1a: The Launderette And Office
Within the Launderette, there are 2 📃Journal pages and 2 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
When in the launderette:
None found
When in the launderette (post time glitch):
🧳There's a ring in the launderette on the left side washing machine closest to the door (Thanks to UnTw1sted)
📃There's a Journal page lying on the bench in the middle of the room
When in the office:
🧳The doctor's iconic '?' umbrella is located to the left of the desk!
📃There's an Improbable Fact page on the box to the left of the safe.
1b: Dalek Invaded London
In Dalek Invaded London, there are 3 📃Journal pages and 3 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
On The Street:
None found
Inside the Reception:
📃Following the room round anti-clockwise from the desk with the key, you can find another journal page on some shelves.
🧳Opposite the shelves with the page, on a hat-stand you can find the ninth doctor's iconic leather jacket.
The Junkyard:
📃After leaving the decking outside the reception, on top of a group of crates, barrels and bins with a floodlight sitting on them. There's a journal page resting on one of the crates.
The Container Maze:
🧳From the start where the crane and bus are, walk through the first red container, then the second. Walk around to enter the the red container in-front of you. Then, to your immediate right enter the blue container. Walk a 180 degree turn to your right again will be a green container containing a bowl of familiar food.
Workbench Yard:
📃There's another journal page right in-front of you as you pass through the arch into the workbench yard.
🧳Turn 180 degrees from the workbench and walk forward. On top a red box there's a cricket ball for you to find.
2a: Inside The TARDIS
There are 5 📃Journal pages and 1 🧳 Miniscope object to be found within the TARDIS (to my knowledge)
📃There's an improbable fact sheet to the right of the doorway on the TARDIS Miniscope.
📃📃📃📃There are four more journal sheets to the right of the Miniscope on the ground.
🧳 There's a familiar Matchbox sitting on one of the consoles (Thanks to MajoumeThunder)
3a: Lucia Minor - Exterior
In the exterior of Lucia Minor, there are 3 📃Journal pages and 2 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
In Daytime Lucia Minor:
None found
At the first campsite where the torch is found:
🧳Resting against the box is a familiar Baseball Bat.
📃There's another journal page resting in-front of the tent.
At the second side campsite:
🧳There is a familiar guitar at this small campsite.
At the end campsite, if you follow the CyberReaper vision away form the trail:
📃On top of the box here lies another journal entry.
🧳 There's also a familiar hat on-top of the tent here!
Within the cave at the top of the hill:
📃After entering the cave, travel down some steps to enter the first chamber. On one of the stones in front of you and to the left as you enter this chamber holds a journal page.
3b: Lucia Minor - Interior
In the interior of Lucia Minor, there is 1 📃Journal page is 1 🧳Miniscope object to be found (to my knowledge)
In the opening hallways of the ship:
📃You'll then come up against the locked door to the bridge. Next to it on a crate is another improbable fact!
In the laser room:
None found
Hallways after completing the laser room:
🧳In the room where you sonic the bright console to disable the gravity, float upwards through the hole. A familiar recorder will be floating around the room above.
🧳Through the door past the crate blockade, lying on a box to the right of the next door are some familiar 3D glasses.
The Zlyster's Room
📃There's a page on a seat to the left of the doorway after entering the Zlyster's room
The Bridge:
📃On a console to the lefthandside of the room, there's a journal page.
📃There's a page sitting on the right of the main console in the centre of the room.
None found
4a: Empty Streets Of Victorian London
On the empty streets of Victorian London, there are 2 📃Journal pages and 2 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
In the Park:
🧳On one of the pillars of the fountain, there will be an interesting goblet.
📃And, another improbable fact on the pillar next to it.
On the streets:
📃After leaving the park, walk forward to be looking down the alleyway with the abandoned cart. There's another note to the lefthand side of this entrance on a barrel.
🧳After walking through the alleyway with the abandoned cart and then walking left down the street, across the road in-front of you is a wanted poster for a familiar figure.
4b: The House Of Manfred Grayle
Inside the House of Manfred Grayle, there are 2 📃Journal pages and 2 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
On The Ground Floor:
None found
On The Second Floor:
🧳Turn right at the top of the stairs. On a dresser in-front of you is a strange hand.
🧳Turn right again from the dresser. Down the hallway, there's a rather familiar Sarcophagus.
📃And, a journal entry on the sofa next to it.
Within the drawing room (ransacked):
None found
Within the drawing room (in the past):
📃There's a journal entry on the windowsil behind the phonograph
📃There's another on the opposite side of the room on the bookshelf
📃And a third to the right of the fireplace
4c: The Crypt Of Manfred Grayle
I have yet to find any items in the Crypt, despite deliberately taking some incorrect paths. Let me know if you have found some items here.
5a: The Temple Of The First
Inside the Temple of The First, there are 3 📃Journal pages and 1 🧳Miniscope object to be found (to my knowledge)
Before the time glitch:
🧳 Right before you try sonic-ing the square panel, to the right on a stone is a familiar helmet (Thanks to RadioBlade)When sneaking through the temple:
📃 In the first room with a door and a control panel, there's a page to the left on a barrel
📃 In the first room with a Dalek, there's a page on the barrier in-front of you as you enter,
📃 When you reach the bridge area, there's a page on a piece of pillar to your left.
When inside the Dalek Casing:
None found
6a: Confronting The First
📃 There is one page here, on the balcony to your left. Or, you can pick it up and see it when in the scenes, as I happened to.
7a: A Return To The Laundrette
Inside the Laundrette (again), there are 3 📃Journal pages and 3 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
Inside the Laundrette:
📃 There is a journal page lying on the floor to one side of the bench.
📃 There's another page on the pillar at the back of the room.
🧳 To the left of the newspaper holders is a laundry basket, underneath which is a familiar phone. Well, familiar to fans of MazyTheory :D (Thanks to MajoumeThunder)Inside the Manager's Office:
📃 There's a page on the bench below the fusebox.
🧳 There's a familiar fez and bow tie on the shelf next to the fusebox.
🧳 There's a familiar scarf hanging up by the back door.
7b: Cyberman Invaded London
In the Cyberman invaded London, there are just 1 📃Journal page and 1 🧳Miniscope object to be found (to my knowledge)
📃 There's a page inside a yellow container. To reach it, after passing through the hole in the wall from the street with the Laundrette, walk through the grey container and you should find the yellow one with the page.
🧳 After using the sonic on the Cyberman head, it becomes a collectable which you can pick up! (Thanks to RadioBlade)
8a: The Cybership
In the Cybership, there are 3 🧳Miniscope objects to be found (to my knowledge)
🧳 The Cybermat can be found in the first small storage room after you exit the bridge where you start. It's to the left on a crate.
🧳 Some familiar goggles can be found to the left of the walkway in the room where you re-unite with the doctor.
🧳 At the far end of the Cyberman conversion chamber, past the Cyberman at the control panel is a familiar gun. (Thanks to ManjoumeThunder)
9a: The Chasoverse
There does seem to be pages in the Chaosverse, but I seem to be unable to collect them despite clicking on them. This may be a bug in the present version of the game, but I'll keep an eye on the patch-notes and update the guide if anything changes.
There is, however, 2 🧳Miniscope objects to be found!
In the third Chaosverse area:
🧳When you walk up a green ramp, head to the rightmost path and there'll be a familiar helmet resting on top of a box. (Thanks to RadioBlade)
🧳 When you've been chased up past the mini-waterfall, you'll find a fountain. Resting on the edge there is a familiar fob watch.
Currently Missing
📃I'm not sure which of the pages I'm missing as they are not listed in total, but as I haven't yet received the achievement for finding them all, I'm certainly still missing some.
If you know where any more pages are, do leave a comment so I can add it to the guide!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2629162037
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