval changes

Tell me about Alexius.

Requires +35

And then he… gave up. He stopped trying.

(Special) Why?

I'm sorry. – Slightly Approves

You mean you argued.

You both gave up.

Too much pride, I suppose. Plus, I was busy drinking. One must have priorities.

No approval changes

Dorian Pavus Continued (2)


Why are you really here?

(Available at -5 approval or lower)

I still believe that Corypheus needs to be stopped, and that I need to be here to help stop him.

Why is it so important?

You think you can help?

I don't need your help. - Disapproves

If that's meaningless to you, then tell me to go and I will.

No approval changes. Dorian will leave the Inquisition permanently if asked.

So... You and Iron Bull?

Available after hearing Dorian and Iron Bull's party banter about Dorian leaving his "silken things" in Bull's room, the sly dog

Err... Do you truly want to know? Is this an official concern, or... ?

Approval changes unknown

Wedding in Val Royeaux

Complete Alliances: From the Heart with Josephine and attend the wedding of Jecin Leandre and Celeste Thibault in Val Royeaux (second level):

Happiness is tempered by duty.

Find your way together.

Business first, fun second. - Slightly Disapproves

Make a strong name together.

Spend your new wealth on joy.

You've a duty to yourselves.

Live life to the fullest. - Slightly Approves

Who cares what anyone thinks?

I have no time for this nonsense.

Complete Alliances: From the Heart with Leliana and attend the wedding of Lord Pierren desRosier and Celeste Thibault in Val Royeaux (second level):

We must find purpose in duty.

Roles are useful and vital. - Slightly Disapproves

Make use of your influence.

You get this power, not them.

Marry for duty, love in secret.

Houses are mere appearance. - Approves

You can and should.

Don't make it obvious. -Disapproves

I have no time for nonsense.

One Less Venatori

Kill a target - Greatly Approves (does not have to be in the party)

Last Resort of Good Men

Note: Look up quest on wiki

The Magister's Birthright

Note: Look up quest on wiki

Cassandra Pentaghast

Inquisitor Greetings

Hostile (-75 to -5):

Cassandra will greet the Inquisitor with:

"Go on, then."

"What is it?"

"Surely you have better things to do."

Cassandra will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "As you wish."

Neutral (-5 to 34):

Cassandra will greet the Inquisitor with:



"Do you need something?"

Cassandra will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Another time, then."

Warm (35 to 74):

Cassandra will still use the "Neutral" set of greetings, but may also add:

"Hello again."

"Is there anything you need?"

"I trust all is well?"

Cassandra will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Another time, then."

Friendly (75 to 125):

Cassandra will drop the "Neutral" greetings and will still use the "Warm" set of greetings, but may also add:

"What do you need, my friend?"

"It's good to see you."

Cassandra will bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Another time, then."

Note: If Cassandra is romanced, she will drop all standard greetings and will greet the inquisitor with "The sight of you warms the heart." and "You are quite distracting you know?"



It may be the key to stopping this, but there isn't much time.

If I can help, I will. - Approves

Will helping save me?

Do I have a choice? - Disapproves

Drop your weapon. Now.

(Mage only) - I don't need a staff. - Slightly Disapproves

All right, I'll disarm. - Approves

You need to trust me. - Disapproves

I need this weapon!

How do you think we should proceed?

Take the mountain path. - Slightly Disapproves

Charge with the soldiers. - Approves

The Breach is stable, but it is still a threat. I will not ignore it.

I did what I could. - Slightly Approves

I'm still a suspect.

You want my help. Again.

Providence. The Maker sent her/him to us in our darkest hour.

I am not a "chosen one." - Slightly Disapproves

What more do you want?

Are you serious? - Slightly Disapproves

Are you sure? - Slightly Approves (Non-human only)

Blessed be the Maker. - Approves (Human only)

You believe I'm innocent.

But we have no choice: we must act now. With you at our side.

I want to help. - Slightly Approves

This is rather strange.

I agree. For now.

Did I do the right thing?

Haven only, first attempt to speak to her...

(Disgusted Noise.)

(Romance) You're impressive. - Slightly Approves

Are you all right?

You need stronger dummies. - Slightly Approves

Was that supposed to be me?

One day, they may write about me as a traitor, a madwoman, a fool. And they may be right.


No approval changes

You had to do it.

It's too late to turn back.

It was foolish. - Disapproves

I cannot afford to be so careless again.

You had cause. - Approves

Glad to hear it. - Slightly Approves

No, you can't. - Slightly Disapproves

Her wording here will vary depending on whether or not the Herald has openly voiced an opinion on being the Herald of Andraste. All variations come down to a single question...

I'm curious. Do you even believe in the Maker?

(Special) I believe in Elven gods. (Elf only)

(Special) I'm Qunari, remember? (Qunari only)

(Special) I'm a Dwarf, remember? (Dwarf only)

Yes - Approves [WARNING: This will establish the Herald as faithful and prevent them from declaring the Inquisition for order or to do what's right at the end of In Your Heart Shall Burn.]

No - Disapproves

I don't know.

Return to Haven's Chantry.

Haven only, after Address the Chantry in Val Royeaux.

Cullen: It's a shame the templars have abandoned their senses as well as the capital.

No approval changes

Cullen: You think the mage rebellion is more united? It could be ten times worse!

We should meet the mages. - Slightly Disapproves

We should find the templars. - Slightly Approves

You must choose soon. - Approves

Deal. With. It.

Haven only, after In Hushed Whispers OR Champions of the Just

A cutscene will play of Cassandra arguing with a mage or templar. That bit will vary, but her lines with The Inquisitor, The Inquisitor's lines and the dialogue choices are always the same. There is one romance option, but otherwise no choices cause any approval changes.

A toast to you.

Skyhold, requires an approval of [-30] or lower...

You're drunk!

A pathetic display - Greatly Disapproves

What's wrong now? - Disapproves

You're angry at me?

And I'm the one who raised you up.

[If expressed belief] The Maker chose me, not you. - Disapproves

[If did not express belief] I didn't ask for this.

We don't need you. - Greatly Disapproves

Yes, you did.

I'm doing my best. - Slightly Approves

The fight with Varric

Skyhold, after speaking to Hawke...

Varric: You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! What did you expect?

[Intervene.] - Varric Approves

[Stay out of it.] - Varric Disapproves

If [Stay out of it.] is chosen...

Varric: Look at her! She's finally lost it!

Stop this Fighting! - Slightly Disapproves

This is funny. - Disapproves

Leave me out of this. - Slightly Approves, Varric Slightly Disapproves

If [Intervene.] is chosen...

Cassandra: Hawke would have been at the Conclave! If anyone could have saved Most Holy...

Cassandra, back off! - Disapproves

Varric's not at fault. - Varric Approves

Varric, you bastard. - Varric Greatly Disapproves

What's done is done.

Cassandra: We all know whose side you're on Varric. It will never be the Inquisition's.

We need to work together. - Varric Slightly Approves

Varric's earned his place. - Disapproves, Varric Approves

That's unfair Cassandra. - Disapproves, Varric Approves

I'm well aware. - Approves, 2×, Varric Disapproves

Varric leaves...

Cassandra: I am such a fool.

Q What if it had been different? (This will remove the romance option.))

(Romance) I still like you. - Slightly Approves

Don't blame yourself. - Approves

We're all fools, Cassandra. - Approves

We need to do better. - Disapproves

Cassandra Pentaghast Continued (2)

Swords & Shields

Skyhold, requires +35

Begins Guilty Pleasures

(Gasps.) I don't know what you're talking about!

No approval changes.

It's… one of Varric's tales. Swords & Shields. The latest chapter.

You don't need to hide it. – Slightly Approves

So you've read them all?

Why waste your time? – Slightly Disapproves

Whatever you do, don't tell Varric.

(Romance) I should read it. – Slightly Approves

Other options have no approval change.


Skyhold, after Here Lies the Abyss...

Writing does not come naturally to me, as I'm certain you can imagine.

[Romance] Love poetry, I assume? - Slightly Approves

(other options have no approval change.)

I was there, I saw it with my own eyes. It must be recorded./ I wasn't there, but others were. Their accounts must be recorded.

That could be used against us. - Slightly Disapproves

That's a good idea. - Slightly Approves

I don't care about historians. - Slightly Disapproves

Just be careful. - No approval change.

Missing Seekers

Skyhold, after speaking to the Grey Warden in Crestwood, requires a certain level of positive approval.

Begins the war table operation Locate the Missing Seekers.

(Sighs.) I can keep staring at this, but I won't get any closer.

Can I help? - Slightly Approves

(other options have no approval change.)

I've a growing suspicion Corypheus has imprisoned them.

This is important to you. - Slightly Approves

They might be his allies. - No approval change.

Whats the point? - Slightly Disapproves

I was hoping we could speak privately.

After Promise of Destruction

Requires 75+ and flirting in the past

Happens also for a female Inquisitor

Starts or ends romance. Female Inquisitors are always turned down.

No approval changes [confirmation needed] (for male Inquisitors)

On Being Divine

Skyhold, after Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts...

Unlocks the war table mission Support Cassandra

Mother Giselle: Talk to her, Your Worship.

Is she bothering you?

Having fun? - Slightly Approves

What's this about?

So now the Chantry bandies our names about without even asking us first.

Q Is that even possible? (repeat)

(Special) Why am I not a candidate? (repeat)

So refuse.

Who cares about the Chantry? - Disapproves

You'd be perfect. (Adds +5 for Cassandra in Divine Election.)

The Chantry should provide faith. Hope. Instead, it cannot veer from its course, even in the face of certain death.

Q Do you really feel that way? (repeat)

The Chantry has failed. - Greatly Disapproves

These are extreme times.

So do better. - Approves

It needs to change. Perhaps I must be the one to change it.


(Romance) I like your determination. (repeat) - Approves

(Nobility Knowledge) I can help you become Divine. (ends conversation) - Approves (twice)


No approval changes

We have other concerns. - Disapproves

Maybe the Chantry should end. (Adds +1 for Leliana and -1 for Cassandra in Divine Election.) - Disapproves

A new crusade for you?

After What Pride Had Wrought

No approval changes

Planning Troop Movements

Requires +75Friendship cutscene

No approval changes

Prompted conversation

It occurs to me...

Haven or Skyhold

I'm... not sure. Where are you from?

Q You don't know? (repeat)

[Tell her.]

[Make something up.] (ends conversation) - Disapproves

Line varies depending on race

I hated it. - Approves for a non-mage Trevelyan

Eventually, perhaps.

Home is wherever I am. - Slightly Approves

None of your business. - Disapproves

I'd go now, if I had a choice. - Slightly Disapproves

Something is troubling me...

Available immediately upon reaching Skyhold

Begins Unfinished Business

No one is dealing with these matters. I was hoping we might, before they get worse.

Of course.

It's not our job. - Slightly Disapproves

We have a lot to do. - Disapproves

Cassandra Pentaghast Continued (3)

After choosing a Specialization

When the Inquisitor chooses the Necromancer specialization

No approval changes

When the Inquisitor chooses the Reaver specialization

No approval changes


Tell me about yourself.

Not entirely. I'm just curious as to your motivation. (low approval; threshold unknown)

(Romance) I'd like us to be closer. - Slightly Disapproves

Just being friendly - Approves

Suspicious, aren't you? - Slightly Disapproves

Just tell me.

There's... Not much to know. (high approval; +/- 29-30 approval)

(Romance) Such modesty!

I'm not trying to pry.

That can't be true

Just tell me something.

Choosing all dialogue options that gives the most approval with Cassandra in the cutscenes and the other prompted conversations, before going to the Hinterlands, should give around 29 approval which unlocks the second dialogue.

Cassandra: That's all there is to know, my lady/lord. (Codex Unlocked: The Seekers of Truth)

Q1 You're Nevarran royalty? (Codex Unlocked: The Pentaghasts; adds Q3 & Q4)

Is that why you left Nevarra?

So you're not on good terms.

Others would be thankful. - Slightly Disapproves

Q2 Tell me about Nevarra (Codex Unlocked: Nevarra)

No approval changes

Q3 What happened to your brother?

Requires +35; if not enough she'll say she doesn't want to talk about it

No approval changes in first set of choices

It took many years to let go of my drive for vengeance.

I understand. - Slightly Approves

You blamed all mages?

You didn't let it go. - Slightly Disapproves

Q4 You worked for the Divine?

(Special) What is a Right Hand?

(Special) You believed in her. (adds Q5)

Q5 How did you become Right Hand?

No approval changes in first set of choices

Yet I became the Right Hand, and they are forgotten.

Q What became of the mages? (repeat)

(Romance) You're delightful. - Slightly Approves

You're still a hero.


Typical of the Chantry.

Tell me about the Seekers.

Q1 But what are Seekers? (adds Q4)

So you led the templars?

They did a bad job - Slightly Disapproves

Then who watched you?

(Special) Could that be fixed?

Q2 Why did the Seekers rebel?

(Special) You disagree?

It was inevitable.

Mages should be free. - Disapproves

I agree with you. - Slightly Approves

You care deeply about it.

Q3 How do you become a Seeker?

(Special) What is the vigil?

It does sound wonderful - Approves

Was it magic?

You were delirious. - Disapproves

Q4 What abilities do you have?

No approval changes

Let's talk about the Chantry.

No approval changes

So you're a romantic?

Skyhold, available after cutscene Swords & Shields...

It is passion. It is being swept away by the pursuit of an ideal. What is not to like about that?

(Romance) I like that you like it. - Slightly Approves

Nothing at all. - Slightly Approves

It's just unexpected.

You're wasting time. - Disapproves

Do you want to be Divine?

Skyhold, available after cutscene On Being Divine

Why should what I want matter?

No approval changes

So I look upon this as an opportunity. I owe it to myself and all of Thedas to seek the Sunburst Throne.

You'd make a good Divine. (Adds +5 for Cassandra in Divine Election.) - Approves

Perhaps there's another way. (Adds -1 for Cassandra in Divine Election.) - Slightly Approves

Forget the Chantry. (Adds -5 for Cassandra in Divine Election.) - Disapproves


The Tranquil Cure

After Promise of Destruction, requires Arcane Knowledge...

No approval changes

Unfinished Business

Kill first target with her in the party - Approves

Kill first target without her in the party - Approves

Cassandra Greatly Approves each time a target is killed, if she is in the active party.

Cassandra Approves each time a target is killed, if she is not in the active party.

In The Field

Approval changes only occur when Cassandra is in the active party unless otherwise noted.


Completing "Agrarian Apostate" - Slightly Approves

Speaking to Sister Tanner in Redcliffe Village during "Business Arrangements":

(Special) "Cassandra?" - Slightly Approves

(Special) "Varric?" - Slightly Disapproves

(Special) "You degrade the Chantry." (Bugged! Do not use!) - Slightly Approves

Completing "In the Elements" - Slightly Approves

Speaking to Speaker Anais for the first time in front of Winterwatch Tower to begin "Praise the Herald of Andraste":

"I believe I was chosen." - Slightly Approves

Recruiting Anais after completing "Praise the Herald of Andraste":

"Help the refugees." (Anais not recruited.) - Slightly Approves

"Spread word of the Inquisition." (Recruit Anais for Connections.) - Slightly Approves

Speaking to Lord Berand in Winterwatch Tower for "Love Waits":

"Join the Inquisition." (Recruits Berand for Forces.) - Slightly Approves

Completing "Shallow Breaths" - Slightly Approves

Speaking to Hyndel after completion of "Shallow Breaths":

(Special) "Go to your family." - Slightly Approves

Speaking to Ritts during the quest "Strange Bedfellows":

"This is a travesty." - Slightly Approves

Recruiting Ritts upon completion of "Strange Bedfellows":

(Underworld Knowledge or Dwarven Inquisitor) No. You have potential. - Slightly Approves

Recruiting Vale's Irregulars

"Recruit the skilled." (Recruit Vale's Irregulars for Forces.) - Approves (regardless of whether in the party or not)

"Grow our reputation." - Slightly Approves (regardless of whether in the party or not)


Speaking to Mayor Gregory Dedrick for the first time during "Still Waters":

"Please, let me help you." - Slightly Approves

Speaking to the two villagers in Red Horn Tavern during "Still Waters":

(Villager: We didn't know you were here, ser. Please don't tell anyone!) "I won't." - Slightly Disapproves

Speaking to the Spirit in Old Crestwood to initiate "Burdens of Command":

(Special) "Cassandra?" - Slightly Approves

"I'll do it." (Accepting the quest.) - Slightly Approves

Killing the nug family living in the Flooded Caves at the end of "Still Waters" - Slightly Disapproves

Exalted Plains

Speaking to Emalien after returning Valorin's effects to complete "Someone to Lose":

"Teenagers are stupid." - Slightly Disapproves

"Blood magic." - Slightly Approves

Emprise du Lion

Completing "Caged Confession" by giving the letter to Linette and choosing, "Louis killed your brother." - Slightly Approves

Speaking to Mistress Poulin at the end of "Quarry Quandary":

"People died because of you." - Slightly Approves

"Practical." - Slightly Disapproves

Cassandra Pentaghast Mini (3.5)


Jaws of Hakkon

Accepting Runa's offer to be included in her prayer at the end of "Up and Away" - Slightly Disapproves

Completing "The Loss of a Friend" by allowing Grandin to live - Disapproves

Completing "The Loss of a Friend" by killing Grandin - Slightly Approves

Recruiting Sigrid during "In Exile" - Slightly Disapproves

Speaking to Bram Kenric about the erasure of elves from Chantry history during "On Ameridan's Trail":

"That's normal." - Slightly disapproves


Speaking to the Inquisitor's party before leaving the Darvaarad and pursuing the Viddasala through the Eluvian near the end of the Trespasser quest:

(Solas Romance) "I have to save him." - Disapproves


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