This guide shows the simple & amazing process of making a Bush Hat.
Making The Bush Hat
The Process
You are going to need a Alchemy Engine, which is craftable at a Science Machine. A Science Machine can be crafted in the science tab, using 1 Gold Nugget, 4 Logs, and 4 Rocks. After you craft it, and place it somewhere you need to build a Alchemy Engine (Which is also in the science tab.) using it, which requires different things depending on what you are playing, If you are playing Don't Starve Together or DLCs then the recipe is 4 Boards, 2 Cut Stone, and 2 Electrical Doodads, However if you are playing Vanilla the recipe is 4 Boards, 2 Cut Stone, and 6 Gold Nuggets.
Onto the Bush Hat itself, You are going to need to make it at the Alchemy Engine, as mentioned before, it is in the Dress Tab and requires 1 Berry Bush, which you need to use a shovel to aquire, You also need a Straw Hat which is also made in the Dress Tab using 12 Cut Grass, The last thing you need is some rope, which is made with 3 cut grass. After you have all the materials you can make the hat.
Information About The Bush Hat
The main trick with the bush hat, is that it allows you to hide inside of it, to do that you need to click the right mouse button, while hovering over it, doing that again simply unequips the hat if you are disguised, your disguise is removed whenever you are walking aswell, this does not matter much if you do it on accident cause the Bush Hat's durability is infinite. Enemies will not target you unless they attack you before you disguised when you are hiding, this is quite effective to hide from Hound attacks.
I have taken 2 images from the wiki, the first one is Wilson wearing the bush hat, and the second one is a player hiding in the bush hat, compared to how a bush looks, player to the right.
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